
Chapter 1

Katie stared at the tray of creampuffs.

It stared back, tempting her.

Though you couldn't tell from her slim, 120 pound form, she had always struggled with a sweet tooth. She looked down at herself and was greeted by a familiar sight- her shoulder length brown hair, pert c-cups, and flat stomach, all perfectly fitted in her traditional maid uniform. A sleek black bodice, with a pleasantly loose skirt that went down to just above her knees with a frilly white apron over it. The skirt was shorter than most maid uniforms she had seen, but it wasn't too short so she didn't mind.


Her stomach brought her mind back to her current dilemma, her eyes rising back to the tray of fresh creampuffs.

"I could certainly afford one, but it's my first day... Why did my last station for the day have to be the kitchens?"


Her stomach answered for her with another short growl. Before she could think about it any longer Katie lunged for one of the smaller creampuffs.

"Nobody will notice just one..." Katie quickly popped it into her mouth.

It was heavenly!

Before she knew it one had turned into two, then three... Another! Another!

"Guh!" She gasped, a pang in her stomach pulling her out of her reverie. She looked down at her tummy and her eyes widened in surprise
Her stomach was subtly pushing out her dress and apron out ever so slightly. It would barely have been noticeable almost any passerby, but to Katie it stuck out like a sore thumb on her ordinarily perfectly slim frame.

"That means..." Katie looked up and blanched. Half the tray of 30 creampuffs was now missing, stashed away in her stuffed midsection.

Faster than she should have been able to in her stuffed state, Katie stood up and rushed through the rest of her cleaning duties. Just as she was about to leave she took one last glance at the tray of creampuffs...

Another pang shot through her stomach.

She just shook her head and continued her on her way out the door. Just as she thought she might be able to get away and somehow get herself out of this mess, she opened the door and her jaw dropped. She was face to face with the lord of the manor, Edward! He jumped, and Katie just stared, frozen like a deer in headlights for a moment before she collected herself, and managed a smile and a curtsy before she scurried off.

She looked back and saw Edward entering the kitchen.

"Shit!" She thought.

Katie kept speed-walking towards her room. Edward had been staring at one spot on her face throughout the entire encounter, and she needed to check herself in her mirror. It couldn't be what she thought it was...

After a few minutes of speed walking Katie threw the door to her small rooms open, panting, unused to exerting herself while she was so stuffed. She stepped up to her mirror and froze again.

Crumbs and a bit of whipped cream lightly dusted the left corner of her mouth, just enough to notice.

Katie slumped down onto her bed, eyes wide.
"How did I lose control like that?" She wondered. She was proud of the slim form she had maintained for her 27 years of life, sweet tooth be damned, and yet in that brief moment in the kitchens she had completely lost control and completely packed herself with the sugary treats, and she was caught red handed! She blushed at the thought of Edward walking in and finding further evidence of her binge.
"They were just so good..."

Katie sat there a few moments longer as she calmed down.

"No use worrying about it until it comes up again," she thought, "there isn't anything I can do at this point. I hope I don't get fired!" thought Katie as she laid down, her day over for now. The whole ordeal along with the slightly heavy, and tight feeling left in her packed gut had left her tired, and she quickly found herself drifting off into a nap.
2 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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Moonsilk 4 years
Please continue this soon. It's off to a promising start.