Cream - Oneshot

Chapter 1 - Cream

You wake up in a dimly lit room, your clothes are gone and all you feel is the metal chair you’re tied to. You look around and see what you think is a table with several drums of unknown liquid. But suddenly, the slam of a wooden door caused you to shift your attention in front of you. There stood a plump opossum, standing with a clear tube. “Good morning sleepy head~” he purred. “Who are you? Where am I-?!” You started to shout but he slid the tube down your throat. “I’m Moss~ but you’re gonna be mine~”

He connected the other end of the tube to one of the drums of liquid, which started pumping a thick off-white cream into your stomach. The cream was already filling you up, expanding your belly larger and larger. Once the first drum was emptied, the hose was removed. However, a small drop fell from the tube and onto your tongue. Even though it was such a small amount, you could feel yourself falling into the desire to want more.

“Urp! What is this~?” You moan out, your belly gurgling and groaning.

“Oh? This is just my special invention. I call it Moss’s super indulgent peanut butter cake cream. Made with the most fattening ingredients, each drum of this is cream is around 10000 calories. Not only is it addictively delicious, but it also has a secret feature~!” The flabby opossum started before snapping his fingers. All of a sudden, you feel that your body was swelling as the cream in your stomach starts turning into fat. As fast as the fat was made it started to shift to other parts of your body. You could feel your ass spilling out over your chair as it grew wider and fatter. You could also feel your chest plumping up. All of this growth was turning you on, making your cock swell.

“Ah, can’t forget about this now.” The rotund marsupial stated before placing a milking machine onto your boner. “Now then, shall we continue~? How about we do two at a time~?” He asked pulling out another tube. The idea of getting fatter made you hornier. In fact, you were so turned on you couldn’t even say anything. You nod your little head vigorously opening your mouth as wide as you could to fit the two tubes in.

“My~ you’re sure into it~ How cute~” he purred, putting the tubes into your mouth. The opossum gleefully watched as you guzzled down the two drums of cream. Seeing how willing you were due to the cream. Your belly surged outward as you devoured faster, it started to hang over your knees. Once the two drums were emptied, Moss snapped his fingers, causing the cream to turn into fat and spread out again.

Your arms and legs are thickening so much that the ropes that tied you down to the chair have snapped. It’s not like they’re needed now, as the swelling was so addictive that you didn’t want to leave. All you want is more. More cream, more fat. “Does my darling boy want more~?” Purred Moss as he readied another hose to connect to the remaining three drums.

“… Mooree… I… Urppp… W-Want’eh… Brrrrppp… more!” You burp out, your fat cheeks making it hard to speak without slurring. You feel so horny, like you're going to explode if you don’t cum. “S-Soo… nggnhh… Soo hoorny…~” you whimper.

Your whimpering doesn’t go unnoticed. Moss smirked as he turned on the machine. It started sucking your cock, making you moan out before the tubes were placed in your mouth. You drink all rest the cream, your belly weighing you down so much the chair you're sitting on breaks, the fall making your fat, rotund body jiggle and shake. And you only feel hornier as you feel yourself becoming more immobile with each chug of the cream you ingest. Soon you can feel the wall behind you as your ass is fat enough to touch it.

As you finish the last of the cream, your belly so large it blocks your view. The room was quite for a bit, only the hum of the jerk off machine could be heard. That was until you unleashed a booming burp, which caused you lard filled body to jiggle and wobble.

“One more snap and you’ll be mine forever my dear, are you ready~?” The chubby opossum asked. “Y-Yesh, I’m… Hrrppphh… Ready… make mee… uhhnngh… F-Fatter~” you moan out. Your so close to climaxing, you only need that last burst of swelling to make you cum.

Moss snapped his fingers for the final time tonight, and your body swells fatter and bigger, to the point you’re filling half of the room. Your hands and feet have been completely sunken into your fat body, leaving you completely immobile. You could feel yourself about to shoot your load as the machine your cock is attached to starts pulling it. “I-I… I’m… Urrrrrp… Gonna… Cuhm~” you moan before busting your nut. Your seed was collected into a silo before the machine was removed.

You feel so tired after cumming. Moss crawled up on your fat belly. “Ready for more tomorrow?” He asked as he got comfortable. You only huff in response before falling asleep.
1 chapter, created 3 months , updated 3 months
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