Field Day

  By Mahi  

Chapter 1: Tug-o-War

This story involves themes or weight swap, role reversal, wg/wl, humiliation, and come uppance. Thanks for clicking on my story. Enjoy

It was field day at school again, and third grade English teacher Joanna Delp wasn’t excited to be putting on her too tight team leader shirt.

“I look like a freakin’ blueberry,” she said under her breath while changing into the blue shirt in the teacher’s lounge bathroom.

Judging herself in the mirror Joanna was not wrong with her deduction, she was looking fat. Fatter than usual, that is. The doughy teacher was only 24 and in the worst shape of her life. Which wasn’t saying much either, she’d been overweight as long as she could remember. Though, the last 45 lb’s she’d acquired in the past two years since starting her teaching role out of college wasn’t helping her fit her swollen gut into the XL shirt that the school hastily picked out for her.

“Ugh, I told Charlotte to grab me a double X,” she said grabbing at the hem of the shirt and failing to pull it down past her stubborn gut. Charlotte was the school secretary who often showed the least amount of interest in the teachers’ qualms.

Joanna shuttered as she recalled the slight smirk on Charlotte’s face as she handed her the custom printed tee shirt. “That frumpy bitch of all people.” She murmured

Joanna was a 24 year old woman with dirty blonde hair who took immaculate care of her image, except for her weight. Such an oversight wasn’t on purpose obviously. She’d just never had the foundation to build a healthy diet and relationship with food. Last time she’d weighed herself she was a shameful 273 lb’s. You could see the countless empty calories and lack of physical activity plastered over the neglected state of her 5’4 body. Yeah, she was a porker.

She had always been the fattest girl in her friend group growing up and it was no surprise that she was notably the most out of shape teacher in the school. No wonder she was flustered going into a public display of physical activity. It wasn’t until recently that she had constructive feedback in her life that allowed her to become more self aware of her appearance and that came in the form of Sydney Mooring.

Sydney was a 3rd grade Math teacher in the same school Joanna taught at and shared a lot of the same humor and interests as Joanna. They hit it off right away, both being reserved with a lot of the same temperament meant they got along quite well and would hang out quite a lot on the weekends and outside of the classroom. While Sydney was slightly shorter than Joanna at 5’2 she most certainly was the thinner of the two coworkers turned friends. The two had the type of relationship where they could be honest with each other and throw jabs here and there in a sort of loving way. Sydney, having grown up athletic and slim, would try to deter Joanna’s poor eating choices by tossing comments about her weight at her or even poke or expose Joanna’s tummy.

Just last weekend Syd and Jo went to a beer garden outside of Boston where Joanna got wedged into the seat of a swing-set. She entered the evening outside of her comfort zone wearing a pair of shorts that showed a lot more of her over-inflated legs than she would like, being one of her biggest insecurities.

“I told you to hold off on the pretzel bites and you ordered 3 of them, like what did you expect girl,” Sydney sneered attempted with all her might to pull her corpulent friend loose from the confines of the chair-shaped prison.

“Please Syd, people are looking.” Joanna yelped, attempting to look as small as she could. In times like this, Joanna wished she could shrink down and become almost non-existent, anything that could spare her from the public shame.

Back in the present day: “Hey! Jo, where are you? Everyones outside already,” Sydney said walking into the teacher’s lounge.

Hang on, I’m almost out,”Joanna said from inside the bathroom. Just then the door flew open with Sydney in full teacher mode, “Alright you need to move that huge butt of yo—,” Sydney stopped in her tracks seeing her obese friend standing towards the full length mirror in just a pale pink pair of panties and a too small blue field day shirt rolled up over her distended belly.

Sydney gawked at her partially exposed friend taking in her bloated form. Joanna’s face yet porky in shape was still gorgeous despite the look of horror on her face. Her double chin was extra defined by the tight crewneck collar of the free shirt. The shirt’s tightness caused the fat hanging off her bloated arms to be pinched at the end of the sleeves while her over inflated E cups stretched the shirt taut across her chest. Joanna’s doughy belly hung out from the too short hem and poured over her over-stretched pink panties. A ring of blubber clung to her waist and hips while her ass ate the fabric of her too tight panties, Joanna was completely exposed and devastated yet again. She shuffled her chunky legs over to Sydney and the door to push her out as fast as she could move her cumbersome body.

“OHHHH COME ON, it’s okay Jo we’ve been to the beach a million times- I know what you look like,” Sydney protested as she effortlessly swept to the side and made her way around her porky friend.
“But damn you’re filling out those panties, we need to get you on a diet girl. Summer’s a couple months away,” added Sydney, much to Joanna’s chagrin.

“Thats THE problem, but what do you know?! Are you just going to stand there and gawk at me or help me out,” Joanna said between labored breaths from her short burst of ‘running’.

“Girl, all you have to do is put down the cake and cookies once and awhile and go for a freaking walk now and again and you’d be half your s—,” Sydney caught herself as she saw the emotional distress she was amplifying in Joanna’s face.

Seeing herself next to her red-faced and emotional friend in the mirror really put things into context. Sydney was quite literally half of Joanna, two pounds less than half actually, at 127 lb’s. Sydney’s hair was a lighter shade of blonde than her fat friends and a great deal shorter in length, reaching just above her shoulders as opposed to Joanna’s long locks that reached halfway down her back. She had a very pretty face that she hardly put make-up on. She’d always been popular with the boys growing up, much unlike Joanna. Her A cup breasts, flat abdomen, and shapely ass were held up by sturdy legs that had been shaped by years of track and soccer. For her size Sydney was definitely a healthy weight, whereas growing up while actively playing sports she was quite the super athlete. Now, as a 26 year old teacher, her hard body gave way to a generally in-shape petite adult.

“YEAH! I know. If anyone knows how fat I am, it’s me. Just stop with the jabs and advice and give me a hand with this shirt,” said Joanna reaching her wit’s end.

“O-okay, I’m sorry. Here turn around I think we can make this work,” Sydney said not realizing how hard she took her last comment.

While Sydney was able to finagle Joanna’s shirt enough to be debatably presentable for public eyes, the torture and humiliation of the students’ brazen comments topped with Joanna’s lack of physical prowess during the competition were enough trauma to really burn into her memory. She was a laughing stock. Especially when she fell during the tug-o-war.

The one event where having a heavy team leader as the anchor actually helped. Joanna’s homeroom class had very low hopes going into all of the other events, but when it came to the tug-o-war her class started making comments to the other team about their sure-victory.
“Your going down team Mooring,” Louie said “Yeah, Miss Delp is bigger than all of you combined” said Elise “She’ll eat you in two,” said Ryan “What does that even mean,”—said another “Yeah, two bites,” Sydney said making a couple of her classes’ kids giggle in response.

Yes, they were facing Sydney’s team. The athletic blonde had a smug look on her face as she started calming down her students.

Joanna clearly heard Sydney’s comment and Sydney saw her visibly react to it in a way that she knew she had messed up. Especially considering the poor comment she made earlier in the teacher’s lounge topped with the humiliating day she was already having, Joanna teetering on being sent into a fit of blind fury.

“Everyone on the line,” Joanna said with furiousness in her voice. The tone went unbeknownst to the students who were in a daze of fun but Sydney knew what was in store. Like Joanna was actually really mad, unlike any other time Sydney had seen.

The whistle blew and everyone was off to the races, pulling the rope trying to get the flag tied in the middle to cross onto their own side. Sydneys class immediately got the edge in the beginning causing Joanna to fumble finding a good grip on the rope. Once she found her footing Joanna gave it all she had and pulled her team to victory. In the process of gaining momentum and the other team eventually letting go of the rope, Joanna running in a full back-pedal fell backwards with a thud. Luckily she had not crushed anyone in the commotion. As she fell back like a bloated starfish her blubbery body rippled against the grass caused her shirt to roll up and exposing her doughy belly for all to see. The students, full of excitement over the win began shaking, prodding, and jumping on top of Joanna as the rest of the teachers stifled their laughs and began to encourage the kids to leave her be.

Safe to say that Joanna didn’t speak to Sydney before heading home for the weekend. Joanna being filled with embarrassment and resentment and Sydney feeling the full weight of her lack of support. In a remorseful car ride home Sydney caved and ordered Dominoes in an uncharacteristic turn of events.

Sydney sat on her couch in her studio apartment cradling her food baby and regretting the medium sized pizza and lava cake she’d just shoved into her face. She racked her brain by replaying all of the interactions she had with Joanna that day, wincing at the moments she could have been more supportive or just generally less shitty.

“She shouldn’t want to answer me, I wouldn’t answer me either if I was in her shoes.”

She looked down at her body in disgust. Lounging in just an active wear sports bra and biker shorts set with her legs propped up on the coffee table. Sydney slapped her taut distended tummy though it didn’t jiggle and she just winced in pain.

“I deserve this don’t I, little miss fit body sitting here with a food baby in agony. UGGHH,” she moaned lifting her body of the couch and shutting off the TV.

“Just don’t make this a theme Syd. BWAPP,” she stifled and staggered side to side. She tossed an empty can of beer in the recycling bin and head to bed.

On the other side of town Joanna found herself in a very similar pit of shame and food. Despite the multiple texts and missed call from Sydney, she just wanted to be alone and sulk. Joanna stayed inside all weekend in a pity party all while eating her feelings away.
4 chapters, created 6 months , updated 6 months
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