Chapter 1.1
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She normally preferred this class to the others - these students were older. At over 18, they were considered adults.
They even acted like it sometimes.
But not lately.
At 24, with short, dark hair, a short, pale build and a pretty, elven face, she wasn’t the most imposing teacher they’d ever had. She made up for it by being harsh - even a bit bitchy.
It was easier to come in harsh then ease up, rather than the other way round.
Her plan had worked… for a while.
Now, they were snickering behind her back. Sometimes not even behind it. She could guess what they were laughing at - her simple gray suit was tighter around her midsection than it used to be.
Whenever she felt she was losing the class, it was time for a show of strength.
The class went silent, all eyes settling on the tall Asian student at the back of the room. He rolled his eyes to his friends. “Yes, miss?”
“Eyes on your textbook, young man,” she said. “Lord knows you need the study time.”
The class snickered some more - this time, aimed at him. He scowled, then muttered something under his breath.
“What was that?” she asked.
“Nothing,” he said.
“Uh huh.” She twirled her pen in slow circles. “I hope you didn’t have plans this afternoon, because you just earned detention.” The bell rang and she sighed. “If you’d held your attitude for another 30 seconds, you could be out the door right now. Everyone else, you can leave.”
They filed out of the room, throwing amused glances towards Jason. He stood up, doing his best to look deviant. She stood before him like a predator, one hand on her hip, the other twirling the pen.
The last student left, leaving the two of them alone.
He stood upright as he walked over and locked the door. Miss Mathers stood in front of her desk, her hands clasped before her hips. Her eyes were downcast as he walked slowly towards her.
Without saying a word, he reached into his backpack and pulled out a fat, glazed donut.
“No,” she whispered. “No, please.”
“No? Come on, Matilda,” Jason said, holding the donut in front of her face. When she didn’t move, he leaned forward and kissed her neck. She gasped and her entire body trembled.
“Aren’t I fat enough for you, Master?” she said. “I’ve gained almost 20 pounds!”
“I said I want you fat.” He unbuttoned her suit jacket, revealing a painfully tight white shirt underneath. It hugged the slight curve of her belly, which used to be flat.
“I am fat, Master. See?” she said, her voice pleading as she patted her belly.
“Not fat enough. You should see my uncle’s wives. They’re so fat, they can barely move.”
Her eyelids fluttered. She didn’t know how this boy - her Master - had so much power over her. Sure, he was physically mature for an 18 year old, with nice shoulders and a confident smile… but that didn’t explain it. He was a student! Being together was wrong - being together with the balance of power like this was confusing.
Jason told her to eat and she obeyed, as always.
He spanked her and she whimpered around a mouthful of dough. “What was that for, Master?”
“For being a naughty girl,” he said, spanking her again. “Good girls eat everything her Master brings for her. Good girls are hungry sluts, always happy to have their holes stuffed.”
Matilda tried to resist but her body betrayed her. Her panties were soaked through. “Yes, Master. Thank you, Master.”
“That’s better.” He walked around her, stalking her, while she took small bites from the donut. His daily treats were starting to have an impact on her slim figure. If she didn’t regain control, she’d be obese in no time.
All she had to do was tell him no.
No more food, no more sex…
His hand touched her throat. He wasn’t squeezing or gripping at all - it was just enough for her to feel him. She moaned and her knees buckled. Jason radiated so much masculine power! No wonder she couldn’t resist him.
It was hopeless.
She couldn’t fight back because she loved this.
His hands pulled down her panties and he tsked. “Look at how wet you are. It’s disgusting. You should be ashamed at how slutty you are.”
Matilda moaned around a mouthful of donut. “I’m sorry, Master.”
“It’s fine. I can think of a use for a skinny slut like you.” Jason ran his hands up her thighs. “If you were a good girl, I’d let you take me in your mouth. But you’ve been naughty, so I have to correct you.” He guided her to the desk and gently bent her over it. She moaned as he freed his dick from his trousers, the tip of his erection probing between her thighs for her dripping slit.
It didn’t take him long to find it.
Contemporary Fiction
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
11 chapters, created 4 years
, updated 3 years