
  By Natatat  Premium

Chapter 1 - My roommate

Now Kelsey was a short girl standing at I think 5ft4 and I have no idea what she weighed. She had a cute figure and she was in shape. So I’m not exactly sure what happened to her. It started out slight.

The first night she texted me asking for me to come get her. Apparently she had gone out drinking and was lost. I found her stuffing her face with nachos and a burrito. She insisted on finishing her food. I drove her back.

“Urrrp oh my god that was crazy. Ugh I have a food baby.” It was a little annoying considering it kind of turned me on. I decided to ignore her.

In the morning she was hung over. I shook her to get her up for breakfast.

“Ugh what time is it?”

“It’s time for food.” She jumped up at that and pulled on her shorts and top. She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dinning commons. I had never seen someone so excited to eat.

“Oh my god this is so good. I don’t know what to pick.”

“Kelsey it is an already paid for meal plan $12 flat so you eat as much as you want.” I regretted it as soon as I said it.

“I’m gonna get my moneys worth then.” She piled her plate high with eggs, bacon, crepes, donuts, sausage, pizza, burgers, a three layer sandwich she made.

“Jeez calm down it’s not going to run away.” She just kept getting up for more. I left her eating her fourth ice cream cone. I was confused by how much her gorging turned me on.

“Urrrrrp. Weeew.” She returned three hours later with a huge food baby. She sat down and unbuttoned her shorts. “Oof god if I’m not careful I’ll regain all the weight I lost.” She gave her belly a pat.

I couldn’t get it out of my head. What weight and when? I wanted to ask but I didn’t want to seem weird. I ended up creeping on her Facebook trying to find pictures of it.

“You coming out tonight?” She asked while changing into her party dress.

“Nah I’ve got some work to do plus I don’t drink so it’s boring for me.”

“Suit yourself.” She emerged in a tight black skirt and red top.

“I thought you were going to wear that dress.”

“Nah I like this more.” I secretly hoped that she would get a food baby again. I brushed the thought away.

I heard her stumble in around 2am. She turned on the light. I could smell food.

“What the hell Kelsey?”

“Oh sorry I forgot. Why are you asleep so early?” She was clearly drunk. She had two orders of nachos with her.

“It’s not early. It’s 2am” she looked confused.

“Oh. Urrrrrrp. Well technically it is early because it’s am. Haha.” She looked at the food glassy eyed.

“Ugh I’ll turn on a movie.” I sat and watched a movie while she loudly plowed through her nachos. I looked over at her and she appeared to be even more intoxicated.

“What’s in your drink?” She giggled.

“Rum and coke.” She took a huge sip.

“Kelsey you are gonna get sick if you eat both of those.” I was getting turned on watching her start on the second order.

“Urrrrrrrrp nope this is urrrrp my third box of these tonight.” I hoped she couldn’t tell how turned on I was. I mean we weren’t even at Halloween and it looked like she had gotten a little soft. I heard her panting.

“You okay?” She was staring at her food.

“I want to eat more but I have no more energy.”

“Then go to sleep.”

“No but I want to finish them.” She whined.

“I don’t know what to tell you.”

“Ugh I want them.” She was too drunk to get them in her mouth. “Help?”

“What do you mean help?” She pointed to the food.

“Feed me the rest.” I was confused.

“Kelsey you have clearly had enough. Go to sleep.” She whined at me.

“Please I want more.”

“This is weird. But fine as long as you stop whining.” I fed her a huge bite. She let out a moan. It turned me on and made me uncomfortable.

“Mmmmmm yummy.” I fed her more and she did the same.

“Okay seriously stop you are making me uncomfortable.” She took another bite.

“Mmmmmm so good.”

“Okay seriously I’m done.”

“What? No.”

“Then stop making that noise.” She grinned and almost bit my finger when I fed her.

“Mmmmmmm yum.”

“Owwww you almost bit me.”

“Urrrrrrp more.” I fed the rest to her quickly. This was weirding me out.

“There you’re done now go to sleep.”

“Urrrp hand me the soda.” She chugged it. Her belly was bloated. She poked it. “My little food baby. Wanna feel it kick?” I sighed.

“Kelsey you are drunk go to bed.” She pouted.

“Fine.” She got up and shimmied out of her clothes and changed into pajamas. I heard snoring soon after.
7 chapters, created 5 years , updated 3 years
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Ggggggj 5 years
Can’t wait for the next chapter!!
Karenjenk 5 years
I really like this.
loss of self control
hope you continue some day
Non-suspicious 5 years
bruh that's nuts

v hot tho