Denial Then Truth

Chapter 1

For as long as I could remember I had dreamed of meeting and falling in love with a woman who just kept getting fatter and fatter-as a young boy my first sexual experience was getting a hard on watching the Violet Beauregarde inflation scene in Willy Wonka-a secret I would keep to myself for many years,as video entered our world the first thing I bought was a copy of Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory,Violet,s inflation scene was like porn to me,consistently masterbating over watching her swell to enourmous size,usually I would cum at the point where her belt buckle bursts due to the strain of her ballooning body!-but yes I did suffer the idea that there was something "wrong"with me and for many years had some long term relationships with some really wonderful woman,slim attractive,intelligent-all the the quality,s in which should have made me happy-but I always knew these relationships were never really going to work out-then strangely enough the mass media attention given to Oprah Winfry as her weight ballooned out of control made me realise-not only did I love fat women-I loved watching them getting fatter and fatter-swelling up!.Realising the chances of meeting such a soulmate would be slim{excuse the pun!-lol}I put an ad out saying I wanted to meet a woman for long term loving relationship,size 26plus etcetc,thinking at least I may meet an enourmously fat goddess I could love and cherish.I received several replies but one in particular stood out-Tracey,she seemed shy,but loved the same type of music,movies as myself-she also loved the fact that I really enjoyed cooking,I decided to reply and ask her if she would like to meet,a date so to speak,she in turn replied fairly promptly saying yes.As the day of our date arrived I was nervous,what if I mess it up,what if she does,nt find me attractive,which was perfectly legitimate-lol.We met at one of my favourite Italian restaurants.She was quite plain to look at,very "ordinary"which I actually found really attractive but what I was,nt prepared for was when she took off her larger than needed to be coat-she was of slim/medium build,most certainly no where near a size 26,possibly size 12/14 at best-to say I was confused was an understatement!
4 chapters, created 5 years , updated 4 years
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Jazzman 5 years
No punctuation. Seems like a good theme too.
Theswordsman 5 years
I like the story so far