For the Kingdom

Chapter 1 - For the Kingdom

Plumes of smoke wafted in the air and filled the room with the heavy aroma of Kyphi and Frankincense. The priestess added the sacred powders to the hot coals, mixing them together. A plush bed had been carefully put together in the center of the room. The large circular bed was covered in silky white fabrics and thick blue woven blankets. The base itself was encrusted with jewels and hanging from the high ceiling were white curtains of opaque netting.

Potted plants dotted the room, filling the corners and surrounding the bed in a garden of sorts. Many candles were spaced around the chamber giving it a warm golden flickering glow. It was the perfect ambience.

No spot had been left bare. The large stone room had been prepped for the Queen. Only the best would be available for Her Royal Highness.

She stood by the door, her body nude.

Amunet remained still as another priestess painted a stylized frog on her flat bare belly. Other hieroglyphs were painted on her breasts in black, covering her bronze skin in magic spells and sacred incantations that would aid her in the coming ritual. She shivered as the cold paint slicked across her bare skin. Trepidation quickened her breathing, her chest rose and fell quickly despite her efforts to calm her nerves. Her shoulder length black wig felt itchier than ever as she impatiently awaited for her body to be ready.

What she was about to go through was for the greater good of the kingdom. The people would rejoice when they learned of her sacrifice.

She would be forever changed, her body altered permanently. The gods would forever smile upon them. No more would her people suffer and it would be because of her.

Amunet was sacrificing her beautiful slender body for the goddess Isis. Isis would forever be her mistress, the goddess who sustained her longevity and youth. Her svelte curves would be no more. The goddess demanded her sacrifice to appease her. This was how Egypt would prosper once more.

The Queen’s uterus was their salvation.

Finally, the priestess completed her work and led Amunet down the steps, her bare feet taking her to the bed. Her confidence increased with every step.

This was for the good of the people. Good for the kingdom. Good for Egypt. Good for her family. Good for her husband, the Pharaoh.

She settled herself on the bed and lied back, the plush pillows cushioning her body. The priestess approached the bed, the stone bowl with potion in her hands, and fed Amunet the purple liquid. It tasted sweet, like nectar, and swallowed it easily. Warmth flooded her body as it settled inside. Flickers of heat raced through her veins and a shiver ran down her spine as it spread to her belly and loins. The sensation was similar to a good orgasm.

That same heat centered in her belly. She squirmed as a pressure gathered beneath her belly button. A fullness spread out deep inside and grew more intense by the second. Her abdominal muscles screamed for release, the tightness growing worse as time dragged on.

Amunet clutched her flat belly and groaned, the sensations within almost too much to bear.

“My Queen, relax.” Assured the Priestess, her dark eyes full of warmth as she knelt by the bed. Her long white shift spread out at her knees and into the plush rug.

“It…” Amunet panted, releasing a long breath, “hurts…ahhh!” She cried out as the pressure within finally reached its peak. Pain raced through her abdomen as she watched her belly bloat, right before her eyes.

“Ah! It is…too much!” Whimpered the young Queen.

Amunet keened, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. All eyes were on her as they watched her belly bloat again, pushing up beneath the Queen’s hands. The golden flesh kept growing before their eyes, her belly rounding out as it grew bigger.

The Priestess and the others began to chant as Amunet writhed and whimpered on the bed. Her belly continued to take on the shape of a burgeoning fruit. The rest of her body went under some changes to support the Queen’s new rapid pregnancy. Amunet watched as her breasts grew several cup sizes in a matter of minutes, pulsing with new growth and trying to keep up with her expanding belly. Her hips cracked painfully as they grew wider to prepare for Amunet’s new role in life and her ass grew plush and full.

Before their eyes, Amunet took on the visage of a fertility goddess. Her body grew plush and heavier. The Queen’s areolas expanded with the growth of her breasts and her nipples thickened considerably as her body changed.

Pretty soon Amunet’s belly rivaled the largest of fruits, similar to the size of a woman full term with twins. She cradled her expanding stomach as her body ripened like a fruit.

“Queen Mother, your body is changing as it should. Soon it will be over and our mighty kingdom shall reign supreme again!” The Priestess placed her hand on Amunet’s growing belly, the bronze orb sitting heavily upon her hips. “Soon, your first litter will be here, birthed from your loins.”

“F-for…my people. Anything!” Panted Amunet, struggling through the pain.

Amunet’s belly grew so round and large that she couldn’t see above it anymore, nor see the Priestess who sat between her legs with her hands on it. Tiny stretch marks decorated the sides of her belly with a linea negra long appeared down the center of the orb. Her belly button popped out high above, a small relief from the pressure. She spread her fat, meaty thighs when she felt movement stir to life within her grossly expanded womb.

The future of Egypt would soon be born…with many more litters to come.

The Queen was now a Brood Mother. A living fertility goddess. Perpetually giving birth to new citizens of her kingdom. This was what the goddess demanded of her.

No other could do so.

Only her.

Movement fluttered beneath her stretched skin, her babies growing and fighting for more room within. Pretty soon they would be fighting to be born, pushing through her birth canal and into the world.

She pressed her hands into the tight drum of her belly, rubbing where tiny feet appeared. Feeling them so active inside of her filled her with a motherly love she had never felt before. The desire to hold them and feed them grew stronger. Her brood would be healthy, the healthiest in years.

At last, her belly ceased growing. The Queen Mother lied there trying to caress every inch of her enormous pregnant swell. Her nipples began to leak milk, a steady white drip from her fat teats, ready to feed her children. Soon her body would be ready to welcome her children into the world and feed them. In this room would be where she stayed, kept hidden and safe from the dangers of the outside world as she replenished the kingdom.

A priestess fed her fine foreign small round fruit, grapes they were called, as she lay there rubbing the expanse of her middle.

“Soon, my children, I will welcome you into this world and we shall strengthen our kingdom once more.” She smiled, letting herself relax into the pillows.

Life from now on would be bliss.
1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
15   1   4149

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Bellyempire 1 year
I love the Egyptian theme of this. Very well put together.