Don't Worry Babe, You Look Great

Chapter 1

Six months had passed since Eric had been in his accident. The once athletic man had been on his 3rd bike ride of the week, typically enjoying a solid 5, when a truck ran a red light, careening straight at him. When he awoke, he was surrounded by friends and family, his brown eyes going wide as he saw the casts on both of his legs.

"Lucky to be alive." He heard the occasional doctor or nurse quip as they assessed his condition or changed his bandages. "Barely a scratch, considering."

Eric didn't feel comforted by any of that, though. His legs were his life, and he was likely going to spend half a year in these damn casts. No more bike rides, no more jogging, no more swimming for the time being. He felt useless, even before leaving the hospital. Luckily, he had his boyfriend, Jacob, by his side.

Eric was taken home after a few days of observation, much to Jacob's excitement. "You've never had the time to actually rest like this, babe. I know you're probably in some pain, but try to relax for once, okay?" Eric just grunted in response to Jacob's suggestion, the pain meds he was on clouding his mind and making speech near impossible.

Once the men were settled back in at home, Jacob waltzed over to the couch, TV tray in hand. "Made you some dinner! I didn't want you to have to get up and hurt yourself to come eat." Strange. Eric would never have allowed something like a TV tray in their perfectly healthy home. Jacob must have gotten it while he was in the hospital.

Too tired to argue with his boyfriend, he simply nodded, quietly thanking him as he began to eat. And what was on the tray, one might ask? Why, a large steak and mashed potatoes, something Eric would never consider eating on most days. The toned man stuck to salads, chickpea pasta, fresh fruits and vegetables. He was fiercely protective of his health. But today, he was simply too tired to refuse. After all, he was supposed to be relaxing, right? So he finished his meal, laying back on the couch when he was done.

"That was delicious, Jacob. I can't believe I've never let you cook like that for me before." He smiled up at his man as he put on a movie, eyes half lidded. Snuggling up to his boyfriend, Jacob was already having sinister thoughts. He'd always been interested in... heftier men, but when he met Eric, everything else about him was so perfect! He was sweet, loyal, a great lover to boot. Jacob had thought the routine of a relationship would disrupt Eric's zeal for health, but it'd been years now and the man showed no sign of stopping his love for exercise and nutrition. But here he was, with a golden opportunity to get his boyfriend just how he wanted him.
Six months of an Eric that couldn't walk. He could do quite a lot of damage in six months.

About halfway through the movie, Jacob slowly got up, practically floating into the kitchen. He opened the fridge, eyes on the prize. The prize being a large sheet cake, with the words "Welcome home, Eric!" written in frosting. Removing the cake from the fridge, he grabbed a singular fork, coming to sit down next to his all too skinny lover.

"Hey, babe. I got you a cake! I know you don't usually eat sweets, but consider this a part of the vacation." But Eric had lines to draw, and processed sugar was one of them. "Oh, Jacob, thank you, but you know I can't! I don't eat sugar, even when I'm on vacation." His words were a little slurred, and his pain was still dulled, but the worst of the painkillers' effects had subsided. He winked at Jacob, trying to keep things light. But Jacob wasn't having it.

Eric was going to eat that cake, even if he had to force it down his maw. "But honey, I got it just for you! You're not even gonna try a slice? C'mon, you know you want to." Jacob flashed his boyfriend some puppy-dog eyes, and the man had no choice but to relent. Eric couldn't say no to him like that! He moved to grab the fork, but Jacob pulled it back, wagging his finger back and forth. "No, siree, I don't want you to even have to lift a finger. Let me help you."

Jacob kissed his shorter lover on the forehead, gently feeding him forkfuls of cake. He caressed his boyfriend's cheeks, wondering what they'd feel like after a few weeks of this treatment. Eric found himself too anxious to object as half the cake was shoved down into his belly, simply allowing his boyfriend to stuff fork after fork past his lips. Frosting got on the tip of his nose and on his chin, a few cake crumbs falling on his shirt. Once Jacob had managed to get the entire cake into him, Eric let out a loud burp, rubbing his rock-hard belly to alleviate the forming pressure.

"See, babe, wasn't that tasty?" Jacob mused, wiping the frosting off Eric's nose before putting his finger in the other man's mouth, letting him lick it clean. "I guess.." Eric said quietly, feeling a little humiliated about how much he was made to eat.

They fell asleep together on the couch at that point, Jacob's sleep filled with dreams of stuffing his boyfriend to the point where he couldn't move without a heavy waddle, where his belly jutted out far in front of him and his clothes had to be specially ordered.

6 Months Later:

Eric awoke with a yawn, struggling to get to a sitting position in bed. He struggled like this most days, his gargantuan, folded belly wobbling in place and making it tough to move around. After about a minute of huffing and puffing, he finally spread his chunky thighs far enough for his gut to find a place to rest, allowing him to sit instead of laying down. He looked over his body with a sense of disgust.

After that first night back from the hospital, Jacob had seemingly spent every second feeding his growing boyfriend. He scarfed down cakes, pies, cookies, pizzas, and all manner of unhealthy snacks at the direction or force of his partner. If he didn't want to eat, he'd simply be tied down and forced to. Countless calories over the past half of the year flooded into his expanse of a body, a far cry from the thin health nut he'd been before.

He reached down to scratch under his man-breast, disgusted with himself as he felt crumbs trapped within his squishy folds. Every bit of him had something to grab onto now, from his sausage fingers to the pad of fat obscuring his genitalia. He was sweaty, too; the little clothing he was allowed to wear was frequently moist to the touch. Today, he wore a heavily stained pair of briefs, big enough to fit two normal people. His boyfriend loved the changes.

Jacob, if not actively feeding Eric, could be seen rubbing his belly, slapping his gargantuan ass, or pinching wherever there was fat to pinch. He was almost constantly hard when he was around his blob of a boyfriend, and Eric felt like he was in hell. He belched, looking down at his new, giant casts. He had to be refitted as he was bursting out of his old ones.

The doctors gave him plenty of talks about losing weight, and god, he wanted to. But that was out of the question. He was Jacob's big boy.
Jacob began to wake up as he felt his boyfriend shift around in bed, smiling mischievously as he snaked a hand up to play with his wide, sensitive nipples. Eric frowned, his stomach growling and his ass stretching the limits of his underwear. "Jacob... I'm already hungry, and you just woke me up to eat two hours ago. I-I think I'm getting too big; you should let me diet. The only thing that fits me is this damn pair of briefs; you're making me too fat." Eric pleaded with his boyfriend, but Jacob only noticed the way his jowls jiggled with every word that left his mouth.

He grinned, shaking his head softly as he got up from the bed, wandering out into the kitchen and returning with a gallon of melted ice cream, a funnel, and a vibrator. Eric knew there was no escape, he'd just get exponentially fatter for the sake of his partner.

Jacob winked before yanking down his underwear, pushing his belly up as he got ready to position the vibrator and feed his boyfriend.

"Don't worry, babe, you look great! Now just relax."
1 chapter, created 1 month , updated 1 month
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