Brief Encounters: Making

  By Nok

Chapter 1 - ...

Circa 10/2017


This piece is described by its title. It is very short.


WARNING: You probably don't want to view this. It probably contains intense FAT fiction and FEEDERISM themes, it may contain BDSM themes, and it is likely overtly SEXUAL to boot! If you don't like this stuff, or don't know what I am talking about, then (again): You probably don't want to view this!

WARNING: This piece contains additional fetish themes and descriptions, potentially including, but not limited to: naturalism, impregnation or fertility, slob, scent, underarm or pubic hair, or sweat or saliva.


Until I can think of something better, I've decided to add a BDSM scale to all my stuff. It ranges from 1 to 10, where a 1 is mildly kinky and a 5 is solidly BDSM. A rating of higher than 5 is probably extremely naughty. If you aren't sure you like this stuff, I encourage you to find something with a rating of 3 or below.
This story's BDSM rating is 2. It is still pretty fucking kinky though, so beware.


CONTINUANCE: Like much of my work, this is one of an ongoing series; however, this series is related by theme or style, not necessarily by characters, setting, or plot.

CONTINUANCE: I almost never finish anything, so feel free to adopt and cite; just let me know where you post so I can view it too! XD


Comments and critiques are always appreciated!


Enjoy at your own risk! LOL

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Brief Encounters - Making

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He bit her on the neck, one arm under her breasts, holding her close, the other on her wide hip as his own wedged through the lard they'd accumulated on her ass, finally entering her wetness to a moan.

He fed her and fucked her gently, bringing her to climaxes of increasing intensity one after another through the night.

It was in their starting position that they finished. She was so tired and full that all she could do was sit back against his lap, filled completely and unrestrainedly with food and cock. As he felt the end near, he bounced her hard and firm up and down, holding her tight to him, back against his chest, one arm holding her as the other sank through her rolls of belly fat and deftly primed her clit and lips. His thick bent rod finished each down stroke at her G-spot and each upstroke at her cervix, pressing hard and firm, telling her body he was ready, and so was she. He could feel her tension mounting again, finally, one more time, her whole body beginning to shake.

He laid her gently on her side against more pillows, her fat spilling over them, his hips buried in her fleshy bottom and thighs. He pounded her hard now, the tip of his dick penetrating her cervix, massaging her glowing center carefully, pushing her right to the brink and holding her there, poised.

She moaned deeply once more, almost unconscious, and he felt her spasm hard, gripping around his cock, pulling him inside, and his seed, and at the very deepest he released it, and her waves of contractions pulled it deep into her womb.

She was asleep in his arms within a minute. She lay on her back with him next to her. He'd propped her fleshy bottom atop his leg, and with his arm held her knees above her chest as she slept, gently rocking her hips back and forth, ensuring every drop of cum made it to her fertile womb. This would be their evening, every month at ovulation, until she was gravid.

He kissed his chubby sleeping wife on her lips, and she smiled in her sleepiness, nuzzling close to her lover and mate.
1 chapter, created 6 years , updated 2 years
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