Chapter 1 - Phase 1
I was thinking about going out for dinner tonight but I felt lazy, because it would involved the necessity to find some clothes to put on.I better order something while wearing my pyjamas. So I found this fast food restaurant with tasty dishes so I order it.
It was very quickly delivered and soon after I got the food I sat on to eat it all, I was starving so I finished it all in matter of minutes. It was delicious and I wanted more.
But before I could make any more movement I felt my stomach growled and was tingling a bit.
I was standing when I felt it again, so I quickly sat down and that’s it. My little belly started to grow, it was very rapid growth and I didn’t have time to adjust to it. The pyjamas fabric stretches out while my legs thickened too, then my rear end expanded.
It all happened very fast and simultaneously. My hips and thighs rounded within my pyjamas and then I felt hot in my clothes while my face became bigger with a new chins forming now.
I felt heavy, with my new bouncing body. I rushed to the table to grab the packages from the delivery and saw a red sign says “FastFatty — making sure you fattened up in time for your next delivery“. WHAT?
I didn’t remember ordering it but it seems my hunger blind me from watching it, and then I felt the pyjamas stretching out on my extending body, I was bursting out!
Soon enough I ripped off my pants and continued to grow, with my pyjamas’ shirt ripped too, nothing could make it stop and I also didn’t know if I wanted it.
It feels good and terrifying all at once, you don’t know what is going on, and why, but in the same time it feels amusing to see what is to be a fat person. Especially when you feel your thighs rubbing each other, I never felt it before. Also, feeling my double chins that a first.
I Never being so fat before. But the best part is my ass and stomach. Both of my cheeks are enormous, sitting on them felt good, being thin all of my life I never paid attention to my rear end. Until now.
As for my grown belly it was the biggest bonus — getting such a tummy is a yummy
And my new legs, wow I never seen that before and it makes me feel horny.
So, when is the next delivery?
Sitting there with my ripped clothes, with my grown belly exposed, make me wonder what next.
I mean, I was plump and visually bigger than ever before, how my family is going to react? damn it! My girlfriend is about to come home this evening from her flight, how she is going to approach me, after we did not see each other for almost a week.
No one is gaining so much weight in 7 days, that’s for sure. It’s going to be a serious shock for her.
First, I have to change my outfit, with this pyjamas she will notice my gain for sure. Not that is going to make any difference. My face was rounded and that is something I cannot hide.
Fuck it! I am going to face it. I am fatter now, although not obese thankfully. So I walked to my room, and felt my bouncing belly, and my rubbing thighs while approaching my room, which felt strange and amusing at the same time.
Effortlessly I removed my shirt, ripping them completely in the process. I saw my fracture in the mirror. My belly was stretched out with stretch marks spreading out over my lower stomach.
I removed my pants too, standing wearing only my smaller underpants which were about to burst out and it was a bit painful in there.
I looked at my legs, which were cover with fat, like my knees, which always seemed protruding, and now were so bigger which make me smile.
I just turned around to find something to wear when I felt my ass jiggling a bit. Oh! I got an ass! It almost made me feel horny, my crotch has straighten up, but because of my smaller underpants it was a bit uncomfortable so I removed it. I didn’t develop any Fula yet, so I could see my plumped gut. I did admired it.
I felt like a pillow just cover with fat, with all this fat jiggle. My chest was larger and my double chin was making sure I will look fat, no matter what, especially that my throat was smaller now, covered with my second chin.
Wow! Fatness has really got me.
Looking at my wardrobe, I clearly could see I don’t have anything that could fit me in my current state. I was outgrowing my entire wardrobe, there is no way I could wear anything from it now. And then I noticed the clothes on the higher shelf. Brad’s clothes.
Brad was my girlfriend’s brother, he was here about a month ago and left this while rushing to work, after staying with us for the weekend. He is fatter than me and my girlfriend together. I took them and put them easily on my body.
And then, I heard a loud knock on the front door.
Medical/Scientific Experiments
Weight gain
First person
3 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year