Weight gain stories

weight gain


Katie, the newest live-in maid at the Prudkeeph manor, is caught sneaking creampuffs from the kitchen on her first day. Lord Edward decides the only fitting punishment is to make her into a creampuff of his own...   More ▼

The Professor

A young genius dawns the name ‘The Professor’ after being inspired by the TV show Doctor Who, creating a sort of TARDIS of her own which she uses as her lab. However, unlike the TARDIS, hers is just a box on the surface with a series of underground ro   More ▼

En Deshabille

New release. If you liked the relationship in The Melting Point but wished for more explicit stuffing, enjoy! As an American writing for my British lover, I did not realize until rereading that I spelled certain words for his eyes: realise & centres.   More ▼

Big Beefy Businesswoman

Caroline inherits her father’s company after he moves on to pastures new. But she soon discovers that he cast a spell to mould her into a woman she dreamed of: a behemoth known as Big Caz.   More ▼

It's a Wonderful, Fatty Life

A typically morning routine for Sammie makes her appreciate her wife and the feeder life she has.   More ▼

My Dream Scenario

A day in the life of my future feedee   More ▼

Rise of the Queen

After Rose loses her job her parents kick her out. Although her independence has expanded, her waistline is about to have an expansion of its own.   More ▼

I Could Not Recognize Her!

TRUE STORY!! This time I am telling a true story. It's about the massive gain Lucy, a girl I used to go to school with went trough in the last 5 years.   More ▼

Growing Love Affair....with Food!

Maisie was a skinny girl, doubt about it but she was to meet a guy who would change all that   More ▼

Sara and Megan - Twinspansion!

Twins are linked by an interesting genetic weight dynamic.   More ▼