Gifting the Builders

Chapter 1: The unexpected visit

It was another boring weekend for cayde, living in his small shity apartment. he was on his computer, browsing and listening to music when he starting thinking of his new apartment. he was so excited to get this place and super lucky with how hard it was to get a good place these days. it was way bigger, closer to the city, closer to the train station, and even closer to the bakery he worked at! But it was going still take a couple months before the new apartment complex was finished. he thought why not give something nice to the hard workers making his new home, to show how much he appreciated the hard work. and the first thing he thought off was baking something, he was really good at it after all and who doesnt like a surprise pie at work! he got to work but as he didnt know how many people were working there, he made 5 big apple's pies just to be save and got on the train and headed there.

He started to walk over to the construction site of his soon to be apartment. and got stopped trying to enter, by a pretty burly man he had short brown hair, a smooth but small brown bear, and was wearing construction overalls. with a fine toolbelt

Stranger: Hey kid sorry but no entry, were working and it can be pretty dangerous if just let everybody walk in.
Cayde: Owh sorry, but i actually have something for you all.
Stranger: Hmm i dont think we orderd anything today, what do you have for us?
Cayde: You are right you didnt. im going to be living in this apartment complex and cant wait for it to be ready. and wanted to do something nice so i made apples pies for you all, i hope thats okay.
Stranger: Now thats mighty kind of ya kid, come and follow me ill take you to the breakroom so you we can put them down for our untill we got our break. the name is Rick Btw!
Cayde: That sounds good i hope you all like them! and my name is Cayde

We walked over the a makeshift breakroom he opened the door and let me in first then before enterting he yelled out loud. WE GOT APPLE PIE EVERYBODY, you heard a couple guys cheer but most people just kept working. i placed the pies on a table and started walking back to the door.

Rick: Hey where you going kid? you not gonna stay here and enjoy the pies with us?
Cayde: I could i just didnt expect you would have wanted me to stay.
Rick: Nonsense we would love to have you! and we need to show a proper thank you, to our generous baker! but right now i need to get back to work. you can stay here until we all have our break in 30 minutes if thats okay with you.
Cayde: Yeah thats completely okay! see you back in abit.

Cayde passes the time on his phone chatting some friends about the random thing he decided to do and watch some funny cat videos. and after 30 minutes on the dot a bunch of people came and went in the break room. some said hello and thanked me for the pie, some just got a piece and left, some stayed in another part of the break room and some went back outside.
And then rick came back with two other men. one he introduced as Jack he looked to be the oldest of the three, he seemed like he worked out alot, as he had the biggest muscles out of them all. but also a small but noticeable gut, just ever so slightly pushing his shirt out. he had a clean face and short black hair with some grey hairs every now and then. and green black eyes.
And then the other was Frank. he was also a big burly man and taller then the other two. long blonde hair and a shaven face, but you can she the beard growing back a little bit, with brown eyes. they all wore the same blue overalls with a white shirt as Rick with a logo from the construction company. and they all came to sit with me

Rick: There he is our nice baker! everybody seems to really enjoy ur cake. you luckily came prepared so there was enough for everyone
Frank: that is really kind of you man, i do hope its as good as the rest say.
Jack: *he nodded and said* thank you kindly young man
Rick: Now lets all dig in! it looks delicious

So there the four of us talked abit more and all enjoyed a piece of fresh homemade apple pie

Frank: *lets out a big belch and the other two chuckle* Now that was some good stuff! i could eat plenty more of this!
Rick: that was delicious kid, you really made that urself? thats some damn good pie. do you it for a hobby or for work?
Cayde: i do both, its my job here in the city but also do it sometimes when i feel like or as a gift and such things.
Frank: i would mind if you came over some other time and brought some goodies. that would really living things up a little.
Cayde: owh are there some things wrong?
Rick: Owh no its not that we just all work and thats it. a jobs a job nothing really more to it
Frank: and this was fun, a new friendly face that came with amazing pie!
Cayde: well if you guys want to i could come by some more when i have the time. plus some baked good.

Rick and frank happily agree to that, and Jack just nods

Cayde: but i think i should get going now
Rick: break isnt over yet so we could still talk some more before we all have to get back to work
Frank: also there are still 2 pies left what do you want do with those?
Cayde: i can just leave them here but they wont be as good as they wont be fresh anymore. or throw them away
Jack: We can eat them
Rick: Wha?
Jack: Frank said he could eat plenty more, and you could use the food Rick. we both know you dont eat alot on the breaks
Frank: Okay yeah but two whole pies with us 3 thats alot alot.
Jack: Lets not let it go to waste and us three need to show how much we enjoyed this to our new baker.
Rick: alright fine, you convinced me
Frank: really Rick?
Rick: he is right lets not let food go to waste it was really good after all
Frank: True Well okay if you two think so fine lets do it!

They all start eating the two left over pies, first it goes in a normal pace and the 24 pieces start to disappear but halve way it gets a little slower. eating so much isnt easy. Cayde watches this spectacle without any problems and likes it alot. a couple more pieces eaten and 6 left they puff after almost every bite and needing small break, Franks lets out some good burps every now and then. Rick most of the time gives his gut some rubs and even does the same for Jack. Jack doesnt seem to mind at all and only sometimes looks like he needs to adjust the way he is sitting. you can very much see that theyre overalls are abit more snug around there bellies as they poke out. when they all have one more piece left they slow down even more but cayde start to give them encouragement.

Cayde: Cmon guys one piece left for you all cant stop now! you all have eaten so much, and you all looked like you loved every bite, you can do it! eat eat eat!

With this they all finish the last piece and lean back They all let out a simultaneously a big belch. Frank lets out a couple more. as Rick still rubs his small swollen gut and Jack aswell. Jack belly even peaks out from under his shirt

Cayde: ill clean up and get going then i looked like you all enjoyed.
Rick: That was so good i hope to see you again soon. maybe again next week same day?
Frank: Oooof yeah that sounds good to me
Cayde: yeah i can do that, i have freetime in the weekend.

Cayde cleans up in small kitchen and when he is about the leave Jack walks up and grabs me on the shoulder.

Jack: that was some really good stuff cake. im be looking forward to next and see what you bring next time
Cayde: Thank you i had a goodtime and im very happy you all enjoyed so much, even tho you all had to eat so much
Jack: dont worry about it, you should make the same amount next time. keeps us big man well fed *he pats his swollen belly*
Cayde: if you say so ill make sure to bring same the amount for you three!
Jack: or maybe even more~
Cayde: ill see what i can do see you next week!

And with that he took all his stuff said goodbye to everybody and went back to catch the train home. thinking about the fun day he had and how much they all ate. a part of him felt guilty. but they all seemed to very much enjoy the pie and overeating as much as the did. so cant disappoint them now and even Jack said you should do it.

Hope you all enjoyed my first ever story on here and in general. ive been wanting to try and make one for a while now. if people seem to like it ill make more chapters. and you have any ideas recommendations or criticism do please comment them down bellow!
2 chapters, created 2 weeks , updated 2 weeks
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