A New Normal

  By Mahi  

Chapter 1

Ellie was over her Tio Marcus’ house to celebrate his birthday with her family. She saw most of her family quite often as they all worked at their family restaurant ‘La Hacienda’ together. Being from a big family they were mostly on different shifts but would see siblings and cousins in passing throughout the week. Ellie was quite fond of her tio as they always shared a love/hate relationship since she was small. To put it bluntly Ellie was outspoken, brash, and usually ended up as the class clown throughout her time in school growing up. It was her way of dealing with misdirecting male attention. She always had to be in the center of the group, always soaking up the spotlight even if it meant making a fool of herself or others. Much to her other cousins chagrin, as Ellie was considered by far the prettiest amongst the 12 or so cousins.

Amongst the cousins there were 5 girls. Besides Ellie there was Yajira, who was only 8 and quite outspoken herself. She would often follow Ellie around as a family role model due to her charisma and pretty appearance. Next there was the twins Glennish and Vickie who were 28 and quite thin and pretty themselves despite their basic disposition. The twins were a ‘yes and’ duo and loved to start drama between the cousins. Lastly, there was Sophia who was the same age as Ellie at 26, except that’s about all they had in common. Sophia was very comfortably introverted and the only obese person below the age of 50 in the whole family, a fact that her family would never forget to remind her. She was built like a waterbed and was usually found laying about and chewing on some sort of treat or another. While Ellie was athletically built from running the floor of the restaurant day in and day out, Sophia ran the social media page from home which didn’t leave her with the time or motivation to run for real. Where Sophia’s doughy body begged to be teased, poked, and prodded Ellie’s commanded admiration and envy especially from someone like Sophia.

As Sophia struggled her way off the couch to get another slice of birthday cake Ellie tucked a pillow under her shirt while following her cousin and mimicked the pace and lumbered nature of her walk. This caused an uproar of laughter from the surrounding family.

Sophia looked back and caught her in the act. She stifled a small laugh from her nose without showing her teeth or breaking a smile.
“You know what would really be funny is if you’d actually get fat,” she sighed as she grabbed a handful of her turgid gut and gave it a half-hearted shake to show off the extent of her out of shape figure.

Taking the pillow out of her shirt Ellie allowed voluntary peaks of her trim abdomen to her porky cousin, “You think so? Maybe if you got off your phone gorda and stopped with the ‘big back’ activities (gesturing towards her cousin cutting another slice of cake) you wouldn’t be such a torta,” Ellie clapped back with a smirk on her face pushing her lack of a tummy out as she rolled her hips to show off her fit body.

With that Sophia butt-checked her cousin onto the carpet as she ate the insults and lazily sashayed back to her spot on the couch to finished her new slice of cake.

Being 5’3 and 133 lb’s made it real easy for Ellie to be tossed by the 5’6 235 lb Sophia like a rag doll when she went too far with a joke, which happened quite a lot. Ellie usually took the hits on purpose as a bit though she knew she could easily dodge them and continue to run circles around her fatso cousin.

It was all love though, as families do. Sophia just blocked out her judgement as she knew what it was like when Ellie was actually being mean. She knew how Ellie was around the fat girls in school growing up. She always had to be extra and go a little too far.
9 chapters, created 1 month , updated 1 month
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Maniek153 2 weeks
will there be a continuation?
Champ 2 weeks
Need more chapters!
Maniek153 1 month
will there be a continuation of this story?
Jeepguy 1 month
Will more be added to this story?
Jeepguy 1 month
Also great story
Magodamilion2 1 month
This story is so good and realistic
Mahi 1 month
Hey thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed the story!