Chapter 1: new moon
Mary was beginning to reassess her life priorities. She had taken a route that was so questionable most people would've fancied her insane, or worse, some manner of wild woman. It was an off the beaten track line of trodden dirt. It smelled of earth and dried leaves with a heavy mixture of damp animal fur thrown in for good measure. A track formed by beasts and not men. For a woman to take such a path unaccompanied on normal day would've raised a masculine an eye brow or two. But to do so an All Hallows Eve of all days was the sort of thing that might warrant suggestions of an exorcism. But it was for that very reason Mary had decided to avoid the village to begin with.Mary was generally speaking a nice girl, kind if occasionally prone to mild bouts of greed. She looked after her little sisters and took her mother and fathers rude comments about her plump figure on the chin. But what she didn't have a huge amount of tolerance for was apples. It was a small pet peeve of sorts. A minor little irritation that'd come up every once and a while. But this year the festivals love of the crimson or green fruit had driven her a little bit over the edge. Their had been nothing particularly terrible about that day either. One could say her will had finally cracked beneath the many small fissures that had been forming over the years.
Yet as she wandered the dirt road out of town she was beginning to rethink her overreaction. Was it truly worth throwing such a tantrum over a sweet and over popularized type of fruit. With every step plunging her deeper and deeper into the unknown shades of the forest Mary's hope began to slip. By the time she was on her thirteenth step down the dirt path she was beginning to turn heel. Having accepted her life as the girl too overfed to ever marry. Pushed back in her desire to be anywhere but the dark and scary place.
But before she could plunge fearfully back into the life she had come to so dislike. She noticed something unusual not too much further up the path. A flicking orange glow pouring a hazy light through the crooked branches of the wooden trees. With it came the distant murmur of a crackling fire. Made audible by the relatively silent night. Mary had little to no idea what on earth the fire could be. Having heard no mention of outsiders coming to visit or any other signs of any unknown person occupying the fringes of town. Were it not so off the beaten track she might've fancied it one of the towns many celebratory bonfires.
But however unusual the exterior light seemed after deeper thought Mary couldn't help but see it as a sign. An indication that she should push forward and greet whomever was out there. Perhaps that stranger was running away too and they could leave together. Her mind seemed to be swimming with the potential latent in the situation. Her steps forward deeper into the woods seemingly powered by flights of fancies. Imagining some companion to keep her company.
But as she approached the warm orange glow other realities of the situation began to present themselves. The road that had previously seemed such a short distance appeared to begetting further and further away. Yet each step was brining her closer and closer she could feel it. Her feelings soon became confirmed. The orange glow was seeming larger and more clear by the moment. The intensity of the warm crackling picking up by the moment.
She could almost feel it's golden warmth washing away the cold of the Autumn night. The young woman beginning to push herself forward. Stretching her stride into a desperate run. The gnarled trees blurring as her pace picks up, nearly tripping over her dress. Unknowingly pushing herself deeper into the dark unknown. Dashing through gnarled black trees she could barely recognize and onward. Till finally after what felt an unnaturally long time. She found herself in a clearing of sorts.
The first thing that struck Mary was the heat, the sudden change from the outside chill sending the hair on her arms standing up. But that change in circumstances was hardly the most striking change the clearing presented from her prior surroundings. Most importantly as she had predicted it was occupied by strangers. They were women, grown with midnight black hair and figures that would've sent the men in town reeling. With plump overfull breasts propped up by crossed arms and hips wide and womanly. Each one holding full and mesmerizing curves. This alone would've struck Mary as a little odd but the fact they were completely nude gave the whole place a unusual and fey aura.
Something about them was intoxicating to Mary. Their bare flesh and the way the shadows danced across their perfectly sculpted bodies began to draw her in. The warmth of the clearing combined with their nude flesh began to send decidedly unchaste thoughts through Mary's mind. She had never thought about women in such a way. Normally thinking that way was forbidden. But these women weren't just mesmerizing they were all consuming. Loosening her morals and deafening her to the many warning signs her situation had presenting.
The pale and plump girl starting up again of her own accord carrying her closer. Her gaze firmly locked on the perfectly sculpted rear of one of the black haired beauties. The perfectly round and plump orbs drawing her in closer and closer by the second. Yet as she approached the perfectly proportioned woman the curvaceous mystery stepped to the side. Revealing something of greater interest to Mary than even the most bouncy and well fed of bottoms.
There was another girl, sitting with her back to the almost blinding orange light, white dress muddied by her position sitting in the dirt. Her face was beautiful in a plain sort of way, with long brown hair delicately washed drifting down by her shoulders. With a healthy complexion and a face that looked as dazed as Mary was beginning to feel. Yet in spite of it's unusual context and confused expression it was a familiar one to Mary.
Maggie had been a fellow young woman of their village. They had been rather familiar in all things barring the one that seemed to most matter to the occupants of their sleepy town. She had a silver band coiled around her finger. That gleaming piece of jewelry had been lorded around town. It had been an innocent sort of a bragging, nothing unexpected. Just tales of how lovely the carpenters son was treating her.
She and Mary were the same age yet they couldn't be more different. A fact which was presented undeniably by their bodies. While Mary's body was plump and and sagging Maggies was slender and exercised. While Maggie was full around the chest and flat around the stomach Mary was the opposite. Her breasts having been unable to keep up with the swelling and thickening of her plump stomach. Most importantly Maggie had been the village belle lusted after by all. While Mary was the over fed daughter of pig farmers, who needed to go on more walks if she ever wanted to claim a man.
So Mary was a little stunned at seeing her amongst the collection of beautiful girls. It gave rise to a surge of bubbling emotions. Buried deeper even within her soul than her wanderlust. It was a sin but Mary didn't care. Not in that glade of curvaceous pale women. It was like the final thread of straw tossed across an already broken camel. It gave rise to it's own revelations. Despite the haziness of her vision and the way her thoughts were coming forth like they were going through sludge, she was as sure as she had ever been. She wasn't tired of the village at least not in the way she had thought she was. She was tired of being the fat one. The pig in a sea of waifs.
"No that's not...not right" Mary thought to herself barely capable of forming the words in her mind. It felt right, the surge in her emotions. But she wasn't like that, she wasn't jealous. Or at least she hadn't thought she was. She was a good girl disenfranchised but rising above it. She opened her mouth to object. As if making the words audible would somehow make them more truthful. But as she was struggling with her own body and mind to do so. Her blurry vision sharpened a little. Revealing Maggie again this time with one of the women.
One of the raven haired beauties was bent low heart shaped behind in the air. The sensual pose only amplifying the heretical stirring in Mary's loins. But Lust was soon overtaken by one of it's sister sins as the succumbing blond realized what they were doing. They weren't doing anything particularly sinful. Maggies chin was cupped in one of the beauties dainty hands. She was whispering something in the town belle's ears. The sound was distant and indiscernible to Mary sounding like it was coming from within her ear yet still impossibly quiet. But she didn't need to know what was being said. The way her rival was squirming was speaking volumes. She was once again being seduced instead of Mary.
This sight once more filled Mary with a biblical flood of jealousy. Crashing against her rapidly cracking moral compass like high tide. The homely townies mind being flooded with the most sinful thoughts. She pictured Maggie in the place her pigs were in her memory. Fattening and ripening up the dress clad beauty like a personal hog. On her own Mary was possessed of a minimal imagination. But this place was running wild in her brain. Dazing her and making her mind easily warped. Filled with thoughts of feeding and hedonism.
With these thoughts overwhelming every facet of her senses Mary let out an audible moan the sound piercing the crackle of flame. The sound heralding a release of the build up in pressure between her legs. As her virgin privates experienced the sort of pleasure most women in her era would never know. As the warmth faded all the fog in her brain being lifted. A purpose filling her soul. Her only thought. Was to hope her new friends had enough food.
stuck in tight places
submission and domination
weight gain
4 chapters, created 6 years
, updated 6 years