How Jack Got Fat

  By Natatat  Premium

Chapter 1

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In the year since college had ended he had stopped working out. He only ever worked out because of swim. Or because of his girlfriend. In reality he was tired of it. His whole life revolved around it for so long. Once he and his girlfriend broke up over the move he could Finally relax and have time for other things.

He hadn’t really given much thought to his body until moving to the west coast. All around him were perfect people. He had only been there two weeks and already he had started to isolate. He would get high after work order take out and sit in his apartment and eat till he fell asleep. This lead to him gaining fifteen pounds. Not to mention solidifying his soft dad bod but now with the extra weight he looked a far cry from his swimmer college days.

He only noticed when a stunning girl approached him. She invited him to surf. And it was then that his weight gain dawned on him. Her perfect body on display in a bikini and his mushy belly pushing over his swim trunks made him feel every pound. He struggled into his wetsuit. Zipping it up over his fat was hard.


She pulled the zipper up.


“Maybe get a bigger wetsuit.”

She gave his middle a pat.

“Yeah haha I guess I’ve gotten a little lazy.”
He felt her hand on his belly as she pressed another beer in his hand.

“Urrrrrrrrrp. I’m so bloated.”

“Looks like someone is filling out.”

She kept rubbing his soft tummy. It was true he had really been over doing it on the fast food lately.

“Yeah I think I might need to cut back on the fastfood.”

He gave his belly a pat. Her eyes zeroed in on it.

“Yeah maybe. I mean your abs are disappearing.”

She was right. He looked so soft now. He could feel his belly poking out over his jeans when he went through the drive thru.

“But it’s so good though. I just feel better when I have it. Speaking of….”

“Are you actually going to order more fastfood right now?”

“Yeah there is a deal going on.”

“What about cutting back?”


She kept rubbing his soft tummy as he ate and drank himself silly.

“I think you may have a problem.”

“No im good.”
10 chapters, created 2 months , updated 3 weeks
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Bodyofwater 2 months
This is great, I'm enjoying it a lot. Looking forward to seeing where you go with it!