Chapter 1 - Part 1
Everyone who thought they knew Emily was surprised to see that a guy like me could land her. A cute, prim and proper straight A student, and one of the best at Covington College. I was none of those things. Most of the time, I wouldn’t be caught dead in class, and the last time I was even considered an honor student would’ve been the second grade. That was what everyone thought, anyway. The way I met her changed everything about her to me and set us up for the most fun either of us would’ve had in our lives.It all started on a forum. I have some… odd things I enjoy, let’s say. When it comes to women, let’s just say that I like them big. And getting bigger. So, as one does, I frequent forums for degenerates like me. Mostly for the pictures, but sometimes we swap recipes, especially the particularly tasty and fatty variety. That’s how I found CovingtonCutie there. She was someone looking to put on a little- but more likely a lot- of weight as quickly as possible. We were all suggesting recipes, and she seemed to be getting more and more excited with every post. That’s when the pictures came. Nothing with her face, obviously, but her tits and the little pot belly she’d built up since she came to college. I’d have thought nothing of it, lots of girls do that on there for attention, but one of the pictures got it from me, whether I meant for it to or not. A Covington University flag, combined with her name, let me know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was here on campus right now.
That kicked me into doing something. It’s rare to see someone with similar kinks so close to me, and I figured we could at least hang if nothing comes of it. The worst thing she could say is no, after all. So I shot her a DM. I wracked my brain for a few minutes to figure out exactly what I should type so I don’t sound creepy and settled on “Hey, I saw that flag in the background of one of your pics. You go to Covington too?”
And then I waited. I browsed the forum, wrote down a few recipes, stuff I might be able to use, but for the most part just stuff I might try making for myself. Some of it sounded pretty good. It took almost long enough for me to forget I even sent a message to get a reply, and that was “Oh fuck I didn’t think I’d find someone online at my university,”
I chuckled a little and shot back, “It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone. Tbh it’s just cool to see someone that’s into gaining on campus. What’s your major?”
This reply came a lot faster, she definitely was excited now, “I’m in Accounting. Something easy that pays decent. Makes all this easy. You?”
I honestly had forgotten my major at this point. I think the only reason I’m still in college and passing is because I test well and I’d rather be here than at home, “Still thinking about it,”
Finally after a few minutes, I thought she lost interest, but a final message came up, and I felt a rush of excitement when I read it. It just said, “Wanna get dinner?”
I couldn’t believe my luck! Not only did I find a girl online close to me, SHE ASKED ME OUT! I almost forgot to type a reply because I was getting changed into decent pants and my least pungent shirt. I said yes and started looking for my long neglected cologne. About a minute later she gave me a location. An all you can eat buffet near the campus. I’d go there sometimes when I was short on cash and hadn’t eaten in a bit, and now I’m gonna take a girl there. My heart raced as I left. I shot my roommate a text letting him know I was out and hoping to not come back tonight.
I walked fast to the buffet, and admittedly stood there for so long some people were looking at me like I was gonna shoot the place up. I almost thought I was gonna get stood up, but imagine my surprise when a girl I recognized was walking up to me. Emily Osborne. She was wearing a tight dress that hugged her features and showed off every curve on her, and seemed to be working overtime to stay together around her middle. I could still see her in her bra and panties from the pictures she was sending, and it took me a second to adjust. Her dark hair was tied in a cute updo, and she wore a small leather jacket that matched the dress. Fucking. Jackpot. I looked at her long enough for her to realize I was her date and said, “If I had known you were gonna dress casual, I’d have worn something different,”
After I located my jaw on the ground and righted it, I realized that in my ironic t-shirt and jeans, I was way underdressed, “Yeah, sorry. I don’t really have anything nice,”
“It’s okay, not everyone does,” She said. Hot and nice. I think I won the lottery.
We went in and I paid for our meals, and we started to talk. I can’t remember for the life of me what about, because as soon as we sat down, Emily went and made a heaping plate to started eating. She was ravenous. As I finished my first plate, she was already on to her third, going to town like someone was going to take it from her if she didn’t. I don’t think I can ever forget the way her belly started to strain against her dress after the fourth helping. Once I stopped staring, I had to ask, “So what got you into this exactly?”
“Are you complaining?” She said between bites as she did for most of dinner, “It’s hot, I think it’s fun, and my parents aren’t here to stop me,”
It was then and there I decided that I needed to be with this girl. She was perfect.
“What about you?” She asked, “Don’t most guys go for the skinny bimbo type?”
I never really thought about it. I’ve just always kinda liked it. A nice soft belly, big tits, a fat ass, what’s not to love? And it was fun to get more of the same girl, I guess.
“I think I just want more of a good thing,” I said, desperately hoping that I was being smooth and that I wouldn’t just be a free meal for Emily.
“You’re cute,” She said after a minute. By this point her dress was hanging on for dear life and we figured we should get out of here. As we were leaving and walking back to the dorms, Emily said the hottest thing I could possibly imagine, “Wanna get some pizza and see if we can pop this dress off?”
If she weren’t already feeling sluggish after the meal, I’d have probably ran with Emily back to the dorms. I pulled out my phone and ordered two pizzas from a local place that gave a discount to students, and we walked back to Emily’s apartment. It would’ve taken the hands of God himself to pull my eyes off that woman, so it took me a minute to realize we were in her apartment. We hung out for a bit while we waited for the pizza, talking some more, about our favorite movies and shows. We had a lot in common, and at thirty minutes on the dot, the pizzas arrived. She sat down on the couch and beckoned me over. I set down the pizzas on the table near us and sat down next to her. The way she was looking at me told me everything I needed to do. I opened a box and pulled out the first slice, offering it to Emily and she greedily accepted. I felt a rush I never had before, in all directions but mostly down. After less than a minute she swallowed the pizza, and was wanting more. I obliged, grabbing another slice from the box, and she pounced on it.
About a million thoughts went through my head at once. Fuck this is hot. What do I do? Do I say anything? I realized one thing at that moment: I had no idea what I was doing. She was almost done with her second slice and I knew that I had to do something, I just wasn’t sure what. I went for another, when she said, “Touch me,”
I grabbed one more out of the box, and she ate, my other hand reaching down to her belly. I rubbed it back and forth. It felt tight, full. Like it was about to rip through the fabric of her dress at any second. Emily and I both kept going, and she let out a moan. The first time I’d ever hear that in person, and God I wanted more. I kept going, reaching up to her tits, still perky and firm. A thought hit me. I want to see them bigger. She grabbed her own slice this time and continued eating, and I went to town, feeling every new inch of Emily. Her belly was really full, and I was chomping at the bit to see it.
The bad news at this point is that she neither finished the pizzas nor popped out of the dress, but off it came anyway. It felt like time skipped between me sitting next to her, rubbing her rounding belly, to me on top of her, us kissing furiously, our tongues exploring new territory, mine tasting pizza. She was wearing the same mismatched bra and panties she was earlier when she was taking the pictures, but now she almost looked a few months pregnant with how much we stuffed in her. Now it was my turn to be ravenous, the kiss getting deeper and more passionate as my hands moved around and caressed every inch of her.
Emily was in ecstasy, with little moans and movements that told me almost exactly where to go and what to do. I couldn’t believe this was happening, but damn was I ready for it. It wasn’t long before my hand found its way down far enough that it slipped into her panties and started fiddling around with whatever it found. This made Emily move and writhe even faster, and she moaned louder. I had an idea and sat up a little, without removing my hand, and used the other to grab another piece of pizza. I fed it to her while I played with her, and she seemed even greedier now, almost attacking it between moans.
“How’s it taste?” I asked, hoping desperately that that wouldn’t ruin the mood.
“So fucking good,” She said.
Once she finished that, Emily moved herself up, a task made more difficult by how round she was at the moment, and put her hands on my chest, pushing me down. I laid on my back and watched her move downward, undoing the buttons on my jeans and kissing everything she found on her way down. Each time her lips touched my skin it felt like little jolts of electricity shooting out in every direction. Emily unzipped my fly and moved my boxers to claim her prize. The first touch was unlike anything I’ve ever felt, making me move my hips just wanting her to keep going.
“Never done this before?” She asked, shooting a grin at me that made me even more excited, “Don’t worry, I’ll make this memorable for you,”
I didn’t have too much time to think about what she said before she opened her mouth wide and wrapped her perfect, plump lips around my shaft. The second she started bobbing her head, it felt like I was going crazy. I’d seen this plenty of times in porn, but holy shit I never expected it to be this good. Every movement sent shivers up my spine and made me feel like I was going to explode. I knew I needed to hold back, but I almost didn’t want to. Once Emily had had her fun there, she sat back up, still a fairly labored action, and looked me over, finally saying, “Now get over here, I’m not done yet,”
I knew what she meant, and while I lacked the experience, I was gonna do my best regardless. I laid her down, and stripped the last remaining clothes off of her, finally bearing everything. She was pretty pale all around, but it really showed under her clothes. She must not be very outdoorsy. I took my shirt off, something that didn’t really impress, but I didn’t care, because I had a beautiful woman with a big stuffed belly laying naked in front of me. I leaned over and kissed her again, my hand trying to awkwardly guide myself in, and I didn’t know what I was looking for until holy shit I felt it. Wet and warm and the most pleasurable thing I’ve experienced in my life, sending even bigger shockwaves all through me than her mouth ever did. I leaned even further into the kiss and she did the same, my hands finding every curve of her body, especially her belly, and every thrust I imagined what she’d feel like after a few more dates A few more feedings. I needed to find out. I needed her.
My mind went blank, all that was there was motion and touch and ecstasy and everything in between and it was just me and Emily and for a few minutes there was nothing there but us. Even with the space I needed to thrust, I could still feel her belly brush up against me every so often, and that sent me into fits. All I needed was her. I kept thrusting and Emily kept writing and moaning and that only encouraged me to go faster and faster until eventually the moment came and I froze with just how much pure, unadulterated pleasure was coursing through me. I couldn’t even pull out because it sent waves through me, and when it finally subsided, I finally leaned back and Emily gave one last moan and went limp for a minute.
“You done that before?” Emily asked after she had caught her breath.
“Nope, you?”
She held her hand up and I helped her stand, she gestured to the bedroom and I followed her. She stopped me in my tracks before I could get too far, “Bring the pizza,”
I stopped and picked up what remained of the pizza and we went to her bedroom. It was cozy, a neat study space, with the Covington U flag on the wall that caused all this to happen. Thanks, CU! We curled up in her bed, a little awkward given her belly being so full she couldn’t cuddle all the way up to me and the fact she only had a double bed. She grabbed a remote off her nightstand and turned on the TV, and we cuddled and watched Friends reruns on Netflix for a while. When she started to feel hungry again, I started to feed the pizza, rubbing her belly and enjoying every second of this.
“So you have fun?” Emily asked, looking up at me from her headrest on my bare chest.
“I did, did you?”
“Oh, hell yes,” She paused for a moment, listening to Ross say something unfunny, and then looked back up at me, “You wanna do this again?”
I didn’t even need to think, “Obviously, why wouldn’t I?”
“I had to make sure. I’d have to kill you if you didn’t. You know too much,” She gave me that grin again and it made my heart leap. She was just as cute as she was sexy.
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
First person
2 chapters, created 17 hours
, updated 17 hours