Dreams Are but Dreams of Boston Creams.

Chapter 1 - Is this even real

J.B. had been in the same suburb of New York City his whole life. There wasn't much to hate and wasn't much to love. The days would blend into long periods of conscious boredom. He was alone. Surrounded by people, but somehow alone.

His friends never quite understood him. He was a bright young man that could use his honest charm to swoon the finest of women, if he tried at least. Alas, this was not him. "Too bad" they would say.

There was that one girl. Isn't there always? She was the neighbor adjacent to him on the right. Isn't she always? You may dislike the cliche, but he was living in it, and wasn't complaining. Just outside his window was her's; how he so deeply desired for more than the bird's eye view.

High school was the beginning of his infatuation. Maria settled in next to his small plot of land just 6 years before. She was a kind girl who would always grace him with a "hey!", or "how are things?" Sometimes he may even get both. He hated those words. "Anything but hello!" he would curse. Still, this wonderful young lady ran with a different crowd, if you catch the drift. The kind of crowd that didn't take well to the strange or foreign. They never were friends.

She stood at a sexy 5' 2" with dangerous curves. Her long black hair would sit so nicely upon her bronze shoulders and the golden brown hills of her bust. Her thighs were smooth and her hips wide, her breasts ample and her ass stunning. A true woman in every sense of the word. The sight of her gave him chills. He wanted her in every sense of the word. "Thick" is what the boys would call her, and still do. 130 pounds does a frame like her's nice. At the clubs, all would pay her that compliment with there eyes. Maria was one to frequent the town night life, and J.B. had noticed. Skimpy dresses flattered here juicy frame as she so vigorously grind-ed her lower half on the crotch of a man he was certain could give a shit less about any other view but of her back. But who wouldn't? He certainly understood the lust. He himself was full of it. Maria dressed in her Saturday best was quite the sight to see.

It was a warm Friday night. Spring had finally arrived and left a beautiful scent in the air. There she was. Exiting her car to retire for the night. She looked suspicious. In her hand was a bag. Not a handbag. Not a book bag. A large McDonald's bag. She entered the house. Her blinds were not drawn this evening as she entered the room. The whole world could have been watching, but it was just J.B. Out of the bag pored 4 boxes and 2 large fries!

"Quite a meal for a skinny little thing like her," he thought to himself.

She began consuming her food at an alarming rate. It charmed her onlooker. Maria grabbed, slapped, and shook her thin midsection until it turned a shade of pink. Not a crumb or drop was left 30 minutes later; J.B. was sure, he never took his eyes off of her.

The thought of her being with filled with dense fattening food captivated him. He needed to see once more! The following night he watched yet again. Home not much later, with yet another bag of food.


Her blinds were shut. His imagination was open wide. He knew what was going on in there; he needed to see.

Weeks had been passing by as they always do in J.B.'s town, like minutes. Upon leaving his home one day, he saw Maria standing there in all her gorgeous glory. Something was different today. "Holy shit! Is she getting fat?" She was. Maria had visibly put on a few pounds, but not many. While J.B. loved what he had seen, he would dream of seeing so much more. Now he felt comfortable talking to her.

"Hey Maria! How you doin'?"

"Hey! Not so bad, you?"

"Yuh know, same shit. I haven't seen you in a while."

"Life, yuh know. It's full of long stories."

"I would love to listen one day."

"That would be nice..."

Off he went.

Later that week, they saw each other again under slightly different circumstances.

It was the weekend, and drinks will be drank and blood will spill. She was dropped off in front of her house and preceded to sit on the curb while the car drove away. "Is she crying?" J.B. said. He had to know.

As he walked outside, the sobs became louder. Maria was surprised to see him.

"Oh hey J.B."

"Care to share?"

"It's one of those long stories..."

"I got nothing but time..."

So they spoke.

A man she had been dating had recently decided that they should no longer see each other. She had J.B. throbbing over her for years now, so he sympathized.

"*** him then. What good reason does he have to leave a beautiful woman like you?"

"I'm getting fat."

J.B. was flushed with emotion and desire from those three small words. He searched for an acceptable reply.

"Nonsense." He said.

"No, really!" She snapped back.

"I don't think so."

"Of course you don't."

"No, really!" He snapped back.

"Well, I think different. And that's o.k. I'm upset about the rejection, not the weight. I could give a shit really..."

"Go on..."

She paused.

"This is nuts. I'm about to spill my guts to a guy I don't even know! How could I trust you with my secrets?"

"Because you know where I live, and you will hunt me down if I talk, right?"

She giggled, then softened.

"Ughh, there is something about me that nobody knows..."

And the walls came crashing down.

"I like to eat."

J.B. played dumb.

"Most people do."

"Shut up, I'm being serious. With me, I like to eat until I am about to burst. I find it sexy. The weight that comes with it is wonderful! I feel sexier every time a pound comes on! Ughh!!!"

She cried,

"I'm such a queer!"

"Don't say that..."

"Why not?! Who can love a woman like that, huh?"

"I'm sure there are plenty of people who can."

"Yeah, right J.B. I don't feel like being coddled right now. Your sympathetic bullshit is not going to change the reality of my situation! He didn't like me for who I am; so far that is 0-1 for the guys who do and don't like me for who I am. How long you think it'll be before the former gets on the board?"

"Not long."

"Oh yeah?! And why is that?"

Now she was becoming angry.

"Can I trade you a secret for the one you just gave me?"

"Go for it, let's see how much this will help me..."

"..........I like fat girls........"

Now she was calming down.
1 chapter, created 12 years
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