Bellysex (part 2)

Chapter 1 - 1

The doorbell rang. With El out of town for only another couple of days, this was going to be the last time Joe could see Nicole and Gemma, at least for a while. The trio had met up five or six times over the course of these two weeks; the girls would eat and eat until their bellies were gorged and stuffed, which made them both horny and which Joe loved to watch. Then the three would have incredible sex, each of them savouring every last jiggle of the fat girls' quaking flesh. Joe loved to bone them while they ate, and to feed them to the point of bursting then stuff them that bit more with his fat cock. At the very thought of today's sex feast of waffles, syrup and cream he was getting hard as he opened the door.

El stood there smiling, and held out her arms. Joe's heart seemed to shudder as his stomach was stabbed with a spear of apprehension. The plumpers were due any minute now. He hugged El and greeted her with a smile, and took her bags into the living room, leaving the door swinging open. As he recovered from his shock and turned around, he noticed that there was something different about her. The day was another hot one and she was wearing a small red T-shirt, which was noticeably tighter than the last time Joe had seen her in it. Her breasts were fuller and she sported the quivering beginnings of a potbelly, her softened hips bulging slightly over the top of her summer skirt.

"I know, I know", she said shyly, noticing Joe's lingering gaze. "I've put on so much weight. You know how my mum feeds me up like a prize pig every time I visit - well this time I just gave in to it. You probably think I look like a fat cow."
Joe was still staring, transfixed, at her new voluptuous curves. "No - no!" He stammered. Then, regaining his composure slightly, he added "You look more beautiful than ever". She flashed him a disbelieving look. "No, I'm serious", he said earnestly, reaching out for her and kissing her, acutely aware of the softness of her flesh beneath her clothes.

Then Joe's mind flashed back to the food spread out in the kitchen - the waffles, the cream, the syrup, all in copious quantities. "You must be hungry after your journey", he said as he led her by the hand into the kitchen.

"Ahh, you laid all this on for me?" she smiled. "Now that you mention it, I'm ravenous!"

Joe grilled her a waffle and then watched intently as she sliced banana onto it, added a scoop of ice cream, drizzled maple syrup over it generously, and then topped it off with a swirl of 'whooshy' cream. She devoured it hungrily. As a drop of syrup ran down her chin she looked up and caught Joe's eyes.

"Look at me!" she laughed. "Wolfing it as if I haven't eaten in days...whereas in fact I've never eaten so much before as in the last few days!"

"Y'know, I really meant what I said before", said Joe tentatively. "About you looking even better with a bit of extra weight. You look so sexy, and I love watching you eat".

The next waffle was eaten in a more showy fashion, each mouthful licked lingeringly off the spoon and swallowed greedily. She hitched the T-shirt up a little to show off her tubby little stomach and patted it shyly, seemingly beginning to enjoy her new plumpness, and naturally enjoying the fact that it was such a turn-on for her boyfriend.

All thought of Gemma and Nicole had flown from Joe's mind as he and El began to kiss, and then he lifted her up onto the kitchen's centre island and spread her out on her back, peeling the tight red T-shirt off her. Her succulent breasts sat back against her chest like plump fleshy fruits and her doughy little belly shook as she lifted her hips and wiggled out of her skirt. In another few moments she lay naked on the fake-wood surface, and Joe admired her curvaceous beauty.
"You've really fattened up into a plump little piggy, haven't you honey?" he smiled, patting the soft little mound of her jutting paunch.

She giggled as he reached over to the table and grasped the maple syrup, opened it and began to drizzle it slowly over her plump body. The sticky amber fluid oozed languorously over her writhing stomach and breasts and she smeared it across the tender flesh with her fingers, then began to pleasure herself. She opened her mouth invitingly and Joe poured some of the thick syrup in. As her mouth filled with the sweet fluid it dribbled viscously down her chin and she swallowed it in a gulp.

"You like that, piggy? Huh?"

Joe poured more of the sticky syrup over her heaving breasts and belly and her plump pubic mound, as she worked herself into an orgasmic frenzy, swallowing more and more syrup until the plastic bottle was empty.
2 chapters, created 10 years , updated 5 years
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