Chapter 1 - Weighing My Choices
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Monday came fast, dragging me back into my daily routine at the place that was slowly becoming my second home, Dumburger. I slipped into my uniform, now too tight around my hips and waist, and prepared to face another workday. The day began just like any other: taking orders, serving customers, and managing the rush hours. But there was a thought I couldn’t shake off, one I thought I had put behind me.
Now and then, between orders, his words would resurface in my mind, how he had looked at me while I ate, his comments on my body. What kind of person does things like that? Did he really like girls who gained weight? It was absurd, even creepy. The more I thought about it, the more everything about his behavior seemed unhealthy, even though yesterday, I had accepted it without really grasping the full weight of what it meant.
Hours dragged by until lunch, the moment when I could finally take a few minutes to relax with Tammy and Sasha, my coworkers. We found ourselves in the small, cramped break room. Tammy was her usual upbeat self, while Sasha absentmindedly flipped through the week’s menu. Meanwhile, I felt a wave of anxiety at the thought of choosing what to order.
Tammy glanced at me with a curious smile. "Hey, Jasmine, you okay? You’re kind of distracted today. Something happened?"
I nodded, hesitating for a moment. "Yeah, I’m fine... it’s just that, well, I’m trying to figure out what to eat. After everything you two have told me about the food here, I don’t want to end up looking like a hot-air balloon. I’ve been eating the jumbo menu and milkshakes for three weeks, and just look at me." I placed a hand on my now sagging and protruding belly and looked at both of them for advice. "So, what do you think I should order?"
Sasha smiled gently, pointing to an option on the menu. "I usually keep things simple. I go for the grilled chicken sandwich, no mayo, and a small salad. Sometimes I add a bottle of water, but no sodas or milkshakes. They’re loaded with sugars and... whatever that weird stuff is."
Her answer made sense, but there was something I couldn’t ignore. "But you’ve gained weight too, eating so little here, right? You’re slimmer than Tammy, but..."
Sasha nodded, shrugging her shoulders with a resigned look. "Yeah, I’ve gained a little weight. I started with a bit more than you, and in six months here I’ve put on another 15 pounds, despite trying to stick to healthier options. Well, donuts are my weakness... sometimes I let myself have one... Okay, maybe two."
I stared at Sasha for a moment, incredulous. "So why do you keep eating here all this time? Haven’t you noticed the hormonal effect?"
Sasha sighed and lowered her gaze. "It’s not just that... between the taste of the food, which is practically irresistible, and the paycheck I need for school, I end up staying here. I know it’s not the best for my health, but sometimes you don’t have many options when you’ve got other stuff to deal with..."
Her words made me think, but before I could reply, Tammy spoke up. She had an ironic smile on her face, like she was enjoying watching my confusion.
"Well, I eat everything here and feel great!" Tammy exclaimed, feigning innocence. "I usually go for the large menu, milkshake, fries... anything that fills me up good. And look at me: I’m doing just fine, right?"
Something about her tone didn’t sit right with me. I examined her, skeptical. "Really? You’ve eaten that much and you’re still like this? I’ve gained over 30lbs in three weeks and you, who’s always here, don’t seem to be affected as much."
Tammy laughed openly, shrugging like she didn’t care. "What can I say? Maybe I’ve got a faster metabolism than you. Or maybe I’m just lucky!"
I knew she was lying. Tammy never ate here, even though she denied it, I had never seen her touch any food, even though I thought she did at first. Ever since she figured out about the hormones and fats, she always brought her own food. Still, she took pleasure in watching me struggle with my growing weight, almost like a revenge for all those rude comments I made when I first started at Dumburger. I didn’t fully understand why, nor could I prove she didn’t eat here, but there was something in her words that left me questioning whether I should believe her or not. Maybe that doubt was enough to lower my defenses about the food here, which wasn’t exactly a healthy sign.
After a brief moment of hesitation, I turned to Sasha. "I think I’ll follow your lead. A light meal will be more than enough for me."
Sasha smiled, clearly pleased with my decision. "Good call. You’ll feel fuller for longer with a meal like that, and it won’t overload you with calories and hormones."
As I walked to the counter to place my lunch order, Tammy gave me a disappointed look, almost like she had hoped I’d cave in to the heavier menu.
Sasha smiled again, satisfied with the choice I'd made.
Contemporary Fiction
Friends/Family Reunion
Medical/Scientific Experiments
Mutual gaining
Weight gain
First person
11 chapters, created 3 weeks
, updated 1 day