Pay Piggy

Chapter 1: Put in the work, put in the hours

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My alarm buzzed, jarring me from the half-sleep that had become my norm. I rolled over, my body protesting the movement, and slapped at the clock. It was 8:30 AM, just in time to start my day.

Another day of working from home, another day of silence except for the click of my keyboard and the occasional Zoom meeting where I kept my camera off. My name is Daniel Miller, and if you looked at me now, you'd never guess that I pull in a six-figure salary. I live alone in a small, cluttered apartment, surrounded by the debris of my life: empty takeout boxes, soda cans, and the unwashed dishes I never seem to have the energy to clean.

At 38 years old, I’ve let myself go. My once average build has slowly expanded over the years, a result of too many late-night snacks and too little exercise. Now, at over 300 pounds, I’m a soft, bloated version of my former self. My body was a burden I carried everywhere—a constant reminder of my failures and the loneliness I couldn’t shake.

I logged into work, barely glancing at the emails that flooded my inbox. Cybersecurity wasn’t exactly thrilling, but it paid well and allowed me to stay hidden. My co-workers were just names on a screen, voices that barely registered anymore. I didn’t need to interact with them, didn’t need to see their pitying or judgmental looks.

But the emptiness... it gnawed at me. It was a void that food couldn’t fill, a hunger that couldn’t be satisfied. I spent hours online, scrolling through websites and forums, searching for something, anything that might bring some meaning to my life. That’s when I stumbled onto a world that both repelled and fascinated me—a world where men like me gave money to dominant women in exchange for their attention, for their control.

It started with curiosity. I read about ‘pay pigs’ and ‘financial domination,’ men who willingly handed over their money, their dignity, to beautiful, commanding women who humiliated them, used them, and discarded them. It seemed insane, but the more I read, the more it made sense. For the first time, I could understand why someone might crave that kind of relationship, why they’d want to give up control in exchange for something... real.

Then I found her.

Veronica Hart. Her profile picture was mesmerizing—long, wavy red hair cascading over her shoulders, her emerald green eyes piercing through the screen, and those lips, painted a deep crimson, curled into a smirk that spoke of absolute confidence. She was everything I wasn’t—beautiful, powerful, in control. I was hooked.

I hesitated before sending her a message. What could I even say? But then I saw it: her tribute link. A single click, and I could get her attention. My heart pounded as I entered my credit card information, the sum far more than I’d ever spent on anything non-essential. It was crazy, reckless even, but I couldn’t stop myself.

My inbox pinged a few minutes later. A voice message from Veronica. I fumbled with my phone, nearly dropping it in my excitement. Her voice was smooth, rich, dripping with the authority I craved.

"Good boy, Daniel," she purred, the words sending a shiver down my spine. "You’ve made the right choice, giving yourself to me. Now, let’s see how far you’re willing to go."

I was hooked, completely and utterly hooked. This wasn’t just about money—it was about power, about her power over me. And I wanted more.

*Thank you for reading. It is so daunting putting work out there for everyone to read so I hope you enjoy*
8 chapters, created 6 months , updated 6 months
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Stevita 4 weeks
Wonderful writing!
CoffeeCake16 1 month
That was insane.. I loved it
BeSoft 5 months
I would love for this to happen me and the eating and sleeping part reflects me well. Thanky bunches for this lovely story
PunchDrunk 5 months
Thank you so much for reading x
GrowingLoveH... 6 months
Wow! That ending!

So dark and satisfying.
PunchDrunk 6 months
🥹 That means a lot coming from you! Thank you xxx
Beatlemaster... 6 months
Wow brutal ending, you did not pull your punches. I feel for Daniel but it's the classic 'be careful what you wished for,' twist. Incredible conclusion.
PunchDrunk 6 months
Thank you so much! I was so nervous about the ending, but after some advice from my lovely friends on here, I decided to stay true to the story. I'm so glad you enjoyed it 🖤
Ohirish 6 months
please have more!
PunchDrunk 6 months
I've just uploaded the last chapter. I had a bit of writers fear, but thanks to some kind friends on here I pushed through. I hope you like it xxx
Built4com4t 6 months
Nicely arousing…too bad she’s so cruel :-(
PunchDrunk 6 months
It's supposed to be a bit of a dark story smiley . I'm currently writing a small town romance series about women who love feeding men. maybe that will suit you more xxx
PunchDrunk 6 months
Thank YOU for reading! and commenting smiley xxx
Beatlemaster... 6 months
Hot story, your descriptions of botht he events and feelings are electrifying. I am excited to see where this goes.
PunchDrunk 6 months
Thank you! I'm so glad you're excited and enjoying it! xxx
Lurker888 6 months
Great story and descriptions. The obsession of the main character is very relatable.
PunchDrunk 6 months
Thanks so much! I'm so glad you like it! xxx
GrowingLoveH... 6 months
You write very well. I love the structure and the pacing of this delightfully deviant tale. You do so well getting into his head. I envy your writing skills. And like Veronica, I want more and more.
PunchDrunk 6 months
Thank you very much!! My first comment on this story, yay smiley So glad you're enjoying it. Can't wait to read some of your work, I'm sure it's amazing!!