Complacent & Silent

  By AriRacc  

Chapter 1 - Rock bottom

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My life is a mess.

This is my last year of highschool and once I graduate my parents are gonna kick me out of the house. I don't have a job, I don't have friends. I don't have anywhere I could go to. I'm probably going to be homeless for a while.

For most of school today I just sit and pondered what my life is going to be like when I get out of it. Most of the teachers gave up on trying to make me answer their questions, So most of the time I just sit and look out the window, unless there was an assignment to do in which case I do that, but I just refuse to talk, it's something to do with my anxiety? Honestly I can live without talking to people.

When we went to the psychiatrist they originally prescribed medication but after the first bottle my mom never went to go pick up a new bottle, and my dad was always to drunk to go get it. They said "Arin go get it yourself!" But I can't drive and the nearest pharmacy is like 10 miles away, and I can't be bothered to go get it. I know sounds lazy right? Shouldn't I have gotten fat just sitting on my ass? No I didn't. Often times I'd avoid meals because I couldn't stand talking to my parents at the dinner table. So honestly I stayed rather skinny.

Suddenly my internal thoughts got interrupted by the school bell. It meant I had to go home, back to my terrible family. You know they never celebrated my birthday, never told me happy birthday or gave me a present or anything. When I told them it's my birthday they said "that's great honey." And gone back to whatever they were doing, but whenever it's their birthday they expect me to go buy them presents with whatever money I had. I have to say they are the only people I am able to talk to at least. And every time I do they tell me how annoying I am.

From hearing the bell, I picked up my backpack and got out of my chair. Navigating the hallways was a bit of a challenge, people conjugated all around, and you know me I could never ask them to move, so I always just try to squeeze through. But then I bumped into this big strong guy; probably part of the football team, and he yelled "WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING!" And punched me in the face. I got knocked unconscious for a while. He probably gave me a black eye.

When I awoke the halls were empty, I took a look at my phone, 7:30 pm. I rushed outside to see the sun starting to set.

I gave a big sigh and then started walking the 15 miles to get to my house.
3 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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Bhfjbjhdwhb 1 year
We need more
Afatpandapig 1 year
I’m really excited to read more