Diet Exchange

  By Scooby  

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Dear Reader,
I’m moving next week, so I’m busy going through all of my shit and sorting out what I need and what I don’t. And I found something that I was quite delighted about. I found a diary of mine. Yes, I wrote diaries and still do, shut up. I read through all of it and had a blast, but one part of it I think you might like too. See the girl in the title pic? That’s Emma. Cliché name, I know. But well, it is one of the most common names for girls my age. Anyway, Emma has quite a fantastic story to her, and I was quite rejoicing as I was reading the diary. I knew I had to share it. So, here you go.

I’m not quite sure where I should start, but I think October 25th should be a good. We’d all just started our freshman year in college. Yeah, that seems like a good chapter to start. Alright, I’ll shut up now.


October -2-4-t-h- 25th, Tuesday

Dear Diary,
I don’t really have much to say today, but I thought I’d get back to you anyway. After all, it’s been a week. Remember the cute guy I was writing about last week? He turned out to be a dick. Who would have guessed.

Oh, and Beefy got accepted into Volleyball club! I’m so happy for her. I’m thinking about if I should join a club too. Running is getting boring. Oh well, as long as Emma isn’t doing anything I at least don’t have to feel bad about myself.

Also, periods suck. Boo.


Hey, it’s me again! Miss me yet? I realized I need to explain more context. Who’s beefy? Beefy was my roommate. Her real name was Rachel, but we called her Beefy. Beefy was a very bright and bubbly, but also sarcastically humorous girl. She knew how to make Emma and me laugh, although Emma hated to admit it. She baked a lot, and ate a lot, and so she was quite chubby. She was probably overweight already when she started college with us, but now she is definitely overweight. I always went shopping for all of us – of course we split the bill three ways – and then she would use up most of it either baking it, cooking it and/or eating it. No wonder she gained like 7 pounds in just the first three months. That’s why she joined the volleyball club. She wanted to lose the weight again, but wasn’t that determined, not really. Volleyball seemed like a good exercise to her. Oh, and we call her beefy because, well, she was quite beefy, but also because she loved beef and could not touch chicken. And she was called beefy in high school and hated it, and Emma and I weren’t exactly nice people. Either way, she didn’t mind too much, and we kinda gave the name a new meaning. We loved her.
Emma was, like, the polar opposite to Beefy. She was skinny as bones, never very energetic, sarcastic, lazy and barely ate (let alone cook!). She had blonde hair and looked like what you’d think a nerd looks like. But for being nerdy, she was also quite pretty.
Anyway, this should be enough context for now. On to the next chapter, possibly my favorite!


October 29th, Saturday

Dear Diary,
The weather was shit outside. But it was a great day nevertheless. Anyway, you won’t believe what happened today.
Beefy, Emma and I decided to stay inside and spend the day together. A rainy day pijama day sleepover sort of thing. We ordered pizza, Beefy made cupcakes AND mousse au chocolat, and we watched TWO movies and chatted so much about everything and nothing. It was really nice. I feel really lucky to have such cool roommates I get along with. This is not something usual. Anyway, we had a nice day, but something quite exciting happened after we finished eating cupcakes as a dessert.

Emma called Beefy fat. Now we all now Beefy had more on her than she might need and all that, but so what? Who minds? Definitely not me haha. Anyway, Beefy wasn’t happy about it and called Emma lazy, to which Emma retorted Beefy was lazy, and “that’s why you’re fat and not me”. Beefy said Emma was full of shit, and that if Emma cooked as much as she did and also went to Volleyball club, Emma would also get fat, because she would be hungry for once. Emma insisted that she would indeed NOT get fat because she wasn’t as lazy as Beefy. Beefy got mad – obviously – and said Emma couldn’t have any of her snacks anymore. Emma said: “fine, I don’t like them anyway” – which was a obvious lie – and then they argued some more. I really wanted the argument to stop. And I was gonna say something along the lines of: “oh stop it, you are both perfect” and bla bla, but then something struck me. An Idea. I usually keep such Ideas hidden from my consciousness, let alone from other people, but it just seemed too perfect a chance to miss it. This is what I said:
“Ok ok, shut up guys! Jeez! If you’re all so conviced that you’re right, why don’t we put it to the test then, huh? I don’t wanna hear this anymore. You guys have too large an ego. From now on, whenever you are about to eat something, you give it to Emma (I said to Beefy) and only eat as much as Emma would. Then we see what happens. Then we know.”
Beefy and Emma looked at me with disbelief.
“That’s stupid, I could not possibly eat as much as Beefy eats. I really don’t know how she does it.”
“Shut up Emma,” Beefy snapped back.
I proposed:
“Try it. Beefy doesn’t eat that much. She just doesn’t have the skinny-genes.”
“Buuulllshit,” Emma said. Beefy scoffed.
“From now on, Beefy, you give Emma your plate whenever you’re hungry. And give her cupcakes and everything else you eat. We’ll see how you hold up against your theory. And you Beefy, I’ll support you with going on a diet if you want.”
“Alright, fine. I’ll show you. I’m not as lazy as you are and I won’t get fat, no matter how much I eat. It’s always been like that. And I’m sure I don’t have ‘skinny-genes’. That’s just a lazy theory. Fuck it, give me all your food. I’ll eat it. I’ll show you.”
“That’s a bet then. I bet five hundred dollars you’ll be overweight 6 months from now. And if you stop eating as much, I win too.” Beefy said.
“I’ll eat as much as you and will be normal weight – finally – and fit like Alison. Because I’m NOT LAZY. Deal.” They shook hands.
And then and there Emma ate the rest of the leftover pizza. And then another cupcake.
She was feeling sick afterwards. But she seemed dedicated to the bit.

And that was it. Honestly, it seems so stupid. But well, it couldn’t get any closer to my fantasies, so I’m not gonna be the one to point out the idiocy behind the deal.

I’ll keep you up to date!


The other chapters will be a bit shorter. Gotta fit all of that introduction into one chapter, you know. Anyway, let me know what you think! :)
9 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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KindaBritish 1 year
Great story so far! Longer chapters are definitely better in my opinion
Jazzman 1 year
So Good. Bravo!
Scooby 1 year
i remember you from commenting on my last story! i really appreciate your feedback, thanks! smiley
Kexickus 1 year
Good start! Please continue.
Scooby 1 year
thank you! smiley