Chapter 1
“Goodnight mum!” I walk upstairs, on my way to my room. It’s 10 p.m.I have a strange feeling, again. It feels good and bad in once.
When I changed my clothes and got ready to go to bed I take my phone.
I already know what will happen now..
While lying in bed I open Snapchat and send a streaks to everyone.
I open google chrome and search “Fantasy feeder”. I log in to my account and check my notifications.
Since 2021 i have a strange feeling, I like weight gain and the feederism community.
With a lot of inspiration I start writing. Hopefully I will make friends or something.
Meanwhile writing I take my pillow. Slowly I put it under my shirt. I look huge now!
After a while of writing my first chapter in done! I uploaded it and check profiles.
Kind of jealous because everyone is so huge.. I open Snapchat and send some snaps.
No face, only darkness. After a while of snapping I’m gonna take a look.
Maybe someone added me.
“***** has sended a message”
I open it and start smiling.
“Hii! My name is ***** and I saw that your a gainer. Do you want to snap with me?”
Im so happy!!
“Of course i want! My snap is xvg.438 add me :)”
Not really much later I get the notification from Snapchat.
**** had sended you a friend request!
I accept and open the chat.
Me “Hello!”
She “Hii!”
Me “How are you?”
She “I’m good, what about you?”
Me “also!”
We chat for hours, she’s really nice’
Me “I know this is early but, I feel really comfortable and safe with you! Do you want to be my gf?..”
Later turns out that they both are gaining.
Me “Im going to stuff tomorrow, want some videos?”
She “Why not?”
Hey this is my first English book. So don’t judge me:)
Based on a real situation, without the snap and stuff but yh. I really need ppl to talk with lol.
OMG me and my family are going to a all you can eat! And bc my cousins are eating a LOT I can do that to :))
But fine, I hope you like it! :)
Add my sc: xvg.438
2 chapters, created 2 years
, updated 2 years