Feeding the girl at work

  By M4nx

Chapter 3 - i dont know what i want...


"I don't know what I want..." Ramona said, "I'll order" Justin replied. "Oooo, I like a man who takes charge." She said flirtatiously. "Welcome to mcdonalds, how can I help you?"
"Yes, can I have four sausage egg and cheese mcgriddle meals with chocolate milk and 2 ultimate breakfasts." Ramonas knees bent inward and her hands went to her lap, Justin took notice,

"I love chocolate milk." She said. They pulled up to the window. "This is a big order for breakfast" the attendant said as he rang them out. Ramona leaned over Justin and said, "We have a hungry mouth to feed." Inadvertently touching his massive erection. She acted as though she didn't realize she felt it, but she most certainly did and it excited her more. Justin knew she must have felt it, but didn't press the issue. "You guys have a great day." The attendant said, "You too." Ramona replied.

The store

By the time they had reached the clothing store, Ramona's buttons were on their last life. "Oh my gosh, this shirt isn't going to work. I'll be right back." She walked to the stock room in the back to change shirts eating the last bite of her third mcgriddle.

Justin looked in the bag, there was only one Mcgriddle left. That's four hashbrowns, 2 ultimate breakfasts, four 8oz bottles of chocolate milk and 3 mcgriddles. Ramona strolls back into the main room of the clothing store, "You're not eyeing my mcgriddle are you mister?"

She now had a larger shirt on which the buttons didn't strain. "I would never think of it. I know better than to get between a hungry girl and her food." Ramona made her way over to Justin grabbing the Mccgriddle out of the bag, "That's right." She takes a bite and pushes him against the counter with her belly pressing against his crotch. "And this girl is ALWAYS hungry."

She eats half of the mcgriddle with one bite. As she swallows she feels his erection press against her belly. "What are we having for lunch Justin?" Justin wants to bend her over the counter so bad that he doesn't even comprehend what she's saying. "What ever you want." He says. "Good, because I have a special request."
54 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Rstlne 8 years
good start.
M4nx 8 years
More to come.
Feedher3000 8 years
More please!!!
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