Chapter 1
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Jackie had chosen a catwoman type suit made of something akin to latex. It was black and she had the cat ears and tail very stereotypical sorority girl costume. However Jackie wanted it to be sluttier so she purchased one that left her chest and stomach completely open aside from crisscrossing cords that you could pull tighter if need be. The outfit also had these scandalous detailing on the front of the thighs going up almost to the stomach. Essentially it was "here's a taste of what I got." All of this was topped off with her insane heels. She screamed sex. The costume highlighted her best assets, her butt and her boobs respectively. Jackie had a long torso and short powerful legs and a big butt. She had a kind of pixie nose and an oval face. She believed this costume would set her apart from her sorority sisters and get her the man she had been chasing.
"I look sexy as fuck" Jackie struck poses in the full length mirror in her dorm. She decided to curl her long blonde hair which was stick straight. "This is sure to get his attention." She adjusted her costume tying it tighter to push her boobs together. "There, that is much better" she pulled out the curlers and struck another pose viewing her butt. She slapped it and nodded at her reflection and checked her makeup.
"Jackie hurry up! We are going to be late!" Sam yelled at her roommate from downstairs. God that girl takes forever to get ready. I bet she is checking herself out in the mirror again. All we had to do was wear a simple cat costume for this stupid sorority thing, how hard is that?
"I'm coming!" Jackie grabbed her little purse and once again checked her reflection and blew herself a kiss in the mirror. "Perfect"
"Wow! Damn girl that's a lot of skin!" Sam had to admit Jackie looked gorgeous.
"WHat is it too much?" Jackie looked worried.
"No, you look amazing! I was just surprised is all. And I mean I would have gotten more dressed up if I knew you were going all out." Sam laughed.
"I mean I'm trying to get Taylor to notice me." Jackie tied the string a little tighter and adjusted her boobs.
"So are you going for sexy with a bit of slutty?" Sam asked laughing.
"No I was just going for sexy, okay yes I was more going for slutty. I want him. He will be mine."
"How exactly do you intend to 'make' him yours?"
"Hello, with my nice fat ass!" Jackie turned around and stuck her butt in Sam's face then slapped it. Then turned around and struck a pose. "No man, or woman can resist this baby!" Jackie leaned against Sam and laid her chin on her shoulder. "Not even you" Jackie laughed.
"Damn it Jackie you pulled my hair. Get off." Sam shoved Jackie off her not without some effort. Jackie was heavy. "Uffh god you are heavy, don't do the dead weight thing. Let's get going."
"Yay party party!"
"Yes okay let's go!"
"I'm gonna get my man hahaha!" Jackie yelled.
"SHhhhhhhh be quiet." Jackie kept blathering on about Taylor and how she was going to get him and all that jazz. While she was talking Sam couldn't help but notice the softness of Jackies' stomach. Jackie had always had a flat stomach but never toned. If she's not careful she will start to get mushy. Oh well she's a big girl she will figure it out.
At the party things were swinging. They met up with their sorority sisters, all dressed as cats. It looked a little weird. Sam saw her friend Josh and waved to him. He was standing with a handsome guy, very tall, very perfect. Sam was suddenly jerked to the side.
"Sam quick how do I look?" Jackie squeaked. Sam looked Jackie up and down.
"You look amazing, why are you freaking out?" Sam was confused and her wrist kind of hurt from Jackie jerking her to the side. "Oh is that Taylor?"
"Yess duh. Help me" Jackie was flustered.
"Shhhh calm down, here," she grabbed a shot of vodka for Jackie. "Drink this." Jackie looked at it apprehensively. Then looked at Taylor.
"Okay I'm going to need two more of these to get up the courage to go talk to him." Jackie looked longingly at Taylor.
"No no you don't need more, you are great now let's go. We have the perfect excuse because I know his friend Josh." Jackie looked relieved.
"Thank god! That's so much easier." They made their way over to the boys.
College Fiction
Sexual acts/Love making
Fit to Fat
First person
48 chapters, created 5 years
, updated 3 months