Her Mother,s Daughter

Chapter 1

After four years of studying Martin had finally finished his degree in finance and was to start his lucrative position with Leadbetter & Wells a high profile banking company.A bit of a genius when it came to finance it did,nt take Martin long to reach the ranks of CEO and whilst making large sums of money for a single man,he felt something was missing in his life-or rather someone.Whilst not exactly a male model,Martin was quite attractive,shy but confident enough to realise that a lot of the female employees in his workplace would flirt with him,he offered security,had a great sense of humour and was genuinely very gentle but most of the females he encountered all seemed to be exactly the same-slim,bolshy,they all wore the same "fashionable"clothes-the fact was they were all the same,said the same things,did the same things and all looking for a rich man to ensure their comfortable lifestyles of the gym,tennis,yoga,flash car etc were met,Martin detested the idea of spending the rest of his life with such an empty headed,heartless soul-no matter how "beautiful"she physically looked.It was,nt long before Martin noticed a young filing clerk named Sophie,she was very plain,a little plump,shy-almost awkward with long blonde hair-Martin noticed the other female workers would tease her,pretending to give advice-"you,ll need to change your appearance if you want to bag a man Sophie!"or"Start being more like us!".Sophie quietly got on with her work.Another thing Martin noticed about Sophie was that she had very large breasts-though she tried to conceal this fact with loose fitting tops.Martin spent a good few months slowly getting to know Sophie-he knew she was shy and didn't want to embarrass her in front of her female co-workers who were now getting a little jealous of Martins attentions towards Sophie.He finally plucked up the courage to ask her out on a date-she blushed,but accepted-her heart racing,could someone really love her she thought?.Martin took Sophie to the finest Italian restaurant he knew-she was relaxed and chatted happily about her parents,whom she clearly loved,Martin loved not only her innocence but her honesty,she was beautiful and charming,but Martin noticed she did,nt touch much of her food,when he asked why she replied ""I need to watch my figure"Martin replied that she was actually quite beautiful for who she was-Sophie blushed.As the weeks rolled into months and many warm and wonderful dates Martin knew he had fallen in love with her-despite the fact that Sophie had resisted Martins attempts at embarking on a sexual relationship-Martin was actually fine with this,he respected her wishes,he loved her,but was stll curious as to the fact that everytime they went for a meal,she would,nt eat too much and say"I need to watch my figure"Martin finally plucked up the courage to ask Sophie to marry him-she was overwhelmed,here was someone so handsome,so loving who wanted her hand in marriage-of course she accepted.The night came for Martin to meet Sophie's parents-they had a large house and although initially nervous,Sophie's dad who first greeted Martin was exceptionally friendly "Hi Martin,my name is Warren,so pleased to meet you,Sophie has told us so much about you,so great to finally meet you,Martin relaxed."Mum is just putting the final touches to the meal"Warren reassured Sophie.The table was wonderfully laid out,flowers,candles all assortments of starters,dips etc,just then Sophie's mum appeared with a huge trolley of foods,fried chicken,fries,salad,sweet potatoes,pasta carbonara,garlic bread,steak,lean ham,seafood linguine-it seemed endless!."Hi Martin,so pleased to meet you"exclaimed Sophie's mum."I,m Wendy Sophie's mum,please sit down and relax".The first thing that struck Martin was how enourmously fat Wendy was,she must have been at least 450lbs ,she also had the most gigantic bust he had ever seen-most surely specially made bras were needed,but what really intrigued Martin was just how much Sophie looked like Wendy,the eyes,the long hair,the way she spoke-although Wendy was obviously more confident in who she was-Martin realised,this must come with time."Well,I believe you want to take our Sophie's hand in marriage"Warren asked Martin."Yes sir,with your permission"Martin replied."I am very wealthy and can give her whatever she wants in life,I genuinely really love her Warren"-"wealth is one thing Martin,but can you make her happy?"Warren asked."I believe I can".The day of the wedding arrived,it was a small affair,Martin had no family as such but a few good friends who were happy for him,also some work collegues who were a bit dumbstruck by his choice of bride{yes you know who you are}.Sophie arrived at the registry office-looking really radiant and beautiful,she had actually lost a little weight-she didn't want to be a "fat bride"-something her work friends had "teased"her about-so much pressure.Anyway,the day was wonderful and the evening celebrations were even better.Sophie was happy enjoying herself dancing with her nephews and nieces and enjoying the champagne-she looked so free and happy."Can I introduce you to Sophie.s two auntie.s Martin?"Wendy asked."Of course"Martin replied."This is Racheal and Cynthia"-Martin stared in disbelief as again he noticed such similarities with Sophie-but these woman were so fat,Auntie Racheal must have weighed at least 600lbs!-she was huge!.The conversation was lovely though,they were so happy for Sophie,reminding martin of what a lovely woman she was{as though Martin needed that-lol} Wendy ushered Racheal and Cynthia away as she she highlighted she wanted to speak to Martin alone-"I know I'm a liitle drunk on the champagne Martin,but I feel I need to speak to you about my daughter,she means the world to her dad and I and this is such a wonderful day for her and you are such a wonderful son in law and I know you love her just now but there is something I need to tell you about Sophie,I need to know that you will always love her,no matter what".Martin interjeceted "I will always love Sophie no matter what Wendy,what is it you want to tell me about her?",Wendy paused then asked "have you noticed that Sophie often says she "has to watch her figure"when she is eating a meal?"-"yes"Martin replied,"Well when I first met Sophie's dad I was the same-as were my sisters Racheal and Cynthia when they met their respective partners-always hungry,trying hard to "watch our figures"Wendy paused,"but as soon as we got that ring on our fingers from the men we knew loved us,we gave in to the hunger-literally within 5yrs of each of our marriages all of our weights ballooned enormously-we could,nt stop eating,luckily our husbands enjoyed this but what I need to know is are you going to love Sophie in the same way as today-no matter how fat she gets?.Martin was a little taken aback and a bit drunk and just said he loved Sophie-no matter what.Wendy cuddled Martin and said she was so happy he was part of the family but there was one more thing"I have put on almost 500lbs in weight,my middle sister Cynthia weighs almost 550lbs and youngest sister Racheal weighs over 600lbs-it seems the further down the line we go the more weight is gained-Sophie is going to balloon to a huge size-always love her"-Martin held Wendy's hand and promised "always".After a wonderful night Sophia and Martin headed off on their honeymoon,Martin knew this was the beautiful woman for him,Sophia held him close,and smiled and said "you know honey-Im really,really hungry"Martin held her closer still and said"Iknow gorgeous,I know.
1 chapter, created 6 years , updated 6 years
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