The American Dream (a Short Story)

  By SunSam  

Chapter 1 - The American Dream

All Americans have their own dream. Most people want to get rich quick, some want stable lives with a stable income, but some... They just want to eat!

One person in particular who just wanted to eat was named Kaylee. She grew up in a family who were major health nuts. They would make her go vegan, even though they aren't vegan themselves, and Kaylee was just 5 pounds away from being classified asunder weight; making her 127 pounds. She was always grounded whenever she was caught with a sweet of some kind, any meat, or just anything tastier than a vegetable. But that all changed when she turned 18.

Kaylee was a straight A student, and was on the honor roll. She did this so she could choose any college she wanted, and get away from her health nut parents. She wanted to be completely alone. Once the school year was coming to a close, she was getting offers for colleges all around the nation. Her parents wanted her to be a doctor or a scientist, but she always wanted to be an actress.

Eventually, she found a school across the country in California, and she would be able to become a Hollywood Actress, her dreams were finally coming true. She packed her things and made her way across the country, spending days driving alone, with her only entertainment being a radio, and any restaurants along the way. Kaylee found a place along the way called Bill's Burgers, they had all kinds of fatty and greasy food she loved.

Kaylee's favorite meal there was a full pound burger, and a "bucket" of cheese curds which was really given in a 32 oz cup. She wasn't able to finish it all, but she was able to make it a few meals while she was driving. Sometimes, if it didn't taste right, she would just throw it away, and get a new burger. Kaylee's second favorite burger was the cheese curd burger, which was a normal quarter pound burger that was covered in cheese, then deep fried. She would get fries with this one as she didn't want to over do it with the cheese. Her third favorite was the breakfast burger. It was a quarter pound burger that had bacon and sausage on top, gravy, and was between two oversized biscuits to make the buns. Anytime Kaylee ordered the breakfast burger, she would sit inside the restaurant, because she didn't want to get her car messy.

With all of her consistent stops and snacks, Kaylee made it to the college, with a new appetite and craving for junk food. The campus has over 28 restaurants. 8 of which were cafes, 10 were burger joints (one being Bill's), 2 cafeterias, 4 pizza places, and 4 Chinese restaurants. She would eat at one of these places at least twice a day for the first few months.

While she ate and ate, the men, and some of the women on campus took notice of her physique, and who could blame them? She was filling out in all the right places, she was getting perkier, thicker, and still had little to no belly fat. She would often hang out with the cowboy group of kids, getting acting lessons from them, and embracing the "Old West Culture" as seen in the movies. She would often wear tight jeans to show her sexy thick thighs and ass that most models would kill for. Kaylee would wear a cowgirl vest with a button up shirt under it to show off her plump and round breasts that most people wouldn't know were hand crafted by God himself. She even wore the boots and hat to compliment it all, even wearing a belt, even though she didn't need it.

Her and her group would often go out, partying, drinking, eating, and shooting guns at a gun range off campus. The Western Group adored their newest member, and she adored them back, seven fold. She loved to eat, and they loved paying for her meals. Whenever they would play Poker, 80% of the time, she would be the winner, some people believed it was because the card dealers always favored her.

All that partying would catch up with her. Her pants would grow tighter, her button up shirts wouldn't close fully at the top, she would go braless more often, and her midsection was slowly filling out. She 155 pounds, which wasn't fat or over weight, but she wasn't stopping anything. Honestly, she didn't seem to care, in fact, all she did about it was get new clothes and tell her friends "I'm finally filling out" and they celebrated with her.... And that was just the first few months.

After the first semester hit, everyone who could go home, went home, but not Kaylee, she stayed in Hollywood for winter break, ate, partied, and even did some photo shoots as side work. All of which were unintentionally showing her progression from her gluttony. She still had her addiction for fast food, and she craved more over the next few months.

Kaylee's pants kept growing tighter, and her shirts kept getting smaller, but she always bought more clothes. The partying never stopped, and neither did the eating. She went to a fast food place at least 3 times a day, 5 being her new average. They watched as a muffin top began to form over her jeans, but most people were too focused on her ass that would take up an average office chair, and her cleavage which could have been mistaken for small mellons at their size. They kept encouraging her to party, and she never stopped.

By the beginning of her sophomore year, Kaylee was huge, she was now a whopping 220 pounds, and was officially obese. Her plump thighs had a good jiggle to them, her breasts were full and could be watermelons, and her belly was starting to develop rolls. Kaylee was invited to fewer parties, but she still hung out with her friends, and she was always the life of the party. Many people were attracted to her huge assets, some even encouraged her to keep going, wanting her sexually, and she conceded to them..

Each day, she slowly seemed to be growing bigger and bigger. The little "favors", the "small gifts", the expensive dates, and even the men and women she desired, all adding up. Kaylee was known by most men on campus, even some of the teachers, but few actually got to see her in a bed in a hotel room. People would line up to just even see this development, some picked on her, but most didn't care, as long as the wrong junk went to the right places, the lustful adventures continued.

One day, Kaylee hit it big, and got an actual role as a model for the Play Boy, Hypebeast, Alpha Beast, and many more. She was mainly on the plus sized side of them, but she didn't care, she was getting paid big, for being big. This would only encourage her to keep growing along with her career.

Eventually, it all caught up to her, and she was fired for being too fat for her modeling career. She did not care at all, she was still able to live the good life thanks to fans online. Many people adored her 335 pound body, watching her ass jiggling as she sat down on the couch cousin she took up, barely covering the tits on her breasts which were the size of beach balls, and the small pouch of rolls that helped her breasts appear perkier. She loved the attention she was getting from her fans, and fed the fire inside her. A fire wasn't the only thing inside her, fast food from Bill's Burgers, and any guest star for her online career, sometimes she even had two guests at once.

After she hit 400 pounds, Kaylee didn't have many guests for lust, the new guests were there to feed her, and pamper her. She would often go with them to pools for photo shoots, restaurants, and even parties again. She felt like her old self, but, she loved the new attention she was getting, even if she had to special order her clothes.

Kaylee never stopped, in fact, she is still going. She is now 468 pounds, and she loves her life, she loves the pampering, the sex, and the private parties she is always invited to. People mainly wanted her due to how voluminous her thighs were and how they took up two cousins on the couch, and how her breasts were bigger than most people's head, some say that three people could comfortably fit on her. Well, there's Kaylee now, having her third full pound burger, in her new boyfriend's sauna, not having a care in the world, and just enjoying life.
1 chapter, created 3 weeks , updated 3 weeks
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