Fattening Noga

  By MottiF  

Chapter 1

It was a sunny summer morning, despite the fact that August was already at its end, Noga hurried to the nearest kiosk to buy a newspaper, she was 19 years old, after graduating from school she entered university in a city that was quite far from her home, and she needed to rent an apartment, after there were no more places in the dorms, she was always a little slow, and often put everything in the back drawer, and that’s how it happened here.

It turns out there were very few apartments since most were already rented by other students; in the newspaper she found only 5 suitable notes in the area she needed. Only one apartment suited her price, but as it turned out, 2 girls already lived in that one, the apartment had 3 rooms, Noga decided that this was the best option of all available. There were only 8 days left before the start of studies, the following days were spent traveling home, packing luggage, etc.

Arriving at the apartment, she discovered that both of her neighbors were already there, they met, the first was called Orly and the second was Marina, both girls, as it turned out, were studying to be cooks, and both were in their penultimate year. The girls carefully examined Noga, she was quite tall, about 177 cm, slender and weighed about 65 kg, she was clearly broad-boned, although her weight was quite small, her slightly bony but rather widely spaced hips especially stood out from her figure, and her breasts were very small, her face was very pretty, but Marina and Orly were clear y that they didn’t suffer from thinness, although they couldn’t be called fat. Orly was a very busty blonde, 168 cm tall and weighed 75 kg, while Marina was about 170 cm and weighed 90 kg, she had a very obvious tummy, but her weight was more or less evenly distributed throughout body. Compared to them, Noga looked like a thin and long mop.

When studies began, the girls' communication became more and more friendly every day, as it turned out Noga was completely incompetent, she did not know how to cook, clean or perform any household chores, but oddly enough the girls did not criticize her about this. One day, when Noga was once again on duty in the apartment and again practically smearing dust on the furniture instead of cleaning it properly, and again frying the boring scrambled eggs for everyone and even managing to make those too salty, the girls decided to talk to her. In the evening they went into her room and started a conversation.
- “Listen Noga, we need to talk to you...”, said Orly.
“Yes, yes? I’m listening.”
“Well, in general, the thing is that we are studying culinary arts, especially since we have already started practical classes, and we need to practice a lot in preparing food, so we decided to remove you completely from the kitchen and from cleaning, accordingly, because We’ll cook a lot and often, and essentially we’ll get everything dirty ourselves, which means we’ll have to clean up...”

Noga put her notebook aside, looked appreciatively at the girls and muttered, “Yeah, that’s because I just don’t know how to do anything, I don’t know how to cook or clean anything at all, it’s not my fault that they didn’t teach me, it’s just...”
“Stop talking nonsense Nog, we really are so professional that we don’t do homework in writing, but cook food, study recipes and all that, especially since we decided to give you a very important responsibility, you will be our personal critic and taster, it’s not difficult you will just have to eat our creations.”, Marina answered hastily.

“Well, it wouldn’t hurt for you to get healthy a little, you said yourself that you needed to get a bit fatter.” Orly added. Noga shrugged her shoulders, lowered her eyes to her bony legs and said, “Well, yes, at least a couple more kilograms have grown on me, but it’s difficult, I remember at home I tried to gain a little weight but it didn’t worked out.”
“Oh, believe me, we’ll feed you good, especially if we will wake you up only to fatten you up, as our critique you can’t lose extra strength, you need to be prepared to overeat...” Orly giggled and joined her at the same moment, and Marina added, nodding, “Yeah, we know how to fatten up, and make people hangrier. This is our job...”
Noga smiled back.
“We will be your personal cooks and maids”, added Marina. The three of the girls laughed for a while, and then Marina and Orly went to the kitchen to prepare a hearty dinner. In the kitchen, the girls began to prepare dinner in full force, and began to discuss their plans in a rather heated whisper among themselves...
“Damn, that’s great, now we have someone to feed, as we’ve wanted for a long time, well, we’ll fatten her up easily for the first 5-10 kg, but then I don’t know how she’ll behave, we need to figure out something to force her to eat a lot and then…”, Orly whispered.
“Yes, the main beginning has been made, after all we both love to feed, and you see how we have rounded each other up a little,” Marina patted herself on her tummy and continued, “well, then I don’t know how to force her yet, we’ll come up with a couple things, for now let’s not hesitate, let’s give her extra food...”

An hour later the girls entered Noga's room with a big plate with various delicious food. Orly, placing a chair closer to the bed so that Marina could put a tray of food there, spoke in a low voice. “Noga, come on, let’s put your notes aside, it’s time to eat!”

Noga looked at the tray and licked her lips demonstratively and said “It’s high time, mmmm, how delicious everything looks here.” She reached for the tray, but then Orly blocked her path with a hand gesture and said, “Uh-oh, no, beautiful, have you forgotten our agreement? You can’t bother yourself again, tell me what to serve you and we will feed you ourselves.” The girls giggled.

Noga defiantly jokingly leaned back on the floor cushion while sitting and pointed with a finger at the tray and said, “Come on, my maids, give me that plate with potatoes and meat!”
10 chapters, created 9 months , updated 8 months
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