Amassing Andi

  By Heyson1313  Premium

Chapter 1

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The sunshine was the kind of bright that stabs your eyes when you open the blinds. The tall, arched window in the kitchen was the main culprit of this unwelcome awakening. Andi had forgotten to close them the night before—the price to pay for a good book. She squinted at the window, cursing the sun.

"Morning, sunshine." Adam's chipper voice floated from the stove.

She mumbled something intelligible. The aroma of eggs and cheese mingled in the air, curling around her senses and awakening her appetite. Andi padded over to the counter and watched him cook.

"Eggs again?" She cocked her head, eyeing her roommate. "You know that's my favorite, right?"

He grinned, not taking his eyes off the pan. "That's why I made it. I know how much you love breakfast, and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who can cook a decent egg scramble." Adam chuckled.

"And don't forget the cheese," she added with a smile. "So, what's on the agenda for today? I should probably hit the gym, considering this breakfast bomb you're serving." She poked the spatula he was using.

Adam cleared his throat and swallowed. "Actually, about that, Andrea. I, uh, I was wondering if we could skip the gym today?" Adam asked tentatively, maintaining eye contact with the sizzling food.

She raised an eyebrow, surprised by the suggestion. "But I was looking forward to running off those calories. Plus, I need to keep up with my lifts. My muscles will atrophy if I don't." Andi said it as a joke, but she was half-serious about keeping up with her fitness routine.

Adam had always known her as the fit, health-conscious roommate. “Maybe he was just tired today?” She thought to herself.

"Adam, is everything okay? You seem a bit off," she asked, resting her hand on his shoulder.

"It's nothing, really." He shrugged it off, waving a dismissive hand in the air before sliding the cheesy scrambled eggs onto her plate. "Just enjoy breakfast. We can talk about it more after you finish eating." He insinuated a mysterious tone, which intrigued her further. Andi carried her plate to the table and began to devour the scrumptious food.

Adam and Andi had lived together for nearly two years in a cozy suburban house filled with sunlight that illuminated its inviting spaces, where modern furniture met personal touches handed down from our families. Their spacious backyard was a tranquil getaway from the bustling activities within our college town.

As she sat down, she felt the sun on her face, the cushions under her toned legs, and her waistband…cutting into her?

Andi’s eyes grew wide as she looked down. “Is it my imagination, or are my clothes seem to be clinging to me a little too tightly?” She thought. She glanced back at Adam, who still hadn't met her gaze.

"Adam, is there something I should know?" Andi touched her belly, feeling the tiniest bit of roundness there. She dismissed it as the aftermath of Adam's delicious but indulgent breakfast.

"Like I said, it's nothing. Just eat up and relax," Adam urged, still avoiding her eyes. "You'll feel better in no time."

As she tentatively took another bite, she couldn't help but examine the egg mixture more closely. There seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary—just the right mix of cheese and spices that she adored. Andi dismissed the concerns momentarily and enjoyed her meal with Adam.

They moved to the living room—the bulky couch swallowing them like they were sinking into the marshmallow filling of a well-made sweet roll. The warmth radiated around Andi as she gingerly touched her belly, now quietly certain something was amiss.

Her fingers idly danced around the slight bulge that certainly hadn't been there yesterday, and most decidedly not the day before.

Curiosity pricked at Andi, and her mind began to churn a thousand theories. She eyed Adam sideways, raising a quizzical eyebrow. "Alright, you've been mysteriously vague, and my imagination is starting to run a little wild here. I think it's time you told me what's going on." She spoke slowly, deliberately controlling my growing apprehension.

It wasn't easy to rile her curiosity, but Adam had managed to brew a strange cocktail of suspicion and wonder.

"Well, you see," Adam hesitated, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. The room seemed to dim, casting him in a dramatic light that accentuated his uncertainty. He sighed, as if steeling himself for a confrontation, before pursing his lips and conceding defeat. "I suppose it's time you knew the truth." Adam sighed, his shoulders sagging under the weight of his words. "I've noticed you've put on some weight recently, but I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. It's just that—I've been making our meals so you wouldn’t have to stress over it." He paused and met her eyes, searching for a reaction. “It’s a natural part of aging, Andi. You still look great. Don’t worry about it.” He tried his best to follow through with a convincing smile, yet came off slightly unsure, even uneasy.

Andi tilted her head, unconvinced, unaware of the chemical storm brewing inside her body.

"It's not just a few pounds," she murmured.

"Andrea, don't be silly," Adam reassured her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure it's just your body adjusting to your diet. It happens to the best of us."

Andi pulled away gently, her gaze never leaving his eyes as she sought the truth. "You didn't slip something into my food, did you?" The absurdity of the words struck her as they tumbled from her lips, but the doubt remained. After all, they were treading deep into impossible territory.

Adam's laughter filled the room like a sudden burst of upbeat music. "Of course not! Why would you even think that? I've been nothing but a good roommate—a good friend, Andrea." He held up his hands as if to further appease her, and followed it with, “if you want to take over cooking, be my guest. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable in your own home, even if it’s one we share.”

Adam made a valid point, and she felt a smidgen of guilt for even entertaining such a thought.

Days rolled into weeks, and the weight continued to subtly creep up on Andi. Her usual gym visits were met with less enthusiasm at first, but eventually faded into complacency. For all intents and purposes, she was convinced by Adam—the bloating and increased weight must be explained by natural causes, unrelated to any illicit substances. Or so she told herself.

Around this time, another phenomenon struck her - an attraction, both surprising and undeniable.

She’d always found Adam handsome, but suddenly, it seemed like his hazel eyes were filled with depth and mystery, and his brawny arms became far more captivating than the iron weights she’d once adored. Instinctively, she knew this newfound fascination was off-limits, yet the more she tried to restrain herself, the more powerful it grew.

A few days passed and she could no longer deny the budding attraction between them.

Andi was still grappling with my body’s unexpected metamorphosis and wondered if Adam looked at her with fresh eyes, too.

One night, she decided to broach the subject over glasses of red wine, choosing her words carefully. “Adam, I know I’ve been acting weird lately, but I’ve been trying to understand why my body’s changing. Has it been hard for you to see me go through this? I mean, I know I’m carrying a bit more belly than you’re used to.” She offered him a wobbly smile as she swirled the wine in her glass.

He looked at her with a warm, genuine expression.

“Look, Andrea, I don’t care about the weight gain. I care about you, and you’re still the same amazing person. It doesn’t matter what you look like. If anything, I’ve come to appreciate the subtle softness that’s enveloping you. It’s all part of the beauty of who you are.”

She appreciated his kindness, but she had a brand new insecurity she was grappling with.
10 chapters, created 6 months , updated 2 months
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