Chapter 1: orientation
Mia twiddled her thumbs while she followed along behind the tour guide of what was to be her new home for the rest of her life. For such an expansive facility, it was high tech and bright. There was nowhere that was dirty or dark. It was far from the nightmarish images her mind had conjured up when she had received notice that she was selected to be a breeder.All of her life she and other women had been told that it was of the greatest honor to be a brood mother. It was a woman’s duty, they said.
Sure, she was honored, but she wasn’t excited. All of her past two years of hard work to become slim would go to waste. Being perpetually pregnant wouldn’t allow her to ever be thin again.
Instead of that, she’d be fat with a giant belly.
Some of the women with her were excited, their chatter bubbling softly around her. They were of different races and shapes, each that would help ensure genetic diversity and the future of mankind. At least someone was excited.
She wasn’t.
“Come on ladies, right this way.” Beckoned their guide through double doors.
They followed suit and walked into a large white room where twelve boxes sat on a table in the center, each labeled with a name. Each box was black and topped with a pink bow and the emblem of the facility, a simple white silhouette of a pregnant woman. Their guide instructed them to find their box and open it.
“Once you open your box, you must remove your clothing and drop them in the incinerator. Change into what is in the box and we will continue the tour. We have a few more places to see before you meet your breeding partner for your first brood.” The brunette man smiled, the light reaching his blue eyes. “Don’t worry about being nude as you will be nude for the rest of your lives. The growth must be visible, your bodies on display at all times for visitors and the higher ups. Your fertility must be on display.”
Mia, like the eleven others, walked to her box and removed the top. Inside was a slim silver simple necklace with a name tag attached nestled on top of a flowy red see-through baby doll.
Sighing to herself, she undressed like everyone else and dropped her clothes into the open chute towards the rear of the square room. She paused to look at herself in the mirrors that lined the far right wall on the way back. She wanted to commit her appearance to memory one last time before her body changed permanently. Never again would she see herself like this.
She stood at an average five foot seven with a slim curvy body and generous B cup breasts, her skin pale and milky under the bright artificial lighting. Her hair was dark as ever, a rich chocolate brown that paired with her dark green eyes, cut short at the shoulders in a blunt style.
Once she was satisfied, she returned to her box and put the necklace around her neck and slipped on the baby doll dress.
“Is there a reason why this is red and not pink like everything else so far?” A Latina asked, folding her arms across her large chest.
“Red symbolizes fertility. I hope you like red, because it’ll be the only color you can wear for the rest of your life.” The women giggled, all except Emily of course.
She hated the color red.
It made her look like a vampire.
She much preferred greens and yellows.
They continued through the facility. Along the way they were shown various rooms where they would be able to utilize, like a game room, a fully stocked cafeteria, a room filled with just pillows and draped canopies for napping, and the last one was a birthing room.
She and the other women watched in awe as a woman with a huge round belly gave birth. A head crowned in her vaginal lips as she screamed through the push. Her belly was so big it looked like a grown person was inside of her. Sweat poured down her skin as she labored to birth the sixth of many that were already being tended to off to the right. A few of the women spoke in hushed whispers of how they couldn’t wait to do that, too.
To grow as massive as that woman. Birthing a brood like they were born to. Watching their belly grow with a litter of children that would help repopulate the world.
Mia found herself incredibly turned on as she watched.
For a moment, she pictured herself in that position; a massive shiny belly weighing her down as she gave birth to a brood. Her breasts would be huge and leak milk, the heavy sacks of flesh long having lost their perkiness to prepare to feed her young.
She would be like a Queen bee.
A living fertility goddess.
She had to pull herself away and jog to catch up to the others when she fell behind the group.
At last they came to the end where they were each led to a door.
“Congratulations on being chosen. Your future awaits you beyond this door. Welcome, Brood Mothers. Your work is valuable to humanity’s survival.” He turned to leave, disappearing around a corner.
Before Mia was a grey door with a number on it — six, painted in white. It was metal and had no window or door knob. It slid open when she walked closer, revealing a small room inside with just a padded floor and a low plush stool-like object. The walls were a deep crimson with red neon lights here and there to provide lighting to the otherwise dim room.
She noticed the other women entering through their own door and did the same, the door closing behind her.
Mia knew what to do as she knelt on the floor and laid her front on the plush stool where she spread her legs, waiting for what was to come. It was what she had been instructed to do earlier in the tour. This was the breeding position. She would have to lie down after and wait to make sure her breeding partner’s seed didn’t leak out.
A few moments passed until the door at the back wall opened to reveal a tall tawny skinned man with the biggest dick and balls she had ever seen. Just looking at it was enough to make her wet.
She didn’t look at his face. She didn’t care. All that mattered was getting this over with so she could start the rest of her life.
From here on out, she was no longer a free woman, but a Brood Mother helping to fix the fertility problem and save humanity from extinction.
Medical/Scientific Experiments
Sexual acts/Love making
Fit to Fat
2 chapters, created 2 years
, updated 2 years