An Intimate Fattening

  By Shores

chapter 1

Tongue tracing. Exploring. Biting Teasing. Lips: soft, warm, pressed to mine. I find, wrapped up in you so, this swelling of passion that I can’t control. Building. Pulsing.

We haven't fed you yet. But I am so aware of your belly. So excited to indulge in this fantasy of feeding with you. These months spent indulging for me. The calories you have gorged; stuffing until you can barely sit forward, until you can't suck your belly in, until in even unfed you have this little roundness that protrudes into me. That presses outwards as I sit in your lap. A soft doughy mound that squeezes its way over your waistband, rolling over as if threatening to make its way into your lap, spilling out between my thighs. Its not big enough to hang down between your legs yet. Not big enough to pour softly out to cover your thighs... but with me sat here so closely intertwined in your lap. Well, there is little else for your fat to do but to press into me.

You feel fatter to me now pressed body to body like this. Fatter. Softer. Heavier. I t's as if this new belly is determined to divulge what a glutton you have become. Threatening your buttons with even the smallest over indulgence... and it's difficult not to over indukge now. You're so good at being greedy. 

A need for you surges as,
Lifting my hips, you slide me closer to you, catching me firmly under the overspill of fat. I feel it might overwhelm me entirely when I finally allow it to break. When I finally give in to my desire for you.   I can’t deny that I adore your belly.  That I have wanted you for so long.  So many days spent longing for your kisses; your touch, your body. I don’t want to let go.  To finally taste you like this with your hands deftly teasing your way from my hips, taking in the contours of my body as you map every curve; it is almost too exciting for me to put into words.  My entire body tingles and aches. Each finger width of skin that you trace your way across prickles, and I find my body moulding to yours, folding into you. Pressing myself as closely to your form as I can. In return you press your weight to me - pinning me downwards .I can feel the girth of your little belly. The roundness that overindulgence has created there.  My spine arching, my pelvis pressing to you, bumping against the swell of your belly... the pulsing of my excitement met with your own. 

I'm panting as we part; pressed nose to nose... I think you can see the glitter of the plea thats about to come in my eyes. My desire for you paramount to all else as your name leaves my lips... a moan. A gasp. A whimper as my body trembles for you, heart harming as I feel the familar throb of want that you seem to instill between my thighs. I'm yours.  Every inch. Every breath. Every cell...

Kisses to my collar bone; the stubble of your beard pricking my skin as I feel myself taking the back of your head, guiding you. Downwards... downwards to the deep cleavage that I've teased you so with. The deep cut of my dress; the dark material drawing contrast with the glitter of my fair skin beneath it... its on the floor behind us now... that had been another exploration.  Inch by inch revealing my body.

I've fed you like this before. Naked in your lap. Body to body. Skin to skin; the pale swell of my breasts sitting heavily atop the slope of your belly. More and more of a curve for me to rest them upon. Finding myself having to squirm in your lap; to fight the temptation to press further to your throbbing want of me.  Feeding you excites us both so. It can be intense. You perhaps had a hope of going back to slim then... that your abs might return... is there hope for that now? With this new layer of belly?

I sqeeze the soft layer of fat that covers your lower belly now. Feeling it drop and bouce; raising myself a little and pushing you backwards so that your belly sticks out. So that I can rock my pelvis against it.
A gasp... as I sit down. A trembling pulse. The throb of your want for me.

Not yet. Although I can barely hold myself back. Although I have to stop, dark lashes closing momentarily, as I pant. There is something so exciting about your fatness. Our fitness. Pound by pound grown In greed and gluttony for me. This belly is teasing me. This plumpness could bring me to pleasure but...

"More." I have to repeat the word because my voice breaks to a gasp of pleasure, a moan of want. "More."

I can feel you teasing me. Your hands wondering further across my body... I have to gasp a little. Loosing my moan into your body - pressing my face to your shoulder as with one hand you take a handful of your belly showing me how big you have grown and wirh the other... well, the other is from me...reaching around me, cupping my ass... sliding to open my thighs...

"More?" You whisper.  "Is this fat belly not enough for you? Are you so greedy for me. More might make me fat.."

You draw another gasp from me as you tease softly; body to body. I'm moulded to you now. It's so hard to pull myself from you...  cupping your chin in my hand, Lifting myself from your lap... a final deep kiss, my tongue tracing your lips for a moment, extending the touch. A passionate little bite in my hunger for you.  We haven't weighed you in a few days... but there are other ways to tell if you're heavier... my body is trained to respond to severe little jiggle.  Every new inch that hangs down into me.

"If you want to please me. Eat for me. Eat for me until you are stuffed...and more.. if you want my plump pleasure... my glutton. Let me feel how heavy you are now... and then... More."

Like your appetite for gluttony,; my greed for your gut is seemingly insatiable. I want
Your big rounded belly pressing outwards; upwards, downwards, put to the sides. A bloated ball of indulgence...

I want a stuffed heavy belly to play with before pleasure...

. The passionate need that comes with the wild sense of pleasure; seeing your body rounder like this is one thing. The undeniable pleasure that comes from you growing plump. When a belly looks so good on you. The hedonism of you swollen, huge and still indulging... past your limits to please. But i Its another to grow with a lover. That you are sharing your body like this with me. That together we make such an impact to your waist. That as you feel the dense weight of so many calories settling in your stomach you stuff a little more... for us. Trusting me with your belly. Your body. Each inch of fat ours. Lbs added from our ours making love... and you're still growing. I don't want to just feed and fuck you.

You are larger for love of me. Plump from being lost in the throws of our pleasure.

I want you... more. Take me to bed; my big bellied feedee. Show me how heavy this belly has grown. Without the need for scales. Bearing down to me... give me every pound. And then let it grow heavy and full. Firm and full.

Lover to lover... let me feed you. I dont mind if your big belly grows to heavy to lift from me... plumpness pinning me down. A belly that fills my thighs and make me beg and cry.

It seems you you are going to have to work a little harder to please your feeder...

Tell me: When you're alrwady this plump... Will you have more? For your feeder?

1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
16   3   2676


Built4com4t 2 years
I can’t believe i somehow missed this one… again brilliantly loving, as magically arousing as your others.
Lovinitbig 2 years
Aaahhhh yes please! 🥵