Chapter 1 - My beautiful wife
When I met my wife she was what would be classed as a normal,attractive{in my eyes} plain Jane,a little plump,very large boobs that she initially liked to keep hidden under over sized tops,wore glasses,bit of a wallflower I believe the terminology is.But there was someting so warm and beautiful about her that just made me attracted to her,she made me feel full.When we got married we moved into our home,a spacious 4 bedroom luxury apartment,ground floor and beautiful view on to stunning scenes of forestry.As we embarked on our married life my wife kirsty relaxed,almost like she felt everything was okay now,she did,nt have to pretend-the real her was allowed to live,on our first night of marriage I was astounded by how huge her breasts were,she had always kept herself so "hidden",as I undone her huge white bra her pendulous breasts flopped on to her plump belly-she giggled and said "just wait and see how huge these things are going to get through our married life"we both laughed,fucked our selves silly and held each other close-I loved being in love.After 6 months of marriage Kirsty announced she was pregnant,I think at first she was a little worried for some odd reason what my reaction would be but I was over the moon-two to become three.By the time Kirsty was 6 months pregnant her boobs had ballooned to 58kk,her beautiful aerola became swollen and dark,her nipples huge and erect,she started producing milk at this point-a huge turn on for the both of us,her belly ballooned up though she didnt put on too much weight,her arse swelled up,lovely beautiful stretch marks appeared over her belly and her beautiful gorgeous breasts ended up hanging down to her waist-sometimes the most wonderful thing was that all she wanted to do was breastfeed me with her warm sweet milk,to see her pussy juice spurt everywhere as she came just from feeding me her milk was such a huge turn on for me.I loved being in love.Our beautiful son arrived and things could not have been better,kirsty decided she wanted to be a stay at home mum for some time,which I was more than happy with but I did state that I would make sure I would have every weekend off from work just so I could enjoy being part of family life.After Kirsty gave birth to our son something odd happened-I noticed how much she was over eating,not that I minded but she really was starting to eat constantly,morning,noon and night and of course it was not long before the weight started piling on.As the months went on I became almost beautifully obsessed with kirsty,s food addicition,it actually seemed that she could,nt help herself-her hunger was constant.I decided to look this up{research if you will-lol}and learned that when a woman is pregnant her body releases chemicals that encourage them to eat more,to help with safety,comfort of baby-ie why they gain weight and in general after a woman gives birth these chemicals subside,but in some cases these chemicals increase after chidbirth which would probabably explain why some women blow up like balloons after they have had a baby.This was obvious in Kirsty,I was not only turned on but was definetly going to encourage her over eating.Pre pregnancy Kirsty was a size14/16{UK} in the space of just over 3yrs she ballooned to a size 28{essentially 200lbs to 400lbs}1 chapter, created 4 years
, updated 4 years