Halloween Hospital Horror

Chapter 1- Prelude

“Uggh” I sigh. As I glance into the mirror at my barely pregnant appearance. It is a beautiful Saturday morning in late October and I have just gathered my cute fall outfit to go pumpkin picking with my husband. The foliage this time of year in New Hampshire is breathtaking, and I wanted to take the opportunity to get some cute baby bump pics…. But there is a problem. I am 7 months along with a baby boy and I am not truly showing yet. It really isn’t fair that all the other pregnant women get to display their motherhood proudly and I don’t. 12 weeks to go, so hopefully I start to pop soon. Anyway, there’s no time to sulk, I am blessed to be carrying this child so I pull up my yoga pants and adjust my brown wool sweater, and put on a smile.
A little back story about me. My name is Kelly, and I am about 5’’5 with medium brunette hair. Ive always been quite petite. Weighting only 115 pounds before this pregnancy. I was never really a fitness freak or anything like that I am just naturally thin. I never had to try to gain or lose weight. My tight petite body is a blessing and a curse. Always getting attention from men is a positive that boosts my self esteem. The downside is that my tight little frame is what caused my now husband to desperately coat my womb with his seed on our third date. Luckily he proposed and stuck around and we are mostly compatible. Becoming a single mother would have certainly derailed my successful career as a human resources director. Anyways lets get back to plot of my story before you hear about how my life turns into a nightmare.
“You ready to go honey?” Says Mark, my husband, semi impatiently. He’s not particularly enthralled with the idea of being dragged to a pumpkin patch by me on his day off. But what is he gonna do.. say no to the cute woman who’s growing his seed?. He opens the passenger door to our black BMW 5 series sedan for me. Even though this pregnancy was an accident, I am grateful that I selected a gentleman to mate with. Mark is so attentive to my needs. Mark held the door with his large gym built arms while I grab onto the “oh shit” handle and gently lower myself into the seat. We hit the road and have plenty of time to chat while observing the beautiful New England foliage.
Mark initiates the conversation. “ive been thinking a lot about what the doctor said at your 28 week visit..and I think today is the perfect day to start.” Yesterday we had a routine checkup with my OB/GYN. The results showed that the baby was measuring much smaller than expected and that I needed to try increasing my caloric intake. “Yes I totally agree Mark. If I eat more maybe I can finally get to have a real pregnant belly.” Mark continues and says, “ I know you’ve never really had much of an appetite as a skinny girl but I am going to be tough on you about this. We need to follow the doctors orders. You really have to eat to help grow our baby. From now on I’m going to push you to eat past the point of being full. Im not doing it to be mean, I’m doing it because I love you and I want a strong healthy baby.” I don’t know whether to be aroused by how caring and dominant he is or annoyed by the fact that he’s treating me like a 2 year old. As if I wasn’t there to hear the doctors instructions at the appointment.
We arrive at the pumpkin patch. It is absolutely crowded. At the end of the parking lot is the general store. I am a perfectionist. Which means I am going to survey every single pumpkin they have until I find the perfect one. Since I anticipate this activity taking awhile we decided to start with a trip to the store. I am overwhelmed by the sweet scent of fresh baked cinnamon sugar donuts and apple cider. Mark buys us hot ciders and a half dozen donuts to split while we navigate the field of pumpkins. “Alright babe, I am going to try to eat 2 donuts and finish my cider before were done here.” Mark looks at me, and says “ sweetie we are not leaving this pumpkin patch until your belly is as big as that pumpkin over there”. “Shut up” I say as he was pointing to a comically large pumpkin. “Be careful what you wish for babe, I don’t need stretch marks”.
Row by row we peruse the patch. I alternate between picking up pumpkins and taking small bites of my sweet donuts. They taste so sweet and delectable, but I am not much of an eater. Some people eat to live and others live to eat. I am one to eat only out of necessity. Over the course of two hours my husband kept handing me donuts and gently encouraging me to continue eating them. I ate all six. I was stuffed to the brim, feeling slightly nauseated. I can see my husband is reaching his limit on how much pumpkin picking he can take. I reach for the perfect pumpkin. “How about this one babe?!?! It's the perfect size and shape to carve!”. Mark stops me from picking up the pumpkin and does it himself. He gets annoyed when I try to overexert myself when pregnant. I love doing little bratty behaviors to test his patience with me. So as soon as he picks it up I say “hmmmm nooo…. On second thought that one isn’t the perfect one. It has a little scratch on the bottom”. Mark has had enough. “If you don’t pick a gosh darn pumpkin in the next 2 minutes. I am gonna force you to eat another 6 donuts on the ride home.” A moment of silence ensues. I know that he is serious, and I know that my little belly is taught and tender. I let him win. We take the pumpkin and make our way towards the car….. TBC
3 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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Fatforfun 1 year
I'm enjoying your story, but I have to question your math. A pound a day for 8 weeks, with each week being 7 days is 56 pounds. Still a lot of weight.
Fillurbelly17 1 year
next chapter coming Wednesday 10/25