Low Security Prison

  By BigRick  

Chapter one

I sat dejected in my cell. The cell seemed very spartan and unnecessarily austere. There was a large and very firm mattress on the floor and a huge bowl of some kind of porridge. Nothing else. I tasted the porridge and it was very sweet and thick. I could only manage a few spoonfuls before I felt full and rather sick. It was clearly extremely calorific. I wondered why they would be giving me such a large amount of very calorific food when I was confined to such a small cell with no real opportunity to exercise.

I lay down on the mattress. It was very firm and generously wide, which was strange for the surroundings. After about an hour, I began to feel hungry again, so I ate some more of the porridge. It seemed more palatable this time, and I managed a few more spoonfuls than before.

And so it went on. The more I ate of the porridge, the hungrier I felt. When the bowl was empty, it was rapidly refilled by one of the guards. Within a week of incarceration, I was eating a whole bowlful every couple of hours. Within a month, I was eating more or less constantly all day. I had gained quite a bit of weight, as my rounding, softening belly indicated.

I demanded to know from the guards when they were going to let me out of here. The only thing I had to do, apart from stare at the walls, was to eat. I ate and ate and ate and the more I ate, the more food they provided me with. I was getting fatter and fatter but I could not stop eating. My appetite was in overdrive and I couldn't get enough of the sweet, sticky porridge.

Within six months I had gained an enormous amount of weight. My belly had ballooned out so much that it rested on the ground when I knelt on all fours. I was spectacularly fat and round. No-one would recognise me from before. I would just sit back on the mattress, legs spread apart, greedily eating the porridge, with my big, heavy belly resting in my lap. I loved reaching around and feeling the size of my stomach. I loved patting it and feeling it wobble and bounce. I loved seeing the stretch marks growing down my sides as I happily piled on the pounds.

The guard entered my cell with a set of industrial-looking weighing scales and order me to stand on them. It had been a while since I had stood up, and dragging my big gut off the floor and rising to my feet was a bit of a struggle. I waddled across to the weighing scale and stood on it. Three hundred and seventy-five pounds! I had gained about two hundred pounds in just a few months! No wonder I was struggling.

"What's all this about?", I asked. "What are you fattening me up like this?"
"You can be released from your cell when you are over 400 lbs", the guard stated flatly, and marched out of the cell, leaving the scales on the floor.

It seemed absurd for my incarceration to depend on the size of my midriff. Why would they want me to be so fat? But still, only another 25 lbs to go. I was extremely fat anyway, so a little more wouldn't make much difference. Besides, I couldn't stop eating the porridge. I easily put on the required extra weight and very soon I was tipping the scales at over 400 lbs. My loose robes had become very tight and my huge belly protruded out in front of me so much that I couldn't close the robe nor tie the belt around my middle.

Presently, I was led out of my cell and down the corridor. It was the first time since I was locked up that I had walked any distance and I felt huge and wobbly. I could only manage short steps and a slow pace and I was out of breath by the time we reached the door only a few yards away. I still didn't know why they wanted me to be so super sized.

The door was opened to reveal a large room full of extremely fat men sitting around, watching television and eating. All of them were bigger than me. Some of them were so gargantuan that I couldn't believe my eyes. Huge, balloon-like bellies were bulging out of all of them and many looked like they could not walk at all. The guards here were all women and there was very little evidence of any other security. It was not needed. With male inmates as huge and obese as this, no trouble would be started as we are all too heavy and big.

I was led to a chair in the back of the room and I settled myself into it gratefully. It was wonderful to take the considerable weight off my feet and actually sit in a chair at last. The chair was soft and padded and fitted with a pipe which provided a continuous supply of liquidised and highly calorific food. It was different to the porridge. Thinner, but even sweeter, if anything. I could just chug it straight down into my huge stretched out belly without any chewing at all.

I watched the TV screen. The programmes had all clearly been specially made with us in mind. They glorified male obesity. They all pushed the idea that a fat man was a masculine man and the fatter the better. Huge, fat men were seen overpowering smaller men and were fed enormous meals by sexy, scantily clad young women in order to make them even fatter. That was why the guards in here were all women. And small women at that. Not one of them could have been more than about 5' 2" and 120 lbs. This served to emphasise the masculinity of being big and the huge difference in size between the slim, slight females and the huge hulking males. The guards' duties seem to consist mainly of making sure that we all put on as much weight as possible. The food was super sweet and laced with a drug which boosted the appetite, but very cheap to manufacture. This regime was much cheaper than maintaining a high security prison. Very few staff were required and they didn't need to supervise us as we were much too fat to escape. It was considered a status symbol to be as fat as possible. We men had a culture of looking up to those amongst us who had gained the most weight, so getting us to put on weight was easy for the guards.

I spent my time mainly eating and watching television and gaining as much weight as I could. I would take the occasional waddle along the corridor, so I could get a sense of how much bigger I was getting. As my weight soared over 800 lbs, it got very hard to get out of the chair. My massive thighs had to be spread so far apart and my vast hanging belly was so encumbering that I could barely shuffle a few paces before I had to laboriously turn around and waddle awkwardly back to my chair. As I slumped back in the chair, my giant stomach and pillow-sized breasts would roll up under my fat double chin and it would take some time before my massive body stopped wobbling and settled down.

Soon I had grown to such a vast size, over 1,200 lbs, that I was just a helpless balloon of fat spilling out of my reclining chair. I couldn't get up or move at all much and even watching the TV over my huge, voluminous breasts was getting difficult. How much bigger was I going to get?

The fatter I became, the more attention I got from the female guards. They would attend to my feeding tube and offer me different flavours of food. They would fetch me bigger and bigger gowns as I swelled up and outgrew the old ones. They would praise me for my massive size and roundness, patting my colossal belly appreciatively.

Eventually I became the fattest man in the room. I was absolutely vast. Just a huge ball of butter with a head and arms on top and somewhere below, some legs, presumably.

I was wheeled in my chair out to a large room containing a big, olympic sized swimming pool. The chair I was in was lowered down the ramp into the warm water and I floated up out of the chair. With all this body fat, I floated like a cork. I didn't have to kick my legs, but it was wonderful to be able to move them again, my immense bodyweight supported by the water. A feeding pipe was lowered down from the ceiling and I guzzled greedily on the super-rich formula that was pumped into me.

I began to swell even more rapidly. I bobbed about in the water, getting bigger and bigger and bigger. I would sometimes bump helplessly against the side of the pool and float back towards the centre. The women would occasionally dive into the water and sponge me clean to make sure my over-stretched skin stayed intact and pliable as I ballooned up beyond belief. After a few weeks in the pool, my body extended out several yards in all directions. It was impossible to know how much I weighed now, but it must several tons.

I didn't want to be released from this prison. I was much too large to be able to do anything in the outside world and I was addicted to the delicious food formula. Besides, having several women attending to my every need, praising me for my enormous size and weight... what more did I need?
1 chapter, created 10 years , updated 10 years
25   6   16172

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Stupidgoose 4 years
The fatter, the better indeed.
BigRick 10 years
Thanks everyone. I'm glad you enjoyed it, even though it's rather short.
Ohirish 10 years
This is fantastic
OniGumo 10 years
I wouldn't mind getting sent there
Sokotron 10 years
awesome! I want to go to that prison!