You’re Just Not My Type.

  By Wannabefatlady

chapter 1

You're just not my type.
Up until a few months ago I never seemed to have any money. Don't get me wrong I used to work a Monday to Friday, 9-5 job. But, by the time I got paid each month, all my bills came out and I was left with hardly anything else to spend for myself. I didn't have anyone else to rely on either as I never knew my parents and was in and out of foster care for all of my child life.
I'd usually meet up with friends for a drink in the local pub on weekends but they all had better jobs and more money and would usually go onto nightclubs and expensive bars. I would always have to make an excuse and end up going home early.
On the plus side it did wonders for my health as I didn't really drink much, I didn't have enough money to smoke and the food I ate was often bland and on the cheap side but after a while, this just got too boring for me to handle.
One weekend in particular, I went out to my local pub and started talking to some girls. They were both stunning. One was around 5ft 3 with long red hair. She must have weighed around the 220 mark. Her friend was slightly taller, she had a very slim and attractive face but must have weighed at least 100lb more. It all seemed to be going so well when I asked them if they wanted a drink but by the time I got to the bar I realised I had nothing to pay for them. In embarrassment I ran out of the pub and went straight back home.
The next day I decided I needed to put an end to this and I came up with the idea that I should get a second job. My mind went in to overload. I was scanning all the papers to see what there was. I thought getting a bar job could be fun as I would still be at the pub but instead of spending money I would be earning it but then I realised that it was probably too long of hours and too many late nights and I would probably just get bored and quit within a month.
It was then I saw an advert requiring a cleaner. The advert said they needed someone once a week and the pay was strangely good for this type of work so I thought what the heck and gave the advert a call.
The lady on the other end seemed really friendly and arranged for me to come over to her house the following Saturday for an interview.
The next week at work was normal but I was a bit happier with the prospect of earning a little extra cash so it went quickly.
Eventually Saturday came around. I woke up fairly early that morning, got myself up, washed and changed and prepared to go to the interview.
The house was on the other side of town to me. I could have probably got the bus there and it would have only taken 15 minutes but it was a nice day and I thought I could save some more money if I walked so I got my jacket on and left.
About an hour later I arrived at the street. I remember being amazed at the size of all the houses. They were all huge. Finally about half a mile down the road I came to number 33. There was a large brick wall surrounding the whole property but at the front there were equally large iron gates. I rang on the buzzer and a guard came out. I explained who I was and what I was doing there. He went back into his hut made a phone call to verify me and let me in.
As soon as I was through the gates there was a Bentley with a driver waiting for me and told me to get in. As we drove through the grounds to the property I was amazed at how nice everything was and I started to daydream about the possibilities of me living in a place like this one day.
After a few minutes and a few more twists and turns in the car, we eventually arrived at the huge manor house. The driver stopped right outside and let me out of the car.
It took me a few seconds to take in the enormity of the house. It was then I stopped dead in my tracks. I heard a ladies voice calling my name. I looked up and saw the prettiest lady I'd ever seen. She must have stood at nearly 6ft; she had long jet black hair and must have weighed close to the 400lb mark. Her face was absolutely stunning with extremely prominent features melting away into her fat cheeks and double chin. She was wearing an extremely tight fitting dress that showed off all of her sexy curves. She walked down the steps to greet me. Every step she took, you could see her whole body quivering and shaking.
She invited me in and took it upon herself to show me around. The place itself was just as impressive inside as it was out, with marble flooring, lovely furniture, expensive art work and a huge pool.
After she showed me the place, she told me that she split up from her partner over a year ago and her work was very busy at the moment and that was why she needed somebody to help around the house and keep it looking the way it was.
She ideally wanted someone to work there full time but she was happy for me to start by coming only a few times a week.
I was at her house for about 3 hours and by the time I'd left I felt pretty good about myself. She explained that she was due to see a few other people about the position but would be in touch with me within the week to let me know either way.
To be fair I was definitely interested in taking the position but not only because of the extra cash but I realised that my encounter with this lady made me fall head over in love with her also. She was stunning.
I remember the next week at work went by so slowly. I just couldn't concentrate at my job in hand as I kept on being distracted by my encounter with what would hopefully be my future employer/ girlfriend.
Eventually on Friday morning my phone started to ring. My heart started to race as I knew it was her. I tried answering the phone sounding as cool and sophisticated as I could but in a panic I let out a squeak and managed to garble my words up. She giggled at me trying to get my words out and gave me the good news that she wanted me to work for her. We agreed that I would come over on a Wednesday evening and Saturdays and I was to start the following morning.
After what seemed like an eternity, Saturday morning finally came. I got myself up, chose an outfit to wear, spent ages doing my hair and I put on my favourite aftershave. I decided to get the bus there this time as after spending more time on getting myself ready I would have been late if I had walked again.
4 chapters, created 12 years
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Wannabefatlady 12 years
Thanks everyone for all the kind comments. I really appreciate them. I have some other stories on here of the same kind of topics so please feel free to read. Thanks again!!!
Giantjay 12 years
Very interesting! Hoping for more growth & contrast!
Balloon 12 years
This is a very absorbing story! Please continue.