Crimes of Butch

Chapter 1

***warning this contains gross themes and raunchiness, farting, slob, gluttony, extreme hedonism,burps, cum, force feeding, humiliation, Lactation, slave, slobification, and more.***

Volume one

Chapter One: Punishment Trial

Butch was in for it now after being caught by Julius he was sent to Gluttanoplis. There he was Taken to the courtroom. Butch played with ponytail in dismay, he knew what was coming, and how grave it would be.

"All Rise For King Glutton" A guard shouted. The room was full of people standing awaiting judgment for Butch.
"My people we are here in behest because of Butch, a human who has stolen from use and used our tricks on innocent boys. He has made them slobs. Now he will face punishment" Glutton said. The people all murmured to themselves and stared at each other.

"Be seated," A guard who was the bailiff said. Butch's fidgety hands were damp with sweat as he tried to remain calm.
"Have the people decided the punishment" Glutton announced. The people nod in unison.

"We have. He will be forced into being a slob to see how it feels. He will be appointed a feed demon Stu, and he will be a slow growing slob so it feels worse with every pound added.
"No wait I just wanted a family" Butch blurted. The crowd stared at him.
"Then you should have thought of that before "
"It's settled his punishment will be for his lifetime. He will be a fat slob like his victims" Glutton said.

Chapter Two: Stu

Butch sighed getting to his home after that with Stu. The demon hadn't stopped hovering since the trial. Butch felt a slight chill as it just was creepy to have someone follow you like that.

"Do you have to hover" Butch groaned. Stu stopped and assumed a human form.
"Is this a better slave?" Stu said in a husky tone. Butch did a double take " Slave?" Stu clasped his hands together.

"Listen mortal, I am a feed demon, one job is to make humans who break laws of gluttony slaves to it" Stu coaxed. Butch sighed he just wanted to have a family again and a son who didn't despise him.
"Look I don't care" Butch said. Stu wanted bug-eyed he grabbed Butch by the wrist. "Listen *** you will obey me or I will force you to, it's your choice. Either way when you start to feed you soon you won't want it to stop." Stu said.

He grabbed some pizza from the fridge and placed it on the coffee table. "That's old pizza" Butch said. Stu ignored him and began to force it into Butch. Butch groaned the tasted scratched at his esophagus. Butch burped feeling the churning grow in his gut. "Now for dessert," Stu smiled. Butch was miserable but sadly it was only the beginning.

Chapter Three: Slave 4 U

Butch woke up his gut more huge from the night before. He didn't want to admit it but he was becoming a slave to Stu. He started sniffing its excess. He was a slob now. Stu smiled " Morning fatty" He played with Butch's fat. Butch kisses him. Stu smiled "good boy, now you hungry" Stu grabbed a cake. Butch smiled as he ate like a pig. He was broken by feedings every day, tummy rubs, and by a strange love for his feed demon.

"Urp-....mmmm… sou guud" He says his mouth full. Stu laughs he didn't want to admit it either but he loved Butch . Butch lays on his back and his carried by Stu, who rub his belly and kiss him gently. Butch had worn the same shirt since the trail for months the blotches of chocolate, pizza sauce, ranch, cheese dip, salsa, and any other foods forever painted on. Butch let out a squeaky fart.

"P.U." Stu joked. He grabbed the tube and gave it to Butch who suckled it like a new born. It had beer, laced with gain shake, ice cream, milk, and cream in it. Stu smiled and turned on the TV. Butch sucked and sucked. The nectar tickled his nose, and made his belly feel good. Stu smiled at this and rubbed it.
"You know for a *** your cute" Stu said. Just then the phone rang…

Call from Matthew Titus Hawthorne…
Please leave a message after the tone…
Hey dad I just wanted to say college ended and I am coming over this summer which is in two weeks. I know we had a fight. I am sorry for it. I just missed mom and I took all my saddened anger out on you. Also I am engaged and I am bringing him too.

Butch stopped sucking and started crying Stu confused at first began to understand and held him close.

Chapter Four: Summer Stinks

Butch stress ate but stu let him. He just wanted to be there for him. Stu smiled as he laid on his lap and rubbed his belly.
"Stu I love you" Butch said.
"I love you too" Stu kissed him. The room filled with moans and grunts and gas as they had just fucked. The doorbell breaking them out of erotic bliss.

Burch farted as he got his clothes and opened the door. Matt and his boyfriend entered. "Dad, are you okay?" Matt says. Butch nodded sweat dripping down his brow.

"Hi Mr. Hawthorne, I am Duke" Duke the boyfriend said. Butch gulp eating a lot Stu got worried, so did Matt and Duke. The night seemed to never end till finally Butch was so overstuffed he couldn't move. Stu rubbed his belly making him blush.
"Who is this?" Matt asked. Butch gulped what could he say. This is my feed demon and we are in love now. No nope he couldn't.

"He is-"
"I am his boyfriend," Stu interrupted. Butch blushed deeper. Matt smiled " That's good dad glad to see you are dating again". Butch sighed in relief but blushed as he let out a lengthy fart. Matt groaned " Dad jeez". Duke gave a thumbs up. Butch started crying and ran upstairs.

Matt and Duke left. Stu came in and rubbed Butch's belly. "I ruined my reunion with my son " Butch sobbed. Stu held him in his arms. "Nonsense, you did fine. You just ate too much and some gas came out" the demon kissed him. " But I still ruined the night". Stu rocked him " Come on let's not worry about it time for bed".

Chapter Five: Feelings For You

Butch woke the next morning to see he was being snuggled by a sleeping Stu. He decided to go back to sleep. Stu got closer to him and rubbed his belly.
"Did I wake you sorry I thought you were asleep" Butch said. The Demon chuckled "You are fine baby" Stu said. Butch smiled at the word. "I thought I was the only person in love with the other" Butch said a burp escaped his lips after.

"Butch truth is I always loved you and I just tried to hide it. Now since what happened last night I feel like being more than your feed demon. I want to be your boyfriend" Stu smiled. Butch kisses him " I do too". He grunted and farted, sighing "I wanna be your slob forever". Stu smiled, " Good, are you hungry?" Butch nodded. He had to admit it was love and stench.

(Butch and Stu will return)

***warning this contains gross themes and raunchiness, farting, slob, gluttony, extreme hedonism,burps, cum, force feeding, humiliation, Lactation, slave, slobification, and more.***

Crimes of Butch: Demon Boyfriend
Volume two

Chapter One: Breakfast Feeding

Stu woke with a smile as he saw his sloppy boyfriend. Butch had a bigger belly and was holding onto him. Stu rubbed at Butch's flab triggering a smelly fart. Butch was a cute sleeper. Stu smiled and decided to go back to sleep and CUDDLE with his boyfriend.

At ten they woke up and Butch stretched he looked like a hobo and smelled like sewage. "Morning babe" He said. Stu kissed him "Morning piggy you hungry?"
"Yes I could eat" Butch smiled. Stu zoomed the kitchen returning with a feast of breakfast. Butch would eat anything Stu fed him and did so then. Butch burped helplessly as he ate.

"Someone's burpy today" Stu smiled, rubbing and squeezing his belly. Stu smiled, feeding him some eggs. Butch farted loudly into the couch which was muffled. Stu kissed him on the belly. Butch smiled " I am stuffed"

Chapter Two: Stuck

"Let's get you in the bath," Stu said. Butch kisses him " Help me up". Stu smiled and leveraged him up with his mighty strength. Butch grunted wobbling with legs of JELLY. Stu helped him to the bathroom but found he could get him through the doorway.

"….please& quot; Butch groaned. Stu try to push on Butch's back feeling no sign of process just pain. Butch whimpered his belly gurgled loudly he had farts and burps brewing and usually it meant he had a DUMP coming. He didn't want to shit himself but it appears that might happen.

"Butch baby how many table scraps do you eat when I am not looking your like a fat puppy" Stu joked. Butch groaned feeling the gas flow to his butt. He could not stop it. A loud long fart came with an eggy meaty smell. Stu giggles " So cute".

"Yeah yeah help me out" Butch said.
"What can I do?" Stu asked.
"Maybe you can feed me till I break the doorway?" Butch said another fart leaving him wetter than the last.

Stu smirked using his slob formula for some reason he wasn't going to save for after their wedding but instead he used all the food now. He fed the food into the maw of his lover. Cheesecakes, donuts, fudge, and more till finally Butch broke through. Butch groaned "Something strange was in that my head is spinning".

Chapter Three: Fun-ishment

Stu was cleaning after his boyfriend who was gorging his fat ass on gelato while chugging a 12 pack. Stu grimaced at the ants everywhere. There were parts he liked about having a smelly and fat boyfriend. Still there were things harder and it was getting on his nerves. He was going to have fun with his idea of a PUNISHMENT. Stu grabbed Butch and tied him to a chair. Butch whined confused about what had just happened. Butch saw a strange keg at Stu's foot.

"Baby what are you doing?" Butch groaned his belly was covered in rope burns. Stu ignored him and grabbed the sterile tubes and forced one in to Butch's anus, and then forced the other in his mouth. Butch whimpered the tubes taste burned like copper. It felt hard to breathe but Butch couldn't be understood with a tube in his mouth. "Sorry baby but bad pigs get punished" Stu said. He turned a nozzle and Butch groaned feeling the carbonation ethanol forced through his colon, and down the tunnel of his throat. His belly began to grow and gas began to build. Butch winced this wasn’t like normal beer.

It felt like even when he had drunk it all it was still filling him from both sides. He felt like he could pop like a balloon. Stu removed the tubes and butch hiccups he felt a blubbery ass wetting fart burst from him. Stu wasn't done.

"Stu full" Butch begged on deaf ears as he was fed a cake slice. He winced as his belly strain against the rope. Another slice and another then Butch had accepted his punishment. Stu kissed him " Such a good boy, but your punishment isn't over".

Butch burped helplessly as his belly broke the ropes and hung over his knees. Stu grabbed a ice cream tub and started spoon feeding Butch who was too much in piggy bliss to not eat. He now farted without realising sometimes it wasn't just gas but he didn't know he was too stuffed to think. Finally after several foods He was a blubbery ball. Butch belched as he was held by his boyfriend. "I think you’ve learned your lesson".

The end

(Final volume)
1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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