A Hard Road to Success

  By VanniRp  

Chapter 1 - A completely normal day

It is 5 o'clock in the morning when my alarm goes off. My name is Lara, I am 18 years old, in the middle of preparing for my A-levels and athletics, which is also evident. At just 165 cm tall and weighing around 60 kg, I have the ideal prerequisites for my hobby. I am a bit envious of all the girls with their curves and large busts, as I myself only have an A-cup, but I also see this as a great advantage in my hobby.

It doesn't take long before I jump out of bed. Today I have to give it my all again because tomorrow a scout is coming to our school's PE class, and it's about getting a scholarship. For that, I need to be more than just in top shape. The first thing I do is drink a glass of water to get my body going.

I start with a few minutes of stretching, then at 5:30 AM, I put on my workout clothes and begin my first training session of the day. Today, it's a strength and mobility training session. With every additional repetition, I have to fight, but I know it brings me closer to my goals.

Around 6:30 AM, the workout is done, and I quickly make myself a smoothie with oats, yogurt, berries, and protein powder, because nutrition also plays a very important role in my life. I still have time to get ready and then head to school.

From 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM, I sit in class. In between, I treat myself to a snack like an apple and a few nuts to stay focused on my studies. School is demanding, especially with the Abitur around the corner, but I still have to give my best here. After all, I would like to study sports science one day, where the scholarship would be very beneficial to me. After school, once I get home, there's a light lunch. Chicken, whole grain rice, and vegetables. Recharging is important because the next training session awaits me in the afternoon. But before I get started again, I sit down at my desk. The first study session is coming up: two hours of intensive studying for the Abitur.

At 5:00 PM, I'm back in my sports gear and start my athletics-specific training. Sprints and technique drills. I love the feeling when I get faster and every second counts. The training makes me strong, and I feel like I'm making progress.

At 8:00 PM, dinner is served, a salad with chicken and whole grain bread.

Around 9:30 PM, I pack my bag for the next day, stretch for a few minutes, and then it's off to bed at 10:00 PM. I'm really excited about tomorrow and can hardly sleep from the excitement.
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