Chapter 1: the cave
Scarlett carefully made her way into the cave, her feet being careful to stay on the path formed by previous trekkers. Days of hiking had finally brought her to her destination.Son Doong Cave was the deepest in the world. It was so large that it had its own climate, sometimes even clouds formed. The air was a cool seventy-two as she made her way deeper into the vast cave. A C-31 could easily fly inside with ease it was to tall and wide.
The further Scarlett descended, the darker it became. She could feel her destination growing closer. It had to be here. Drukal’s Temple was here according to an old map she has found in her research.
Drukal was the god of this cave. According to ancient texts, there used to be a cult who resided within the cave, worshipping this elder god of the Earth and fertility. Treasures amounting in the millions were said to be hidden deep in the cave.
She was going to be the first to find it. The prize for finding it would make her richer than she ever thought possible.
Excitement flowed through her veins as her lithe body easily trekked over the rough path beneath her feet. Scarlett was a thin but athletic woman, her body honed with muscles. The blonde didn’t have to worry about a bra since her breasts were so flat.
Growing up she was upset she didn’t have the racks that her friends had but at least she didn’t have to wear a bra, so she learned to accept it. According to many men she had bedded in her twenty-seven years she was a beautiful woman, despite her barely there breasts.
It took a few more hours before she made it to the bottom, her headlamp bathing the endless cave with light as she forged ahead. The ground had flattened out with various pools of water here and there. Stalagmites and stalactites were everywhere, creating a sort of obstacle course Scarlett carefully navigated through.
The group grew steeper as she descended further into the dark cold cave. At one point, she slipped her North Face jacket on to keep warm. She was too skinny for this shit. She hated being cold.
Scarlett was the type who would rather sweat to death than freeze to death.
Along the way, she took many snack breaks, sitting on dry patches of ground to chow down on her EPIC bars. She made sure to stay hydrated. Dehydration and starvation would kill her if she wasn’t careful.
Hours seemed to pass before she reached a corridor that split into three tunnels. On the rugged arch of each tunnel was a carved symbol.
The first had a house, the second a leaf, and the third wavy lines that resembled water.
This was it.
Consulting her map, she chose the furthest left tunnel with a house carved into the ancient rock.
Taking a deep breath and letting it out, she walked into the tunnel. Unbeknown to her, this would be the last time she’d ever see the outside world today. Her future was forever changed.
Deep within the cave an ancient being came to life. He had slept for thousands of years. In his dream state he sensed a woman coming his way. This woman could be a gift from his worshippers. Perhaps there had been survivors.
In the darkness he waited with baited breath. His new wife’s scent faintly washed his way as he sat in the darkness.
He inhaled the floral scent.
Yes. She was the one.
The one who would continue his line.
Sexual acts/Love making
Fit to Fat
7 chapters, created 4 years
, updated 3 years