First Date

Chapter 1 - First Date

“So what was your last girlfriend like?”

“Are we really bringing up exes on a first date?”

“I just want to know what kind of mess I might be stepping into. I’ve dated guys who had some real psychos for ex-girlfriends.”

“Ever think about how that might reflect on you?”

“Fair enough.”

“I promise that all my exes are of sound minds and able bodies.”

“So what’s your type?”

“Um, nice? I don’t know.”

“Well, are you into blondes? Brunettes? Tall and skinny? What’s your deal?”

“Definitely not tall and skinny, that’s for sure.”

“Oh is that right?”

“I…shouldn’t have said that.”

“What’s the matter?”


“Don’ t be embarrassed! We’re just getting to know each other. It’s no big deal!”


“So you’re not into skinny girls. You like ‘em with a little meat on their meat on their bones, eh?”

“Uh…yeah, I guess so.”

“You guess so? Okay, so what about your last girlfriend? Was she skinny or fat?”

“Well, she was skinny when we first started dating.”



“So what happened?”

“Well, when we first got together and started talking around 3 years ago she was skinny, probably around your size.”


“And then she gained some weight.”

“How much weight did she gain?”


“How big was she when you guys broke up?”

“She was around, like, 350 pounds when we broke up.”


“See why I didn’t want to talk about exes?”

“Uh, y-yeah. That makes sense. She really put on, like, 200 pounds when you guys were together?”

“Yeah, around that.”

“And you didn’t say anything to her about it?”

“What do you mean?”

“You said she gained 200 pounds over the course of 3 years? That’s, like, almost 60 pounds a year while you two were together. How did she get so big?”


“Oh my God.”


“You helped her get that big, didn’t you? She was one of those girls who’s into, like, getting really fat and you fed her, or whatever.”

“I mean, yeah, in the simplest of ways to go about it.”

“Sorry. It’s just a lot to take in all at once.”

“For the record, I really didn’t want to get into it. You kept prying.”

“I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to pry. I guess I’m just, like, interested in the psychology behind it, I guess?”

“It’s a preference? Like, I’ve always had a thing for fat women. Ever since I was a kid, I knew that I was attracted to girls that were not thin. And eventually it kind of morphed into being attracted to women gaining weight and getting fatter.”

“Makes sense.”

“And then I went online as I got older discovered this community of people who were like me and liked fat women and fat women who liked being fat. And then I heard about this thing called feedism and so I got into that with a couple of girls I used to date.”

“And there’s a sexual component to this?”

“Yeah, it’s a sexual kink. In feedism, you typically get off on the idea of yourself, or your partner, or even the two of you growing fatter.”

“You and your ex…got off on her gaining weight?”


“What do you think it is you find attractive about fat women?”

“I guess I don’t know how to accurately describe it. It’s like asking someone who why they’re straight or why they’re gay. I just do. I like the way that a large belly looks. I like the way a big butt looks. I enjoy how warm and soft fat just feels, you know. Most people find it repulsive or undesirable, at least, and I don’t, quite simply. I just find them very comforting and inviting. I’m also a pretty big people pleaser and helping a girl find themselves beautiful without having to starve themselves or deny themselves is just nice, too.”

“And what does feedism entail?”

“So, in feedism, there are feedees and feeders. Feedees are the ones who are gaining weight and feeders are the ones who—”

“Feed them.”

“Pretty much, yeah.”

“Okay. Sorry to interrupt.”

“You’re good. But, yeah. Feeders are the ones who feed them. Typically that involves getting or making them food. But it also involves encouraging them to eat and to grow bigger.”


“And so in feedism there’s soft feedism and hard feedism. Soft feedism is typically gentler. Typically the feeder is more submissive and more like a cheerleader in helping the feedee get fatter, for the most part. And then in hard feedism, the feeder is more dominant. And that can be anything like teasing or even force feeding, if both are into it.”

“Which do you prefer?”

“Excuse me?”

“Do you prefer being a soft feeder or a hard feeder?”

“I guess it depends on what my partner prefers.”


“The fact that you haven’t run screaming out of here is intriguing.”

“I guess it is, isn’t it?”

“Why did you and your ex break up?”

“She…didn’t want to stop.”

“You mean—”

“She was getting pretty big and it was starting to affect her mobility and her health in some ways. I wanted to slow down but she was very adamant about getting…bigger.”

“So there is a limit.”

“Of course. Like, I enjoy some of the fantasy of helping a girl grow really fat. But I’m very aware of the limitations that brings. I’m not out to make someone sick or ruin someone’s life over a fuckin’ sex thing.”

“How fat would you make me?”

“I’m sorry. What?”

“Say that we dated and say that I would be interested in trying this out. How fat do you think I could get?”

“Quite frankly, I think you’d hate it.”

“Oh really.”

“Not that I think you would look bad! I think you’d look really cute, if I’m being honest. But I think you’d gain like 15 pounds and the nope the hell out.”

“Oh, come on, give me some credit.”

“You just don’t seem like the type!”

“For the record, I think I’d look hot as fuck if I was fat. Tell me I still wouldn’t look good with a big, round belly and a huge, fat ass?”

“If I was a smarter man, I might consider this flirting.”

“When was the last time you saw our waiter? I think I suddenly found room for dessert. To go, of course.”

“God, you’re hot.”
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
9   4   1320


Supercode 1 year
Great story! I hope you continue this and the new girl helps this feeder to expand his horizons a little bit, or a lot! As long as all parties are consenting, there's no such thing as too fat, imho.
Fanedfox 1 year
I love the plot! Super idea for a WG story. I liked both characters too.
HandsomeDan 1 year
Thinking up a few different scenarios for these two, perhaps checking in at different relationship milestones
Prylo 1 year
Nah, this one was too good.. Deserves a continuation, if you're willing to, of course.