“deleted Scenes”

Chapter 1 - The closet: original ending part 1

Becca and Naomi spent every available moment of the next week together. Naomi basically moved into Becca’s apartment. But then the semester came to an end. And Becca had to leave for Home. They tried to keep in touch over the summer, but after 2 months of not seeing each other, Naomi just stopped answering her phone. Becca was crushed, but the love they had faded and became a fling. Becca went back next fall with new girl in her arm. Of course she compared everything to Naomi at first, and then they broke up. Then she took a break from dating, till she met Mandy, but Mandy turned out to be a bitch. None of her relationships ever lasted. They all ended bitter and after 2 years passed, she still occasionally thought about that punk girl she fell for years ago.
It was a bitter fucking cold night, too cold to snow with bright stars above, all so far away. In the small college town bar and grill, sat Becca on a bar stool, throwing back another shot of fireball. A “nice guy” at the booth payed for her drinks, not realizing that she was not at all interested in him. He waved to her and she smiled and muttered,” bitch,” under her breath. In 2 years her appearance had changed to the point of being almost unrecognizable. She had a buzz cut and had her septum pierced. She wore much darker makeup and dressed all in black. Most surprisingly was Becca, the fit and thin girl, had gained weight. She had several reasons for losing interest in dieting and keeping in shape. She never had time because of classes, she tried to be less masculine for her ex, Mandy, but the main one was she missed being with a fat girl. She had gained about 70 pounds that had settled all around her once perfectly toned thighs and butt. Her breasts had gone up a full cup size and her face had filled out. She both loved and hated it and whenever anyone mentioned how fit she used to be, she’s tell them to “go Fuk themselves” and said “I’ll lose it this summer” but summer never came. She took another shot, she’d had way too much to drink and was finally cut off, costing that poor guy a lot of money. She decided to walk back to her place, despite the cold. It was a clear night and in her drunken state 1:00 am was the perfect time to start losing all the pudge she’d accumulated. She stood up and took one step forward, then stumbled around before finding the door and hurling as soon as she was outside. She looked in the window at her chubby reflection, poking her rolly little tummy.
“What happened to me? I used to be so hot,” she said before laughing and kissing her reflection. She groaned as she realized how far it was to her apartment. She looked at her phone and was too drunk to even type the password correctly. Finally the cold and booze had gotten to her and her head started spinning and as she was passing out a man and a woman walked out of the restaurant, and the woman caught her before she could hit her head. Becca felt how soft and warm she was and turned around to see an angel. An tubby angel covered in wing sauce.
Becca’s eyes creaked open, like doors rusted shut. She moaned as every bad thing about a hangover began hitting her like a baseball bat. She felt her insides about to be outsides and went to puke, when the girl who caught her the night before said,” there’s a bucket in front of you.” Then it clicked with Becca that she was in a strange place, with a woman who wasn’t so. She held her vomit in and starred at the girl and took all of her in, her hair was red now, much longer too, with a few more tattoos on her arms. She was just as stunning as the first time she saw her,” Naomi?”
“Um, yes. You took a spill last night and I didn’t know where you lived. So I brought you back here, I hope you don’t mind.” It was extremely apparent that Naomi didn’t recognize her at all,
“No I’m...” she had to concentrate on not puking,” Uh, don’t you remember me, Nao?”
Naomi blushed,” Oh my god. You’re...” then it clicked. Naomi waddled over to the couch and sat next to Becca and looked into her eyes for a moment,” holy shit, it is you.” Naomi wrapped her marshmallowy arms around her,” I know that was years ago but I’ve always kind of missed you.”
Becca’s hungover brain was still processing the last few seconds,” you really missed me?”
“Well, ya.”
Then Becca asked what had been plaguing her mind for 2 years,” why’d you stop talking to me, I thought we were...”
Naomi turned away,” I wanted to, so bad. I just... I’m this big fat ugly girl who couldn’t even make it through one year of college. And you... you’re like perfect. I just, like... everything I’d type, I just couldn’t hit send. I just thought I wasn’t good enough for you... I just kinda hoped we’d forget about each other.”
They both tried to not make eye contact with each other. “ did you?”
“No, never. I was just so fucked up in the head then, it like turns out I’m bipolar and I...” her excuses were cut off by Becca kissing her, a long overdue kiss. Then finally the massive amount of liquor in her system forced its way out and into the bucket. As she hurled Naomi poked her side,” holy shit when did you get fat too.”
2 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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