A swell sibling

Chapter 1

(As a pre-warning there is one singular fart in this story because I know it can be a huge turn off for some people. I'm experimenting with some things, sorry lol)

It was almost comical how Nicole and Ashley were polar opposites of one another, bordering Bianca and Kat from ‘10 Things I Hate About You’ levels of sibling bickering.

As typical when their parents were away, Ashley was assigned as the head of the household on account of being the oldest, and boy did she like to abuse that fact.

Not that it stopped Nicole by all means. Having the adrenaline of being freshly (dropped) out of college, she felt untouchable. She’d go wherever she damn please and spend whatever damn money they had on stuff she wanted. She was an ‘adult’ now.


It felt as though there was something in the air as soon as Ashley woke up that morning, though couldn’t quite place her finger on it.

As usual, Nicole passed out after gaming ‘til the early hours of the morning, leaving a wrath of wrappers and empty packets of junk food.
Their parents weren’t exactly ‘almond parents’, however the idea of junk food was deeply frowned upon under their roof.

Ashley never really understood it until they began going away on vacations, where she saw how much her sister would gorge herself stupid. If it weren’t for their hindsight, their family would probably be interviewed on Nicole’s episode of ‘My 600 Pound Life’.

By the time she had cleaned up enough junk to be able to make her breakfast for the morning, she barely had time to finish it before having to leave for work. That nagging feeling never left her for the entire shift, until it came to paying for her lunch…Where she found her purse $100 short.

She was going to kill Nicole.


Ashley’s jaw never unclenched until she found herself back on their front porch, taking in deep inhales as she jiggled with the lock.

In all honesty, she hadn’t even expected to see her sibling once she got through the door. She had fully expected to find that Nicole had fled to go do something stupid somewhere. As usual.

Instead, what her eyes locked on was a very bloated looking Nicole with an array of what looked like empty iced coffee cups covering the remaining surface of the sofa. Some remnants of the drinks decorated the front of her top and corners of her mouth, but otherwise it wasn’t exactly hard to guess where the rest was given her protruding stomach.

“Are. You. Fucking. Kidding me!?” Ashley snapped, stomping her foot on the ground. “You wasted a HUNDRED dollars to be a greedy sack of shit!?”

Her sister had clearly lost track of the time, as the sudden yelling jolted her as upright as she could get, knocking some of the empty cups onto the floor.

“Shut the fuck upppp…” She groaned, rubbing some sleep out of her eye, “It’s like, laaaaaaate…”

“It’s 5:30.” Ashley retorted without missing a beat. “You know SOME of us have been busy at work all day. Have you even done anything other than–Than drink these stupid things!?”

She couldn’t quite comprehend how many cups there were. The more she looked, the more they seemed to be multiplying. Nicole wasn’t exactly huge, only being a few pounds heavier than herself, surely her capacity wasn’t that much larger?

“Dude will you like, chill?” Nicole lazily attempted to pull her top down, only for it to quickly reject the idea and re-reveal a good few inches of her stretched skin. “It’s like a cool new promo thing…They were selling them off for a dollar…”

“So you thought to get a HUNDRED!?” Ashley didn’t even think she could raise her voice so high, kicking some of the pile over and sending the cups all over the place. “Are you that fucking–”

She paused when she saw the logo at the bottom of one of the cups. It was only a ‘W’, yet the colouring and design was distinct. She could have sworn she had seen it already that day…

“UGH! Don’t even think that I’m cleaning up after you. AGAIN.”

After kicking off her work shoes, Ashley stormed into her bedroom with a slammed door following suit. She could have sworn that Nicole was purposely trying to be obtuse sometimes. How they were related was beyond her.

Whilst getting changed, she scrolled idly at the latest local news headlines, having a vague memory of looking at them during her lunch break. It’s the only place she could think of where she could have seen this ‘W’.

Lo and behold, she found an article from 11:30 that very morning. It was only short, yet direct:


The same logo was used for the banner of the article, which went on to list symptoms;
Stomach pangs, nausea, bloating, typical tainted food side effects. Nicole must have ordered them pretty early on to be able to get a hundred before the article was released.

However, if these systems were only from drinking one, god knows what havoc it’d wreck on her.

The initial worry brewing inside of her was quickly subsided by smugness. Not only were her parents going to find out what their ‘darling youngest’ was doing with their allowance money, but she was going to suffer the consequences of her stupid greed.

She emerged from her room, where Nicole had barely moved an inch within that time, with a much sweeter smile on her face.

“How’re you feeling?” She cooed in a purposely condescending manner, poking her index finger into the exposed flesh.

It wasn’t hard, but enough for her sister to squirm and yelp, causing the contents of her gut to slosh audibly inside her.

“Stoooop…” Nicole groaned, “Like yo-*urp!*-u give a fuck…”

“That’s true, I really couldn’t give a fuck.” Ashley agreed with a shrug, her smile growing wider. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t relish in this.”

She grabbed a tissue from the coffee table and began wiping away at her sister’s face, doubling down on treating her like a naughty toddler.

“You even got some on your nose, you gross ass.” Ashley continued, though was puzzled to find the splotch still evident on her skin. “Ugh, you’ve like…Stained yourself or something.”

As she became more aggressive with her rubbing, Nicole slapped her hand away.

“Dude, stop. You’re hurting me.”

“Well I wouldn’t have to if you weren’t such a disgusti–Huh.”

The splotch she was trying to get no longer looked like a splotch. Instead, it was like a deep blue birthmark stretched across the entirety of Nicole’s nose, spreading onto her cheeks.

“Huh? Huh what?!” Nicole barked back, trying to sit more upright yet felt bound by her stomach. She felt even heavier than she did before, if that was even humanly possible. “Ughn…Fuck.”

Ashley vaguely remembered learning in biology about how eating enough carrots would turn your skin orange. Perhaps this was simply one of the ‘lesser known’ side effects to these trash coffee drinks?

“Nothing. I’m just baffled at how stupid you look right now.” She finally responded after a pause, tossing the tissue onto the mound of trash. “But you always look stupid, soooo…”

“THAT’S IT!” Nicole barked, using all of her strength to push herself up from the sofa.

The cushions underneath her weight were flattened, along with some of the cups and delivery bags.

She stumbled the first few steps, clearly trying to adjust to the weight imbalance. Though it wasn’t just from her front, no. Even her behind felt heavier, weirdly. She mainly chalked it down by sitting for around 6 hours.

“Will you just fuckin’ leave me alo–Grk!”

Nicole quickly wrapped both arms around her mid section, leaning forward. Her face was now more or less the same blue hue as her nose, and was spreading down beyond her neck. Even her fingertips were beginning to turn blue!

The two of them stood in silence as the younger’s body gurgled and groaned, before doing something neither of them expected…

Ashley’s eyes grew wide, having front row seats to Nicole’s arms being forced apart by her stomach. It was as if in a matter of seconds, she looked heavily pregnant. As more of her skin was exposed, more of the same blue splotches arose against her otherwise pale skin.

“What the fuck…” Was all she managed to breathe out, taking a few steps back before hitting her calf against the coffee table. It was surreal, almost, and whilst she probably should be calling for help…
“Well, I guess what they say is true.” Ashley perked up with a shrug, “You are what you eat.”

Nicole all the while was helpless as she grew equally wide as she did outward. Her once loose sweatpants were now struggling to fit around the width of her ass combined with the orbital form of her stomach. Her top, on the other hand, was bunched up underneath a heavy set of breasts.

“Do something!” The blue sibling cried, helplessly pressing her hands into her sides. All that did was sink her hands deep into her fleshy skin, and if anything anger the contents inside of her further. “Don’t just–Just stand there!”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Ashley said with a lacing of smugness, “Nothing will help your stupidity, Nick. No wonder you flunked out.”

She placed both of her hands against her sister’s stomach, surprised to find it so warm and soft, yet with one large push…

“What’re you–Ah!”

With a loud ‘thud’, ‘glunk’ and ‘sploosh’, Nicole’s fat, blue ass reconnected itself to the sofa, crushing dozens of the cups underneath its widened mass. Her swollen legs kicked furiously in the air whilst her arms waved in a desperate attempt of getting back up, yet she was simply too spherical at this rate.

It didn’t take much more for the elastic to snap in her sweats, succumbing to the pressure. Her clothes were more or less stretched beyond repair, much like the owner herself. Her entire torso was more or less a perfect sphere, whilst her limbs jutted out awkwardly in a starfish position. Still, it didn’t stop Nicole from thrashing them all over the place…Whilst she still could.

She could no longer see beyond her blue mass, though she could sense that Ashley was scheming something. It wasn’t until she heard a ‘click!’ as her phone camera went off, her swollen cheeks blushed an even deeper indigo.

“You–Did NOT–Just–!”

“Oh but I did.” Ashley cut her off, waving her phone up high enough for her sister to see. “And what are you going to do about it, huh? You can’t even move by yourself.”

Nicole felt her dainty hands push against her body once more purely for the sake of annoyance. She strained and groaned, desperately trying to reach down to smack her hands away, yet she couldn’t even bend her arms anymore due to the severe amount of swelling.

“Stop–Stop-!” She begged, feeling pressure building in her stomach. “Please–!”

“Or what?” Ashley hummed, unable to see her hands; they were that deeply embedded in her fruit for a sister.



Both siblings were in stunned silence after Nicole let out perhaps the loudest, wettest fart either of them had ever heard whilst a steady puddle of blueberry juice stained her crotch area.

“...Oh, my God,” Ashley struggled to say in between giggles, “I can’t believe how embarrassing this is for you.”

Nicole said nothing, yet her tight, sausage fingered fists by her sides were a clear indication of her humiliation.

“Well, if you’re going to make an even bigger mess in the house, I better put you outside.”

Now that her limbs were less of an obstacle, merely swollen fatty rings with small hands and feet poking out of them, it was quite easy for Ashley to go behind her sister and roll her off of the sofa.

On floor level, she was easily taller than her sister (for once), sitting at 6 feet both tall and wide, yet it seemed as though she wasn’t slowing down just yet, despite Nicole’s mumbled protests.

Her head was barely being kept up by a thick layer of double chin, not that it mattered either which way. Her lips were permanently squished by two apple sized cheeks, making her barely able to speak.

Her screams were muffled as Ashley began picking up a pace with her rolling, finding it quite easy despite the sheer weight of her sibling. As they both got closer to the folding doors that led out to their backyard, the more it became apparent just how large she had truly swelled.

Nicole’s rounded sides brushed against the door frame as Ashley pushed and shoved. Each amount of pressure only resulted in further juice to leak out of her, inch by inch allowing her one step (or roll) closer to the grass outside.

With one final shoulder ram, Nicole tumbled out into the cool evening air, rolling a few times before her own weight halted the momentum. Not even her hands and feet were visible anymore, being simply two tiny dimples where they once were. As for her head, who knew? Ashley couldn’t even see it from the ground, being only met with a deep blue globe with a belly button deeper than the Grand Canyon.

At least for Nicole’s sake, her swelling seemed to more or less be at a stop. Not that it mattered much at this point, she was more ‘blueberry’ than she was ‘person’. She moaned idly, no doubt feeling sorry for herself and the state she was in.

“You’ll be okay out here all night, right?” Ashley teased, giving a firm smack to the immense blubber in front of her.

“Awl nighwt!?” She could just barely hear her sister cry back, much to her amusement.

“Well, you’re not exactly fitting back in the house any time soon, lard ass. Maybe you can sleep off some of the shakes, hm?”

It was unsure if that was even going to be how it worked at that moment in time. Maybe Nicole was permanently stuck like this?

The idea of her new form being permanent made something twinge in Ashley’s mind. Before she lingered on it for too long, she made her way to the mop…
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 3 weeks , updated 3 weeks
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Flintopalchin 3 weeks
Love this! Only, wouldn’t it make more sense for the drinks to be blueberry energy drinks instead of coffee ones?
ReeceTypes 3 weeks
It's literally just because I was drinking coffee at the time haha. Plus, I remember seeing a blueberry coffee promotion last Summer, so it's a bit of a mixture of those two things!
Flintopalchin 3 weeks
Oh well in that case, it’s wonderful. Thanks for the read!