
Chapter 1

Once upon a time in New Town, a metropolis known for its neon-colored brutalist architecture. A place that could transport us to a cyberpunk movie from the 80s, given the characteristics of its gigantic elements that dwarf the human scale. The huge buildings and wide streets, always deserted under a perpetually cloudy sky, create a saddening and cold atmosphere.

However, this story is not about the city and its architectural gifts. This story takes us to the top of an apartment tower at number 21 Baker Street, where we will meet the young Magdalena Hernández. A very curious name for an apartment in constant contrast with its not at all warm and fluffy surroundings.

Magdalena Hernández, like so many nights, lay in her apartment completely asleep. Wow, what a novelty! This was due to her night job on the dark streets of New City Center, a job that required great physical effort and also paid very well for a girl as charming as her. Magdalena, at 1.60 meters tall and with white hair tipped with pink, caught the attention of anyone who saw her. Although it might seem unusual to see a 25-year-old girl with white hair, this was due to a hereditary condition called poliosis. However, Magdalena had known how to take advantage of her uniqueness, always keeping her hair silky and well-groomed.

Beyond her distinctive hair, Magdalena was a brunette woman with light green eyes, a combination that made her even more fascinating. But what really captured her attention were her generous hips that gave her a unique figure, almost like a guitar, although with a peculiar touch. Her hips were noticeably wide from left to right, but shorter from top to bottom, giving her a characteristic that did not go unnoticed.

After a long day of rest, Magdalena finally woke up and muttered to herself:

- I was having such a wonderful dream!

She got out of bed, ready to face a new day, although she couldn't resist the temptation to snuggle for a few more minutes between the sheets.

- Aaah! I'm very sleepy! But... I'm also hungry.

As she thought about breakfast, she wondered what would be ideal to start her day.

- Should I make myself some scrambled eggs or maybe I should eat that delicious chocolate cake that I promised myself I wouldn't make?

Finally, she opted for eggs, thinking it would be a healthier option. She walked into the small kitchen and opened the refrigerator.

- Eggs, eggs, eggs... There they are!

With a smile, she took the eggs and emptied them into a frying pan.

- Nothing like a good breakfast in the morning. And this looks delicious!

In Mexico, breakfasts are usually abundant, and many times lunch is skipped or something light is eaten. So, following this custom, Magdalena prepared her breakfast and, after enjoying it, she joyfully exclaimed:

- Well, “full belly, happy heart.” It's time to go sunbathing!

She dressed in clothes more suitable for going out, leaving behind the underwear and the small tank top she had slept in. She chose some jeans and a blue top, grabbed her bag from the couch and left, ready to wander the streets of the New City Center.

Thi s story is an adaptation of the comic Lobilla that I am currently releasing on my Patreon or in the subscription here on DeviantArt.If you like, you can support me by subscribing and discovering this and many more comics about female weight gain.
Soon there will be more continuations of this story every six days completely free. So don't despair.
https://www.patreon.com/ultimatejoseli n
7 chapters, created 3 months , updated 3 weeks
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