Christmas at His Mum

Chapter 1 - Christmas at his mum

Christmas at his mum

John took the last exit off the highway, they would be there in half an hour. Sandy yawned and reached for another chocolate-covered peanut only for her fingers to scrabble the bottom of the empty packet.

"Hehe finished them all, you pig?" teased John, patting her belly that this year bulged out over her lap more than it did at Christmas last year.
"Hey you had your fair share!" protested the chubby brunette and dug a finger into his belly, also larger than it was last year.
"So I did" conceded John, turning to look at his wife for a moment, his eyes twinkling.
"We must be crazy, eating chocolates on the way to Christmas at your mum" said Sandy.
"Why?" asked John, feigning innocence.
"Why? Because she's gonna stuff like us like turkeys, and let's face it, after this year we're hardly going to refuse seconds!"
"What do you mean, after this year?" asked John , again acting dumb.

"You like me saying it aloud don't you?" teased Sandy.

"Saying what?" asked John

"So you hit on the slinky sexy relationship manager who handled your firm's account; most unprofessional I may add, but at least then you slipped easily into your 30 inch pants."

"So I did" agreed John, smiling.

"After dating for a couple of months you dragged me off to your cousin's wedding to meet your folks. And I dressed to flaunt my tiny figure, with that skin-tight red dress you bought me. Only then I met your mother."

"Why that tone?"

"Because I still can't understand how she cast a spell on me. I used to eat like a bird until then: I swear food was only fuel to me, as necessary and as boring as air to breathe."

"And that changed?" he asked, teasing it out.

"You know it did; within seconds of meeting her she had me eating those finger foods I always used to ignore, helping me taste the different flavours, appreciate for the first time the real use of my taste buds."

"That doesn't sound too bad."

"Oh it was amazing, but within an hour I had eaten so much I felt ill and found a quiet room to lie down for a bit. Then my devious dirty boyfriend showed me a new trick he had, and rubbed my bloated belly in a magical way. He made me burp like an uncivilised animal but oh boy did it feel good."

"I don't think he stopped there" interjected John, deadpan.

"No, in fact the horny bastard noticed that I was getting off on feeling so full and his hands massaging me, and before I knew it his fingers pushed my panties aside and were inside me, stroking, poking and rubbing till I came, one of the best orgasms of my life."

"Until then" pointed out John.

"Mm hmm" she agreed happily. "Anyway when I could stand again I went out and kept on eating but this time I made sure to sit down and made your mum feed me more slowly. By the time the couple danced I couldn't get off the chair I was so stuffed and when I stood up to use the loo I looked pregnant. And that's where the part I can't put my finger on happened. Looking at my reflection in the mirror I saw my usual skinny body but with a food baby and instead of feeling disgusted, I liked what I saw, I had never felt sexier in my whole life. You had kept me company eating and I could see your belly filling out your shirt, and I knew I wanted that and more of it."

"And then?" prompted John.

"You know what then! Then I moved in with you and we made eating a form of art and love! You took me to Vegas on the pretext of pigging out at the buffets but had a wedding all planned out, you fat sexy bastard."

"You could have said no" smiled John.

"I would have but I was drunk on food at the time. I don't think that pastor had ever seen such a stuffed bride before!"

"True, you ate like a woman possessed that evening, I'm surprised you fit through the door!"

Sandy swatted him in pretend outrage.

"And that's it?" mocked John.

"No, by the time last Christmas rolled round I was up a good fifteen pounds to 140 lbs while my hubby, or should I say chubby, had gained easily the same taking him to around 180 lbs. I was embarrassed to be the skinny wife who porked up immediately upon marriage. But when your mum saw us looking fatter she must have mistaken us for turkeys because she proceeded to feed us non-stop for the whole weekend we were there."

"Really? Not sure I remember that."

"This surely does!" cried Sandy with a whoop, slapping John's ample belly. "That's because all we did was gorge and sleep and then gorge again as soon as we woke, until they rolled us out to the car!"

"Oh I see" John played along. "And why did you start off by saying we wouldn't refuse seconds this year?"

Sandy turned to face her husband and moved his hand from resting on the gearknob to her belly. She held his gut with her hand. They both sat quietly for a moment, feeling the soft warmth of their partner's belly as it jiggled softly with the movement of the car, the visible, tangible proof of their happy marriage. "Because we are greedy my dear spouse. Our lifestyle has made us get fat - I know I'm up at least thirty pounds since last year and I doubt you're far behind."

"26 pounds" admitted John, "but I had that nasty bug last month or I'd be ahead of you!"

"And last year we only spent a long weekend here, three days. This year we intentionally planned an entire week, and we both know your mum will stuff us like hogs the whole time we're there. God only knows what meals she's planned and how many cakes she's baked already!"

John's belly betrayed him at this point as it let out a big rumble.

"And you can't wait to dig in, tubby!" laughed Sandy.
"Can you?" replied John.
His beautiful wife's smile was response enough.
3 chapters, created 11 years
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Lovinitbig 11 years
I love this! Keep it up please they are so fun and sexy.
Ssaylleb 11 years
Thanks, glsd you liked. Of course there's more, what's a Christmas story without a Xmas day stuffing? smiley