Chapter 1- Meeting the Whale
It was January in Boston- cold, dark, and miserable. With two weeks to the start of the spring semester I was faced with a choice. I could be an expedient student and get a jumpstart on upcoming textbook readings, or I could swipe on the Facebook dating app in search of pleasure. If I had chosen to read my textbook, you would not be reading this story today.The notification for a match shook my phone. Her name was Laly. Her profile did not reveal much information. She must be ambitious I assume, as any woman who manages to amass 200+ lbs on a small frame by the age of 22 has to be. Her rimmed glasses could not hide her soft feminine face which sat atop a pear shaped body. Based on her photos I expect that she will be 20-30 lbs heavier in person. They always are. I secretly hope that she turns out the be 50 lbs heavier than the photos, but try not to let my optimism get the better of me. I knew one thing for certain, that she would be fat enough to keep me warm this winter.
We wasted little time chatting and decide to plan a date for next weekend. She suggested the New England Aquarium. I put up no resistance to that plan as it was located near many restaurants worth trying. I offer to pick her up in my truck as I enjoy watching short chubby women struggle to hoist themselves into the passenger seat. She declines the offer and suggests meeting in front of the aquarium. I will just have to find another excuse to palpate the size of her ass.
*a few days pass- it is now time for our first date*
Saturday has arrived and I elect to wear jeans, a 1/4 zip, and a black peacoat. A few too many puffs of cologne and I am ready to launch this mission. I arrive a few minutes early and begin to imagine what she will wear. I figure its a 50/50 shot that she chooses to embrace her curves, or attempts to hide them in loose clothing. I figure she will have no choice but to embrace the evidence of her gluttony. My phone vibrates with a notification that she is about to arrive. A black Toyota Highlander SUV with an uber placard approaches the curb. I wonder if her ass was too big to fit in the rear seat of a small sedan. The door opens and she emerges.
Chapter 2 coming soon...
11 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year