In Praise of the Sweet Fat Man

  By Ffancy  

Chapter 1

“I’m still hungry,” he said, examining the menu. “If I order the onion rings, will you split them with me?”

She was surprised. He had already eaten most of a plate of chicken wings, plus three beers, and a full order of fish and chips.

“I’m pretty full,” she said. “But you go ahead.”

“No, no,” he said. “I don’t think I can eat the whole thing, and I wouldn’t want to waste any food.”

She looked at him carefully. Was it her imagination, or did his face look fuller, his cheeks plumper, his chin slightly softened? She felt a rush of arousal at the thought. She had to encourage him to eat more.

“Well… sure, if they’re on the table, I’ll eat some,” she said.


He caught the attention of a waiter and ordered the onion rings. She gazed at him with desire. For so long, he’d been slim as a rail due to a naturally fast metabolism. She’d loved him anyway, but in her secret fantasies, she’d imagined him fatter.

And now it looked as if her fantasies were finally starting to come true. His little soft belly strained against the fabric of his shirt. His arms dimpled as he crossed them on the table. And yes, there was definitely a slight hint of the beginning of a double chin… She wanted to rip his clothes off and take him right there in the bar, but she forced herself to keep talking and smiling. She touched his hand caressingly, a promise for later.

The onion rings came and she ate a few, but he ended up eating most of them, just as she’d planned. She was impressed by his capacity. He had been eating more lately, really coming into his own as a glutton.

Later, in her bedroom, he pulled of his shirt. His belly curved up away from his belt. She was compelled to drop to her knees before him, kissing his soft flesh. She was excited to note that he’d had to close his belt another notch outward. There was a groove worn at the smallest hole, but he was now two holes out from that. There was only one more notch to go before he grew too fat the wear this belt altogether.

She nuzzled and licked his plump mid-section as she undid his belt and then the button on his pants. He wriggled out of his pants and underwear and stood before her, erect and solid. She teased him by ignoring his penis and kissing his soft belly and hairy thighs. They had widened and got newly plump, too. She squeezed his bum, each cheek already more than a handful. Finally she slid her lips around the head of his cock.

He moaned as she moved up and down, slowly, taking him in as deep as she could, her mouth closed around the root of his shaft. She came up for air and flicked her tongue across the top of his penis. Then she bobbed up and down in a quick rhythm, until he gasped.

“Wait, wait,” he said. “Stop or I’ll come.”

He pulled he up and hugged her.

“Don’t come without me,” she said.

She stood on tiptoe and they kissed. She stripped off all her clothes, then pulled him down on the bed on top of her. He was more solid than he once had been, and it made her wet. He kissed her left nipple, biting gently and sucking until she moaned. Then he turned his attention to her other breast. She kept her hands on the fleshy fold at his waist, imagining it as a fully-fledged love handle. He kissed his way down her body until he reached her vulva, where he began to deftly flick his tongue and suck. She twined her fingers in his hair. He cradled her arse as he gave her pleasure. Excitement built in her until she screamed and writhed in agony, in ecstasy, in an explosion of satisfaction and desire. The orgasm only whetted her appetite for more, like him eating at the bar.

He swiftly rolled on a condom and then he was sliding into her, becoming one with her. She felt so close to him, as if their souls were as tangled as their limbs. They moved together slowly at first, then more rapidly, pounding towards an inevitable conclusion. She came again, juddering uncontrollably. He followed her into orgasm and collapsed on top of her. She loved the way his new heaviness pressed her down.

Later still, after he was gone and she lay alone in her bed, she thought of him. She still felt the edge of desire, softened slightly by sex, but still ready to spring into action. She imagined him fatter, with a bigger belly, a double chin and soft man-boobs. She tried to picture what he’d look like 20, 50, 100 pounds heavier. His belly would hang down over his belt… she had to touch herself at the thought, bringing herself to another throbbing climax.

She had always been like this. When her class read “Charlotte’s Web” in grade 2, the part where Templeton gets fat had made her feel tingly and strangely fascinated, not disgusted. She had had crushes on several pudgey boys all along, until college, when she‘d fallen hopelessly in love with this thin man. But now he seemed to be turning into this plump man and it was so, so good.

She knew what she was. Dan Savage’s column ran in the weekly arts rag and once there had been a question about feeders and gainers. It had given her a shock to know there were other people out there like her. It was still a secret, though. Even when they talked about sexual fantasies, she never brought this one up. It was too weird, too unacceptable.

She wondered sometimes if he would understand. He joked about getting fat, he told her stories about eating an entire box of doughnuts as a kid, he frequently patted his new gut with what seemed to her an unconscious fondness. He certainly loved to eat. It would be too good to be true if he turned out to be a secret gainer.

Everything was going well, until the day he idly stepped on a scale at a friends’ house. She saw him step up out of the corner of her eye and wondered how big the number was now. Twenty pounds from where he’d started? Or maybe even more? She saw him glance at the number, frown and then step on the scale more deliberately. He was clearly surprised by what he saw.

That evening, he refused to order more than one dish.

“I’m getting so fat!” he said. “Do you know, I weigh fifteen pounds more now than I ever have at my heaviest.”

“Oh, but you look great!” she said enthusiastically, in a panic. “It really suits you.”

He frowned and pinched his belly flab. He didn’t refer to it again, but slowly, in the weeks and months that followed, it disappeared. She watched in despair as he became thin again. The more weight he lost in reality, the more weight he gained in her fantasies. In her dreams, he waddled. His belly hung down over his genitals. His fingers puffed up like sausages. In reality, in her bed, she could count all his ribs. It wasn’t what she wanted.

It wasn’t the reason they broke up. There were other things that happened to cause that. But it was the reason that, free of him, she searched the internet for search terms like “feeding and gaining” and “erotic weight gain”. It was why she found Fantasy Feeder.
1 chapter, created 15 years , updated 55 years
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Littleextra 15 years
Hey Ffancy - your witty riposte sure made me chuckle out loud! smiley I hope that when the time comes for you to write your complete memoirs, you'll have lived out the happy ending that we all dream of! Good luck smiley
Ffancy 15 years
Thanks, littleextra, your comment made me laugh. I suppose this story is without a happily-ever-after Disney-style ending because it is more than usually semi-autobiographical, and my life, so far, is without a Disney-style ending or even a catchy song and dance number wherein I frolic with wild animals.
Littleextra 15 years
A great tale ... but tinged with a sense of sadness and longing. I really liked it, but where was the Disney ending? lol You wann put bums on seats here right? smiley