Chapter 1 - The one & only chapter
Erin sat at her desk, enjoying the relative peace that was hers during lunchtime. As the PA to a CEO, the rest of her day was occupied by a flurry of phone calls, emails, invitations and reminders. Her job was to fire through them and ensure that only the critical ones got through to her boss, Donald while she handled or delegated the rest on his behalf.At 32 years of age she had been with the company for twelve years, first as Donald’s secretary then as his PA when he made CEO. They had an excellent working relationship that had never become too personal.
Erin prided herself on having maintained her near perfect figure despite her sedentary job. At 5’6” she carried around a trim waist and perfectly proportioned bum and breasts. She enjoyed wearing clothes to show off her figure; always professional in smart dresses or pencil skirt suits but tight enough to ensure every eye followed her.
Her time out ended as the lift opposite her desk pinged its arrival and Donald emerged. He looked rather the worse for wear, perspiring heavily, his shirt wet through with sweat and half untucked. His wet shirt clung to his body, the large roundness of his belly accentuated, his deep navel clearly outlined. Erin felt a familiar but never disclosed shiver running through her nether regions.
“Oh, problems boss?”
“Puncture” huffed Donald. “In this sun not what I needed after a big lunch!” then continued “what time is Harry here?”
“2.30 Sir” she replied.
Damn. That was in twenty minutes, his shirt would never dry out in time. Donald walked into his office and shut the door. Quickly he undid his shirt buttons and whipped off his shirt, placing it over the back of a chair right under the air-conditioning unit, which he turned to full cold blast. He settled into his chair, noting that his belly, over-fed from a disgracefully large lunch, bulged out even more, almost halfway to his knees. A big spherical mound of soft flab, testimony to his overindulgence over the years. Yet again Donald made a mental promise to “watch what he ate” while knowing perfectly well that he’d do nothing of the sort.
Donald crumpled up a sheet of notes on his desk and tossed it at the waste paper basket, missing by an inch. He heaved himself out of his chair and bent over to pick up the paper.
Without any warning the door opened right then and Erin walked in. She stopped short as soon as she saw him and gasped. Donald froze as he was, bent over double, his belly hanging down below him like a pig at the trough.
“Oh my God!” exclaimed Erin, without moving.
Donald straightened up and stared at her, blushing a violent red. In that moment his professional authority disappeared; all his accomplishments, his wealth, his MBA dissipated into nothing. He was the fat guy with his soft belly hanging out in front of the hottest girl in the office.
“Wow!” said Erin.
Donald tried to muster some authority. “Are you going to stand there and stare?!” he asked, still blushing, flustered.
“No. I’m going to tell you how amazing you look!”
Donald turned away and gave her his back, hoping she would leave and put him out of this misery. To his surprise he heard her heels clack along the floor towards him then felt her hands on his large love handles. He felt her hands slide forward, cupping his huge gut then she pulled herself closer to him, nuzzling his back with her lips.
He felt an erection spring up, fighting for space in his tight pants. He stood immobile, caught in a moment of time forever. Back in the day he thought he was a physical match for her, but she was such a good secretary that he didn’t want to risk fucking it all up. Then he had started to gain weight while she remained as svelte as ever and in time he felt that she was out of his league.
How many times had he dreamt of being the object of attraction for his gorgeous PA, feeling the likelihood of that slipping away with every pound he added? How many times had he had to restrain himself from slipping over the line with an inappropriate glance or touch, wishing to take her good and proper right on his office desk? Now here he was living that dream but he was afraid. Firstly that he was just dreaming, then if it was real surely she was about to humiliate him for his girth, or lining up a lawsuit.
“Oh Donald” she murmured into his back. “I can’t believe how fat you have grown, I never thought you’d get so big and sexy when I started feeding you.”
“Feeding me?” asked Donald, horny as hell, loving the feel of her hands caressing his gut.
“Of course! Why do you think you always attend the best catered events? Who else hooked you up to the loyalty cards of the best restaurants in town? Who do you think plans your weekly lunch date with Tim and Paul, the only other fatties here? Who do you think buys the donuts you find on your desk all day, every day?”
“You… you made me fat?” gasped Donald.
“Oh no, you made yourself fat because you’re greedy. I just helped you… I put food in your path. See I always fancied the pants off you but couldn’t hit on you obviously. Then you remember when you went on a cruise with your family and came back with a little soft belly? At first I thought it was funny seeing your shirt filled out tight, your pants stretching at the seams. I imagined you eating like a piggy on the cruise, taking seconds, maybe thirds. Not stopping when you felt full but continuing to eat until you were stuffed.”
Donald groaned in sexual excitement at her words, a rush of hithero never uttered emotions gushing out.
“Then I wondered how fat you could grow if you just kept eating, so I started to arrange lunches with people I knew ate a lot, so you wouldn’t feel self-conscious about pigging out. And pig out you did, I loved seeing you coming back from lunch, always stuffed to the gills. Then you joined a gym so I started to book meetings late so you wouldn’t feel like going to the gym. That worked even better because then I found out you were getting take-away after those late meetings, gorging on burgers, pizzas and chinese like the glutton you are.”
“I started to get you a donut now and again, then because you’re so greedy you came to expect it every day, I could see the look of happiness in your eyes when I walked in with a bag from the bakery. That became a daily donut, then two and now you manage to put away a good dozen every single day.”
“Feel it, it’s all here in this fat sexy gut of yours!” Erin said, pushing Donald down into his chair and sitting astride him.
“I… I… I don’t even know what to say!” said Donald, shocked to the core. “You made me this fat, no matter what you say!”
“Oh no boss, I simply put food in front of you. You ate it all up because you just can’t say no, you’re a greedy guzzling glutton, and your own fat turns you on, look at this hard on you have! Now shut up, I’m going to fuck you.”
Contemporary Fiction
Sexual acts/Love making
Fit to Fat
1 chapter, created 1 year
, updated 1 year