Big Boy, Short Story

Chapter 1 - The Only Chapter

His bloated reflection completely filled the medicine cabinet mirror so he didn’t see them stealthily sneaking up from behind, that is until they delivered a thunderous slap to his left butt cheek, sending ripples and shockwaves through the two hundred pounds of soft jiggly fat he’d added to his already fat form since moving in just two short years ago.

“Didn’t see me coming did you Big Boy? But I just couldn’t resist those juicy round cheeks of yours … when you moved in you carried all your tonnage in your belly but now you’re just massive all over … and I mean ALL OVER … here let me give my blubbery boyfriend a quick tour …”

At that, they reached their arms as far as they could around the vast circumference of his belly (“love this belly, we’ll need to measure this today to see if you’re over six feet around yet”). Then they shifted their hands to his swollen stretch marked moobs (“oh babe, your tits have just gotten so massive … I swear they’re bigger now than that old 400-pound girlfriend of yours and she what, a triple J cup?”).

By then moaning at their soft touch against his sensitive nipples, they moved on to his broad fat-encrusted shoulders and his meaty upper arms that hid any muscle tone he once may have possessed.

And then they moved their hands downward, asking him “do you realize that your front boobs now reach all the around so you now have back boobs too? They’re so delicious but I think I like your massive love handles even more, the way they reach around front and join with your giant saggy bottom roll … you know if you put on another fifty pounds that thing is gonna completely cover your knees!”

“That feels SO good,” he finally spoke. “I know it does Tubby and I just love playing with all your rolls and folds and bulges, and the way it gives you pleasure!”

“Please keep it up,” he pleaded.

They giggled— “you mean my massage or my endless feedings or the incredible sex, what do you want me to keep up Fatty? TELL ME!”


“Very well, your wish is my command, Your Lardship … now turn around and let me work on that saggy baggy belly a bit more. But first, wait here a second …”

They stepped away and returned bearing a silver tray with a half dozen extra large chocolate eclairs stacked high.

The fat boyfriend’s eyes bulged at the sight and his cock instantly grew rigid under his panniculus, the one they mentioned was hanging precariously close to his knees.

“I love you baby — I was so hungry!”

“When aren’t you hungry?”

“Good point, I suppose.”

“Don’t worry Two Ton, these will all be in your belly soon enough, now open up wide!”

They proffer the first eclair and he takes a giant bite with chocolate icing and vanilla custard smearing his lips, cheeks, and chins.

“You can’t believe how much it turns me on to see you eat like this — you’re such fat mess! Now kiss me Fatty and let me taste all that chocolate and custard goodness … you’re so delicious and I can literally see you getting fatter in front of me!”

“I can feel it making me fatter, so keep shoving ‘em in —I want, no I NEED for you to make me the fat man I’ve always dreamed of being!”

“Here goes then Big Boy — now pretend you’re going down on me and suck the custard out of this bad boy … let me see you use your tongue then suck it all out Fatty …that’s so sexy I’m actually getting wet, Oh God … now grab the remains with both hands and cram it all in your mouth at once … and here’s another … now grab your rolls with your chocolate-covered hands and give them a big shake while I feed you eclair #4 … that’s it my messy Piggy … now let me lick that mess of your belly before I stuff the last two in you!”

“But Baby, I’m full and fit to burst …”

“Are you telling me that my gluttonous boyfriend can’t polish off a mere half dozen eclairs?”

#5 was down in two giant bites and #6 in three, as they caressed his tight swollen upper belly and played with his super soft lower belly and panniculus.

“You’re just such an obedient feeder, doing whatever your feeder orders … now lift that underbelly for me and let it drop … again (she squeeled with delight) … now shake your hips and let it sway back and forth for a few times …”

“Babe, I hate to interrupt but I really gotta sit down …”

“OK, you’re just so pathetically out of shape … just a total blimp … but let’s get you on the scale first and see if you’ve reached your two year goal … “

He gingerly balances his bulk on the bathroom scale hoping it won’t break in half after his latest gains at the hands of his relentless feeder.

Not able to see the result over the crest of his enormously curved upper belly, he impatiently asks “so?”

With a huge smile on their face they deliver a playful slap to his ridiculously protruding belly, again sending ripples and waves throughout … “my Rotund Romeo, we need to buy you a new scale ‘cause you maxed this 500-pound model out! … I’m thinking we need to get you an industrial thousand pound capacity model — what do you think Lardo?”

He just smiled and asked “can you fix me breakfast now?”

“I’m so happy your hunger has returned so quickly!”

Patting his belly for emphasis and giving his bottom roll another good shake, he responded “I’ll definitely need the thousand pound model if I spend two more years living with you!”

“Think how much fun it will be Fat Boy!”
1 chapter, created 1 month , updated 1 month
13   1   2785

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Juicy 1 month
That was fun! I assumed they were gay lovers at first, so finding out the feeder was a woman was a lovely surprise, though it was already so arousing it didn't really matter. Thanks for that!
Fat Fiji 1 month
You’re welcome!