Fattening the Babysitter

  By PunchDrunk  Premium

Chapter 1: Mia

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I adjusted my bag on my shoulder, shifting my weight nervously as I stood at the front door of the Harris home. It wasn’t my first time babysitting for them, but I couldn’t shake the nervous energy that always buzzed through me whenever I arrived. Something about their house — the size, the luxury — always made me feel out of place. Or maybe it was just him.

The door opened, and there he was, Jack Harris, in all his confident, effortlessly handsome glory. He greeted me with a warm smile, the kind that made my stomach do an unexpected flip every time. His dark hair was tousled in that perfectly imperfect way, and his blue eyes crinkled slightly at the corners when he looked at me.

“Hey, Mia,” he said, stepping aside to let me in. “Thanks for coming on short notice.”

I smiled back, trying to ignore the way my cheeks heated whenever I was in his presence. “Of course. Happy to help.”

I stepped inside and breathed in the familiar scent of their home — a mixture of clean linen and something deeper, more masculine. It was an intoxicating combination. Jack closed the door behind me, his arm brushing mine as he did. The contact, though brief, sent a shiver through me, and I quickly pushed the feeling down, reminding myself that he was just my boss. And married.

“How were the kids today?” I asked, keeping my tone light as I followed him through the hall. The kids were already asleep upstairs, and the house was quiet in that comfortable, settled way that only happens after bedtime.

“They were good,” he replied, glancing over his shoulder at me. “A little hyper, but you know how it is. They’ve got way more energy than I can keep up with.”

We both laughed, though I was more focused on how his shirt hugged his broad shoulders. I quickly tore my eyes away, feeling ridiculous for ogling him like that. He was my employer, and I was here to watch his kids, not fantasise about things that would never happen.

He led me into the kitchen, where the countertops gleamed under the soft lighting. It was a beautiful space — all marble and sleek appliances — but it felt too perfect, too pristine for someone like me.

“Help yourself to anything,” he said, nodding toward the fridge. “There are snacks, drinks... whatever you want.”

I nodded, but the way he said “whatever you want” had an edge to it. I shook the thought away. He probably didn’t mean anything by it. I needed to stop overanalysing everything he said. But as he lingered there, his eyes drifting over me in a way that felt... different, my heart sped up.

“Thanks,” I mumbled, pretending to be busy adjusting the strap of my bag again.

“I should get going,” he said after a moment, though his voice was slower now, more thoughtful. “Natalie’s waiting at the restaurant.”

Right. His wife. Of course.

I gave him a quick smile. “Have a great time.”

He nodded, but his eyes lingered on mine for just a beat too long before he turned and headed for the door. I stood there, frozen for a second, wondering if I’d imagined the whole thing. When the sound of the door clicking shut reached my ears, I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding.

I sank into one of the high stools by the kitchen island, my heart still racing from that brief exchange. There was something about Jack, Mr Harris - something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. It wasn’t just that he was attractive — though, God, he was. It was the way he carried himself, the way he looked at me sometimes, like he saw something in me I wasn’t sure I even saw in myself.

The kids were asleep, the house was silent, and I was left alone with my thoughts. I felt ridiculous for letting my mind wander, for imagining there could be more to the way he looked at me tonight. But I couldn’t shake the feeling, couldn’t ignore the way his gaze had lingered just a little too long, like he was... considering something.

I reached for my phone, scrolling through social media aimlessly to distract myself. But every few minutes, I caught myself thinking back to that smile, the way his hand had brushed mine. I knew I shouldn’t think about him like this. He was married, and I was the babysitter. That’s all it would ever be.

Still, as the night wore on, I couldn’t stop the small thrill that ran through me every time I thought about him. I wondered what it would be like if he ever saw me differently, not as the girl who looked after his kids, but as something more.

I sighed, setting my phone down on the counter and leaning back in the chair. It was a stupid fantasy, and I knew it. Nothing was ever going to happen. Jack Harris was far out of my league, not to mention married. I needed to focus on my job and forget whatever weird tension had bubbled up between us tonight.
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