Chapter 1
Stacy just finished her first year of college. She lives on her own in a small studio apartment about 15 minutes from campus, and that’s where she spends most of her time whenever she’s not in class. Her interests revolve around painting and reading, and occasionally playing some video games. Sometimes, on weekends when her boyfriend has time, she meets her semi-long distance boyfriend Jake, but often she just spends her weekends hanging out with her closest friend Amy, or doing any of the above mentioned hobbies. When the weather is nice, she also enjoys going for walks. But there’s really not much more to it. Stacy is a simple but friendly, very correct and polite girl.Her exterior matches her personality. She is slightly short, with a rather skinny, almost fragile and petite build. Her skin and hair are both soft and fair, and her eyes are a deep blue. Her clothing matches her personality. She likes to wear plain shirts and jumpers, and simple but comfortable shoes.
Today, Stacy was meeting her Amy, on this lovely, sunny spring morning, to get the Saturday brunch deal over at the local coffee shop.
“To our first year in college!” Amy and Stacy cheered and treated themselves to a big brunch. Amy was her blonde, curly-haired best friend, with brown eyes and freckles. She was just a little taller than Stacy, but compared to other girls, they were both a bit short. Amy had an appetite and loved cooking, so she wasn’t as skinny as Stacy, but she is quite active and thus managed to dodge the infamous freshman fifteen.
“So, what are your plans for spring break?” Stacy asked Amy.
“Oh, I’m going to the coast with my family. And, of course, I’ll go to the party beach a few days too. How about you?”
Stacy kind of hoped that Amy would be around a bit this spring break. Stacy’s family was very busy with work at the moment, and her boyfriend was somehow involved in some project. So Stacy’s plans looked quite bland and boring. “Not much, honestly. I guess I’ll enjoy the sun a bit, read some books, paint a little and play some video games maybe. I don’t know.”
“Oh Stacy, I’m sorry I’m not around. Here’s what, I’ll come back two days early, and we can go on a short trip or something, eh? How about that?”
“Yeah that’d be cool.” Stacy did appreciate it, but they were talking about only two days in the whole break. Oh well, gotta be happy with what you get.
“Yo, did you hear about this already?” Amy took a bite of her bagel and continued. “You know how there are these girls online, with like barely any talent or personality, but they dress up cute and play video games while streaming? Yeah, they earn like mad bucks. Makes me feel all stupid with my job at the supermarket.” Amy took another bite. With her mouth full, she pointed to herself and asked Stacy, “Wouldn’t I be cute enough for that? Like, seriously, I could rock it.”
The two of the giggled a bit. “You totally would though, Amy. You’re way prettier than me, anyways,” Stacy said with a hint of sadness in her voice.
“Oh my god, shut up Stacy. I keep telling you this. I don’t know why you humble yourself like that. You are sooo gorgeous, you could totally rock it. Besides, your dry humor would set your audience off totally.”
“Hahaha, you’re too nice Amy. You’re making it sound like I’m planning on doing it.”
Amy shrugged. “Wouldn’t be such a stupid idea to try though.”
“Yeah, no it definitely would be?” Stacy retorted. She was definitely not made for streaming. Besides, she preferred playing video games in peace, on her own.
“You know, Stacy, I think your parents raised you very well. You are very tidy, nice, polite, and funny too. But they never let you truly show off all of your colors. I think you can do so much more than they let you think you can. I think it’s time for you to decide for yourself what and how much you can do.” Amy swallowed the food that was mushed in her right cheek. “Here’s a bet. If you feel like it. Try it, these holidays. Try streaming for like, say…” Amy took a couple of seconds – chewing – to think about it. “Let’s say, you stream 10 times. Ten episodes. You play like 10 games. And if you don’t get 1000 viewers by then, I’ll pay our trip.”
Stacy didn’t hesitate. She almost aggressively shook Amy’s hand. “Deal! You can’t take it back anymore. Hahaha, you’ll be paying for everything!”
Amy wasn’t bothered though. “Oh just you wait and see. You have to pull it through though, otherwise you pay. 10 times at least an hour. Oh my god Stacy, I just know you’re gonna do great. They’re gonna love you!”
“Oh we’ll see about that. I’ll even have to find out how to set it all up and stuff. Oh well. We’ll see.” Stacy shyly took another sip of her coffee. She was kind of excited about it, even though it didn’t sound like her at all. Oh well, she ought to try something new, right?
3 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 12 months