Chapter 1
A dark-haired young lady in a white dress, tall and slender, nervously paces the sidewalk in front of a luxury hotel.‘Where is that bastard? He should have been here ten minutes ago!’, The pearl-silver suitcase on wheels creaks helplessly as she irritably unrolls it yet again.
A spacious crossover stops a few steps away, an unfamiliar taxi checkered emblem on the roof. The driver gets out and goes around the car to help the passenger out.
“Hey, are you free?”, she runs towards him. ‘God, what a fat woman’, a thought flashes.
The red-haired young lady who has just gotten out of the car anas about her age, twenty-five plus—but that's all they have in common. Under her white dress there was nothing but sharp angles; from under the redhead's green thighs dress a juicy curves was protrude in all directions. “Hey, will you give me a ride? An Uber was supposed to arrive, but it still hasn’t arrived, and...—“
The driver, still holdingthe red-haired young lady by her big arm as she was slowly takes the three steps to the hotel door, turns to her. “Miss, our service is not a taxi, we only work with a select clientele...—“
“I don’t mind, I agree to any of your terms, All I need is to be at the airport on time! I have an important meeting that I can’t miss!”
“Just a minute. Miss, your luggage. Thank you for using our services, we hope to see you again.”
And only after saying goodbye to the passenger, the driver turns to the new interested party. “So you agree? Okay, give me your suitcase. I’ll take it.”
“But will we be at the airport in half an hour? Will you make it? And won’t it be too expensive?”
“We’ll be there in no time. And don’t worry, you won’t suffer financially.”
He slams the door and walks around the car.
“Well, I'll take your word for it.” She fastens his seatbelt. “But I warned you, if you dare to try something bad. I'll smear you on social media so much that you'll go bankrupt in no time.”
“You don't have to worry about that.” The driver turns on the turn signal and smoothly merges into the flow of cars on the main road. “And you look great, Miss Aboutboul.”
“Thank you.” She instinctively puffs out her chest, although there's nothing to brag about. “But how do you know my surname?”
“It's on the label. After all, I loaded your suitcase into the trunk. By the way is it okay if I call you by your first name? Maayan?”
“Oh, of course.” She didn't notice whether he looked at the label. She takes out a mirror and checks that everything is in order with her appearance.
“Your figure is fantastic, but do you realize that all this is wrong?” So called Maayan was still absorbed in herself-in-the-mirror, so the driver's last words reach her with a slight delay.
“What? Why suddenly?”
“You know you should look different. Let's say... What did you have for lunch today?”
“Lunch?”, Puzzled by the strange question, she smiles. “Salad, no dressing. And half a loaf of whole grain bread.”
“Come on, you can tell me the truth. Double cheeseburger with large fries, half a liter of cola to wash it down, and then ice cream.”
“Hmm, yeah, ice cream, I could use some right now... wait, what nonsense are you talking! I never eat that, otherwise I'd be twice as fat! I eat an exceptionally healthy diet and go to the gym regularly!l
“But are you absolutely sure there was no burger and fries?”
Maayan licks her lips automatically, her stomach rumbles quietly, but it passes immediately. A pleasant warmth spreads across her belly, then splashes out onto her sides. For a moment, her clothes seem to become tighter, but then they immediately adjust to her figure. Her sides were starting to cover with a thick layer of lard, while her waist was slightly wider, and her belly sticks out a little above the decorative silver belt. Even the fabric on her breast was slightly lifted by the pressure of her growing bust.
“That's how you look better. Although your figure still doesn't match your appetite. Ever since you got promoted, your only dream is to stuff yourself to the brim at every opportunity.” Said the Driver.
“What's wrong with me? How do you know?.. I mean, it's not like that at all! And I don't look like that at all! Give me back my figure!”
“You're right, the last four years—or five? Yes, for five years now you've been secretly unleashing your soul by gorging yourself on forbidden food, and openly just drinking beer, absorbing thousands of liquid calories. You even managed to earn a reputation in the company by outdrinking you boss, whom everyone was afraid of, at the Purim's corporate party. Of course, this did not go without consequences.”
And with these words, her rounded belly spills forward onto her massive hips. Her. Body was expanding in alarming speed and she felt bloated, while her hips and legs fill out the seats. She felt her clothes tightening and shrinking a bit but then for her amazement they were expanding too, to much her ever growing body.
“No, that's not true! I sweat every day during training!”
And after Maayan's indignant cry, her belly deflates again, retreating to approximately its previous positions. Not for long.
“Of course, that's how it was until you tore your knee ligament. Remember the saying ‘sport leads to disability?’ So the doctor told you ‘Don't put any more strain on your knee’, and since then, your most actively used muscles are chewing and intro gastric muscles. And your most serious load is lifting one mug of beer after another to your mouth every day after work.”
This time, her entire body was covered in mountainous layers of fat, and the previous sharp-angled outline was smoothed out, replaced by soft roundness. Maayan looked at herself in the mirror and squeals pitifully: “But I don’t want to be a fat ugly thing!”
“Oh, my dear, of course you want to be fat. A fat lady doesn’t need to sweat on the exercise machines, doesn’t need to hold back, doesn’t need to strain herself at all. She can eat as much as she wants every day at lunch, constantly nibble on chocolates and cakes during work—and enjoy the hateful and envious glances of her slimmer subordinates.”
“But I was so beautiful”, she moans, slapping the ball of fat that was securely located where her waist once was. She tried to adjust herself to her new state, she felt are ass growing at quick pace, feeling her pants tightening on her for a moment or two but then expanding to let her grow in comfort. It was surely some magic, and she did not know how to react.
“Well, You are still a beauty, and there are plenty of interested people around who are only too happy to assure you of this. And they have reasons, at least look at your breasts”, The Driver turn the mirror. After this, Maayan felt an unexpected dull pain, as if something massive was pressing on her Chest. The straps of her bra cut into her soft shoulders, and looking down, she discovers her own breasts—still quite firm, but so large and heavy that they rest on her upper fold of her enlarged belly.
“See? Not a bad bonus, worth it even. What size are you - a sixth, a seventh?”
“What's going on anyway?”, Maayan could not believe her own eyes, weighs her grown bust in her palms and breaks into a satisfied grin.
“Yes, I admit, I've always envied girls with big boobs. But such a belly is absolutely not my thing, I wanted to be slim and busty, the best option.”
“But to achieve this, you need to sweat on the gym for six hours a day, go on a strict diet—all salads, nothing sweet, no carbohydrates or fats. Do you really want this?”
“I want to be slim!”
“But now you're fat. Do you need to torture yourself like that? If there is no need for it?”
A deep sigh. Oh, how she is going to answer him now. but then her cell phone beeps.
‘Hi, I can’t wait to meet you and your divine figure. I fixed the bed, reinforced the frame. And here’s what I have for you.’ The message includes a photo of a three-layer cake, which immediately makes her mouth water.
“Okay, let’s leave it at that. And why are you even talking to me, instead of driving? You promised we’d be there in no time.”
“We already arrive”, The car was just pulling up to the terminal. “Thank you for using our services, we hope to see you again. The first trip is always free for our clients.”
The dark-haired young lady quickly applies lipstick to her sensual lips and takes one last look in the mirror. She notices her newly formed double chin on thought to herself, ‘Of course, I can't get rid of my double chin, but I'm still a bombshell…” after all a big woman always has a presence. ‘No one will ever ignore me.’
“Do you have a business card? When I get back, I'll be happy to use your services again.”
“Sure, here it is. And I'm glad that everything is right now. Our main goal is to make clients happy”…
Magical Realism
Clothes padding
Weight gain
1 chapter, created 1 month
, updated 3 weeks